Coral recruitment in a high CO2 environment A trans-generational perspective

Meeting Abstract 71.5  Tuesday, Jan. 6 09:00  Coral recruitment in a high CO2 environment: A trans-generational perspective PUTNAM, H; RITSON-WILLIAMS, R*; GATES, R; University of Hawaii; University of Hawaii; University of Hawaii As concentrations of CO2 increase in our atmosphere, we have little information on how intensifying ocean acidification (OA) will impact coral recruitment, a process […]

Wingbeat frequency and flight kinematics in the largest hovering animals under flight challenge

Meeting Abstract 71-3  Wednesday, Jan. 6 08:30  Wingbeat frequency and flight kinematics in the largest hovering animals under flight challenge GROOM, DJE*; TOLEDO, MCB; WELCH JR, KC; University of Toronto; Universidade de Taubate; University of Toronto Variation in wingbeat kinematics is necessary to sustain hovering flight in the face of changing requirements, such as body mass […]

Kinematics used to modulate lift production in zebra finches

Meeting Abstract 71-4  Wednesday, Jan. 6 08:45  Kinematics used to modulate lift production in zebra finches BAHLMAN, J*; ALTSHULER, D; University of British Columbia; University of British Columbia Birds naturally perform many behaviors that require modulation of their aerodynamic force production via changes in wing kinematics. Although considerable work has been done on wingbeat kinematics used […]

How foraging birds support bodyweight from takeoff to landing

Meeting Abstract 71-5  Wednesday, Jan. 6 09:00  How foraging birds support bodyweight from takeoff to landing CHIN, D.D.*; LENTINK, D; Stanford University; Stanford University Birds frequently fly short distances as they forage among and within trees. Many small birds also exhibit bounding behavior during these low speed flights. While it is generally accepted that bounding at […]

Flight performance and sexual differences in black-chinned hummingbirds (Archilochus alexandri)

Meeting Abstract 71-2  Wednesday, Jan. 6 08:15  Flight performance and sexual differences in black-chinned hummingbirds (Archilochus alexandri) WILCOX, SC*; CLARK, CJ; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside Locomotor performance is important for animals, especially hummingbirds, which catch mobile prey, avoid predators, defend territories, and perform aerial courtship displays. Using black-chinned hummingbirds (Archilochus alexandri) we […]

Effects of predation on the acquisition of flight ability during ontogeny in altricial birds

Meeting Abstract 71-6  Wednesday, Jan. 6 09:15  Effects of predation on the acquisition of flight ability during ontogeny in altricial birds. DIAL, KP*; MARTIN, TE; TOBALSKE, BW; Univ. of Montana, Missoula; Univ. of Montana, Missoula; Univ. of Montana, Missoula Locomotor development among species is remarkably diverse, and we sought to improve understanding of the selective […]

Ascending Flight with Folded Wings Gliding Deceleration of Anna’s Hummingbirds

Meeting Abstract 71-1  Wednesday, Jan. 6 08:00  Ascending Flight with Folded Wings: Gliding Deceleration of Anna’s Hummingbirds ORTEGA-JIMENEZ, VM*; DUDLEY, R; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley Vertical flight is particularly challenging for birds, bats, and insects because of simultaneous and large increases in the costs to overcome gravity and drag, particularly at […]

Sensory basis of a mosquito-orchid pollination system

Meeting Abstract 71-1  Saturday, Jan. 7 08:00 – 08:15  Sensory basis of a mosquito-orchid pollination system RIFFELL, JA*; LAHONDERE, C; OKUBO, R; VINAUGER, C; University of Washington; University of Washington; University of Washington; University of Washington Mosquitoes are important vectors of disease, but they are also important pollinators of Platanthera obtusata orchids. These orchids are inconspicuous […]

Olfactory Learning in Aedes aegypti Mosquito Larvae

Meeting Abstract 71-3  Saturday, Jan. 7 08:30 – 08:45  Olfactory Learning in Aedes aegypti Mosquito Larvae LUTZ, EK*; RIFFELL, JA; University of Washington; University of Washington Aedes aegypti mosquitoes transmit serious diseases including Zika and Dengue fever, and use their chemosensory system to find appropriate hosts. We have shown that adult Aedes aegypti can readily learn […]

Neural Basis of Host Preference Across Mosquito Species

Meeting Abstract 71-2  Saturday, Jan. 7 08:15 – 08:30  Neural Basis of Host Preference Across Mosquito Species WOLFF, GH*; LAHONDÈRE, C; VINAUGER, C; ARNOLD, BY; ALZATE, DG; RIFFELL, JA; Univ. of Washington Over 3,500 mosquito species have been described in the family Culicidae, inhabiting every continent except Antarctica. Preferred hosts vary widely across mosquito species […]

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