Molecular mechanisms of receptor-mediated yolk uptake underlying phenotypic variation in egg size

Meeting Abstract 73.6  Sunday, Jan. 6  Molecular mechanisms of receptor-mediated yolk uptake underlying phenotypic variation in egg size HAN, D*; WILLIAMS, T.D.; Simon Fraser University Natural selection acts on variation within species, and thus studying intraspecific or inter-individual variation is necessary to understand the evolution of phenotypic variation in life-history traits. However, our knowledge of the […]

Life-history and physiological strategies of the grain aphid and its invasion to Chile

Meeting Abstract 73.7  Sunday, Jan. 6  Life-history and physiological strategies of the grain aphid and its invasion to Chile CASTA�EDA , Luis E.*; FILUN, Marcela; FUENTES-CONTRERAS, Eduardo; NIEMEYER, Hermann M.; FIGUEROA, Christian C.; NESPOLO, Roberto F.; Universidad Austral de Chile; Universidad Austral de Chile; Universidad de Talca; Universidad de Chile; Universidad Austral de Chile; Universidad Austral de […]

Heritability and genetic trends for metabolic traits in laboratory mice

Meeting Abstract 73.1  Sunday, Jan. 6  Heritability and genetic trends for metabolic traits in laboratory mice WONE, B.*; SEARS, M/W; LABOCHA, M/K; DONOVAN, E/R; HAYES, J/P; University of Nevada, Reno; Southern Illinois University, Carbondale; University of Nevada, Reno; University of Nevada, Reno; University of Nevada, Reno The aerobic capacity model posits that resting metabolism (BMR) and […]

Geographic variation in the response of timekeeping systems to environmental cues in three populations of garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis) Common garden experiments

Meeting Abstract 73.10  Sunday, Jan. 6  Geographic variation in the response of timekeeping systems to environmental cues in three populations of garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis): Common garden experiments LUTTERSCHMIDT, D.I.*; MASON, R.T.; Oregon State Univ., Corvallis; Georgia State Univ., Atlanta; Oregon State Univ., Corvallis The ability to track changing environmental cues so that intrinsic processes are […]

Experimental manipulation of workload in European starlings effects on oxidative stress

Meeting Abstract 73.11  Sunday, Jan. 6  Experimental manipulation of workload in European starlings: effects on oxidative stress BOURGEON, S.*; WILLIAMS, T.D.; Simon Fraser University; Simon Fraser University Oxidative stress is widely held to be one of the main proximate mechanism underlying ageing and costs of reproduction. We examined the effects of experimental manipulation of breeding effort […]

Endurance Capacity of Mice Selectively Bred for High Voluntary Wheel Running

Meeting Abstract 73.3  Sunday, Jan. 6  Endurance Capacity of Mice Selectively Bred for High Voluntary Wheel Running MEEK, T.H.*; HANNON, R.M.; LONQUICH, B.; MARSIK, R.L.; WIJERATNE, R.S.; GARLAND, T.Jr.; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside Mice from 4 […]

Effects of Long-term Calorie Restriction of the Host on Establishment, Survival and Resistance to Oxidative Stress of the Intestinal Nematode Heligmosomoides bakeri

Meeting Abstract 73.8  Sunday, Jan. 6  Effects of Long-term Calorie Restriction of the Host on Establishment, Survival and Resistance to Oxidative Stress of the Intestinal Nematode Heligmosomoides bakeri KRISTAN, Deborah M.*; ACOSTA, Wendy; California State University San Marcos Long-term calorie restriction (CR) has many physiological benefits, including enhanced immune function. Despite immune benefits, long-term CR increases […]

Does community composition affect performance in Rivulus hartii

Meeting Abstract 73.2  Sunday, Jan. 6  Does community composition affect performance in Rivulus hartii? OUFIERO, Christopher E.*; WALSH, Matthew R.; DO, Tuan; U C, Riverside The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of community composition on performance in Hart�s killifish (Rivulus hartii). R. hartii is an egg laying fish that occurs throughout the […]

Do long term changes in environmental temprature affect thermal tolerance in lizards

Meeting Abstract 73.5  Sunday, Jan. 6  Do long term changes in environmental temprature affect thermal tolerance in lizards? MCMILLAN, D.M*; IRSCHICK, D.J.; Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst; Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst In recent years, ecologists have emphasized studies on the effects of global climate change on naturally occurring animal populations. However, climatic changes are often subtle, and […]

Cutaneous water loss and sphingolipids in the stratum corneum of house sparrows from desert and mesic environments

Meeting Abstract 73.9  Sunday, Jan. 6  Cutaneous water loss and sphingolipids in the stratum corneum of house sparrows from desert and mesic environments MU�OZ-GARCIA, Agust�*; RO, Jennifer; BROWN, Johnie C; WILLIAMS, Joseph B; OSU; OSU; Applied Biosystems; OSU Because cutaneous water loss (CWL) represents over a half of the total water loss in birds, selection pressures […]

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