in vitro Estimates of Power Output by Epaxial Muscle During Feeding in Bass

COUGHLIN, DJ*; CARROLL, AM; Widener Univ.; Univ. of California, Davis: in vitro Estimates of Power Output by Epaxial Muscle During Feeding in Bass Recent work has employed video and sonometric analysis combined with hydrodynamic modeling to estimate power output by the feeding musculature of largemouth bass in feeding trials. The result was a estimate of […]

Substrate Increases Suction Feeding Effectiveness In Bamboo Sharks

NAUWELAERTS, S*; WILGA, C.D.; SANFORD, C.P.; LAUDER, G.V.; University of Rhode Island; University of Rhode Island; Hofstra University; Harvard University: Substrate Increases Suction Feeding Effectiveness In Bamboo Sharks The effectiveness of suction feeding depends on the fluid flow pattern around the mouth and modulation of prey capture. Prior modeling and empirical findings have shown that […]

Kinematics of aquatic feeding in the softshell turtle, Apalone spinifera, with comments on the role of suction in turtle feeding

ANDERSON, Noah, J*; ANDERSON, Curtis, W.; Idaho State University; Idaho State University: Kinematics of aquatic feeding in the softshell turtle, Apalone spinifera, with comments on the role of suction in turtle feeding. Generation of negative buccal pressure is a necessary component of aquatic feeding for many vertebrates. While past studies found similar mechanics of the […]

Gill specializations of the shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, a lamnid shark

WEGNER, N. C.*; SEPULVEDA, C. A.; GRAHAM, J. B.; Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego; Pfleger Institute of Environmental Research; Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego: Gill specializations of the shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, a lamnid shark. The tunas (family Scombridae) and the lamnid sharks (family Lamnidae) demonstrate a […]

Gill Slit Kinematics in Suction and Ram Ventilating Sharks

DOLCE, JL*; WILGA, CD; University of Rhode Island; University of Rhode Island: Gill Slit Kinematics in Suction and Ram Ventilating Sharks The movement of the gill slits during suction and ram ventilation in elasmobranchs differs mechanistically. The gill slits remain open during continuous swimming in ram ventilation. In suction ventilation, the gill slits open for […]

Evaluating the importance of new structures versus new muscle activity patterns in the evolution of a novel feeding mechanism in salmonid fishes

SANFORD, Christopher P.*; AJEMIAN, Matt J.; Hofstra University, New York; Hofstra University, New York: Evaluating the importance of new structures versus new muscle activity patterns in the evolution of a novel feeding mechanism in salmonid fishes. Understanding how new functions evolve within the framework of a tightly integrated system has been one of the greatest […]

Biomechanical Models of Feeding in Fishes Testing for Convergence in Functional Design

WESTNEAT, M. W.; Field Museum of Natural History: Biomechanical Models of Feeding in Fishes: Testing for Convergence in Functional Design Fishes use a sensational diversity of jaw mechanisms to capture and ingest their food. One of the hallmarks of this diversity is the complexity of the kinetic fish skull, which can have more than 20 […]

Testing for temperature trade-offs in lizards

Meeting Abstract 73.4  Sunday, Jan. 6  Testing for temperature trade-offs in lizards ADOLPH, S.C*; BADGER, M.; Harvey Mudd College; Harvey Mudd College Trade-offs in physiological performance between high and low temperatures are widely assumed to exist. However, temperature trade-offs in whole-organism traits have been surprisingly difficult to detect among individuals within populations. We tested for temperature […]

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