Mate preference based on visual and chemical cues in colorful freshwater fishes

Meeting Abstract 71.3  Monday, Jan. 6 08:30  Mate preference based on visual and chemical cues in colorful freshwater fishes GUMM, J. M.*; BURNS, H.; CHERRIER, E.; Stephen F. Austin State University; Stephen F. Austin State University; Stephen F. Austin State University Understanding how females identify mates is fundamental to understanding the evolution of mating preferences and […]

Influences of mate preference behavior on patterns of brain gene expression in the sailfin molly Poecilia latipinna

Meeting Abstract 71.4  Monday, Jan. 6 08:45  Influences of mate preference behavior on patterns of brain gene expression in the sailfin molly Poecilia latipinna SCHUMER, ME*; WANG, S; CUMMINGS, ME; Princeton University; University of Texas at Austin; University of Texas at Austin Selection of a mate is one of the most important behavioral processes in an […]

Choosing a Caretaker Do heterospecifics eavesdrop on sexual signals to assess hosts for their offspring

Meeting Abstract 71.5  Monday, Jan. 6 09:00  Choosing a Caretaker: Do heterospecifics eavesdrop on sexual signals to assess hosts for their offspring? FULLER, A B*; BURROWS, J R; EARLEY, R L; University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa; University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa; University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa Heterospecific eavesdroppers are known to use sexual signals to detect potential prey or […]

Atrazine and metolachlor exposure affects the chemosensory responses of male crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) to female odors

Meeting Abstract 71.6  Monday, Jan. 6 09:15  Atrazine and metolachlor exposure affects the chemosensory responses of male crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) to female odors BELANGER, R.M.*; SABHAPATHY, G.S.; KHAN, S.; University of Detroit Mercy; University of Detroit Mercy; University of Detroit Mercy The presence of environmental pollutants is known to have an effect on olfactory-mediated behaviors in […]

Advertisement-call novelties in the frequency domain are not favored by stimulation of an untapped inner-ear organ

Meeting Abstract 71.2  Monday, Jan. 6 08:15  Advertisement-call novelties in the frequency domain are not favored by stimulation of an untapped inner-ear organ HUMFELD, SA*; THOMETZ, B; GERHARDT, HC; University of Missouri; University of Missouri; University of Missouri The pre-existing sensory bias hypothesis predicts that novel signals providing greater sensory stimulation are favored by sexual selection. […]

The effects of ocean warming and acidification on the immune response of the sea urchin Heliocidaris erythrogramma

Meeting Abstract 71.1  Tuesday, Jan. 6 08:00  The effects of ocean warming and acidification on the immune response of the sea urchin Heliocidaris erythrogramma BROTHERS, C.J.*; HARIANTO, J.; BYRNE, M.; MCCLINTOCK, J.B.; Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham; Univ. of Sydney; Univ. of Sydney; Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham Climate-induced changes including increasing surface seawater temperatures and […]

The effects of ocean acidification on the structure and material properties of the mantis shrimp exoskeleton

Meeting Abstract 71.3  Tuesday, Jan. 6 08:30  The effects of ocean acidification on the structure and material properties of the mantis shrimp exoskeleton DEVRIES, MS*; TAYLOR, JRA; Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego; Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego Mantis shrimp are fierce predators that use specialized appendages to deliver fast and forceful […]

Response of the thecosome pteropod Limacina retroversa to COsub2sub on seasonal time scales

Meeting Abstract 71.2  Tuesday, Jan. 6 08:15  Response of the thecosome pteropod Limacina retroversa to CO2 on seasonal time scales. MAAS, AE*; BERGAN, AJ; LAWSON, GL; TARRANT, AM; Woods Hole Ocg. Inst. and Bermuda Inst. Ocean Sci.; Woods Hole Ocg. Inst.; Woods Hole Ocg. Inst.; Woods Hole Ocg. Inst. Dissolution of excess anthropogenic CO2 into the […]

Glimpses of assemblage resilience through an Antarctic ocean acidification mesocosm experiment

Meeting Abstract 71.4  Tuesday, Jan. 6 08:45  Glimpses of assemblage resilience through an Antarctic ocean acidification mesocosm experiment SCHRAM, J.B.*; AMSLER, M.O; AMSLER, C.D.; SCHOENROCK, K.M.; MCCLINTOCK, J.B.; ANGUS, R.A.; Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham Anthropogenic atmospheric pCO2 concentrations are increasing at unprecedented rates, resulting in declining seawater pH (ocean acidification – OA). Estimates of the […]

Effects of reduced pH on shell mineral composition and integrity of three common gastropods from a natural undersea COsub2sub vent community off Vulcano Island, Italy

Meeting Abstract 71.6  Tuesday, Jan. 6 09:15  Effects of reduced pH on shell mineral composition and integrity of three common gastropods from a natural undersea CO2 vent community off Vulcano Island, Italy DUQUETTE, A.M.*; MCCLINTOCK, J.B.; AMSLER, C.D.; PEREZ-HUERTA, A.; HALL-SPENCER, J.M.; MILAZZO, M; University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL; University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, […]

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