Meeting Abstract 71.6 Friday, Jan. 6 Intertidal population connectivity: limitations of climate and larval supply ROGNSTAD, R L*; WETHEY, D S; HILBISH, T J; Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia; Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia; Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia In marine systems, connective processes are mainly constrained to the planktonic larval stages, as most benthic species […]
sessions: Session 71
Cryptic species of Archinome (Annelida Amphinomida) from hydrothermal vents and cold seeps
Meeting Abstract 71.5 Friday, Jan. 6 Cryptic species of Archinome (Annelida: Amphinomida) from hydrothermal vents and cold seeps. BORDA, Elizabeth*; KUDENOV, Jerry D.; BLAKE, James A.; ALVARADO, Jaime R.; CHEVALDONNé, Pierre; DESBRUYèRES, Daniel; FABRI, Marie-Claire; HOURDEZ, Stephane; PLEIJEL, Fredrik; SCHULZE, Anja; SHANK, Timothy M.; ROUSE, Greg W.; Texas A&M University at Galveston; University of Alaska Anchorage; AECOM; […]
Cryptic species diversity in the marine pulmonate limpet subgenus Siphonaria (Heterosiphonaria) in the vicinity of the Gulf of California
Meeting Abstract 71.4 Friday, Jan. 6 Cryptic species diversity in the marine pulmonate limpet subgenus Siphonaria (Heterosiphonaria) in the vicinity of the Gulf of California EERNISSE, D.J.*; KVIST, S.; BARRIO, A.; SIDDALL, M.E.; California State Univ. Fullerton; American Museum of Natural History, New York; American Museum of Natural History, New York; American Museum of Natural History, New […]
Can waterborne settlement cues trigger the larval transition from the plankton to the seafloor
Meeting Abstract 71.2 Friday, Jan. 6 Can waterborne settlement cues trigger the larval transition from the plankton to the seafloor? ARELLANO, Shawn M.*; MULLINEAUX, Lauren; ANDERSON, Erik J.; HELFRICH, Karl; MCGANN, Brenna J.; WHEELER, Jeanette D.; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Grove City College; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Grove City College; Woods Hole Oceanographic […]
Tracing cell identity through metamorphosis in a freshwater sponge larva
Meeting Abstract 71.5 Saturday, Jan. 5 Tracing cell identity through metamorphosis in a freshwater sponge larva WINDSOR, P.J.*; LEYS, S.P.; Univ. Alberta; Univ. Alberta Sponges, like other animals, show anterior-posterior polarity especially in their larval stages. However whether larval polarity is carried over to the adult is not yet known, nor is the fate of any […]
Single-cell RNA-seq and cell-specific DNA methylation profiling for comparative and integrative biology Toward genomic portraits of individual blastomeres and identified neurons
Meeting Abstract 71.6 Saturday, Jan. 5 Single-cell RNA-seq and cell-specific DNA methylation profiling for comparative and integrative biology: Toward genomic portraits of individual blastomeres and identified neurons KOHN, A.B.*; MOROZ, L.L.; University of Florida, Whitney lab Considering the enormous heterogeneity of cell populations, methodology for single-cell RNA-seq (transcriptome) and unbiased epigenomic analysis of individual cells is […]
Patterning of cell cycle arrest during formation of the nematode uterine-vulval connection
Meeting Abstract 71.4 Saturday, Jan. 5 Patterning of cell cycle arrest during formation of the nematode uterine-vulval connection MATUS, D.Q.*; CHANG, E.; SHERWOOD, D.R.; Duke University During development, transcription factors program the differentiation of discrete cell types. The adoption of a differentiated fate is often accompanied by cell cycle arrest. Many of these differentiated cells are […]
NGS analyses of genes expressed during limb regeneration in the crab, Uca pugilator
Meeting Abstract 71.2 Saturday, Jan. 5 NGS analyses of genes expressed during limb regeneration in the crab, Uca pugilator DAS, S.*; NAJAR, F.Z.; LAI, H.C.; WILEY, G.; GAFFNEY, P.M.; ROE, B.A.; DURICA, D.S.; Univ. of Okahoma; Univ. of Okahoma; Univ. of Okahoma; OMRF; OMRF; Univ. of Okahoma; Univ. of Okahoma Limb regeneration in fiddler crabs involves […]
Examining a cnidarian novelty form and function of the nematosomes in Nematostella vectensis
Meeting Abstract 71.1 Saturday, Jan. 5 Examining a cnidarian novelty: form and function of the nematosomes in Nematostella vectensis BABONIS, L.S.*; MARTINDALE, M.Q.; Kewalo Marine Lab, Univ of Hawaii; Kewalo Marine Lab, Univ of Hawaii Sea anemones in the genus Nematostella are unique among cnidarians in their possession of autonomous, motile, cell masses called nematosomes which […]
Dynamic Hox gene expression during Capitella teleta juvenile development and posterior regeneration
Meeting Abstract 71.3 Saturday, Jan. 5 Dynamic Hox gene expression during Capitella teleta juvenile development and posterior regeneration DE JONG, D*; CAVACO, N; SEAVER, E; University of Hawaii, Honolulu; University of Hawaii, Honolulu; University of Hawaii, Honolulu Hox genes encode transcription factors that play essential roles in anterior-posterior patterning during the development of most metazoans. While […]