Meeting Abstract 70.2 Wednesday, Jan. 6 Scaling of escape flight performance, power output, and muscle function in perching birds JACKSON, B.E.; The University of Montana, Missoula Patterns of scaling in animal locomotion offer insight to physical constraints imposed on evolution. Flight, being metabolically costly yet evolutionarily successful, is a particularly useful locomotor behavior through which to […]
sessions: Session 70
Precocial hindlimbs and altricial forelimbs of developing Mallard ducks A study of locomotor performance and morphometrics
Meeting Abstract 70.6 Wednesday, Jan. 6 Precocial hindlimbs and altricial forelimbs of developing Mallard ducks: A study of locomotor performance and morphometrics DIAL, TR*; CARRIER, DR; University of Utah; University of Utah The young of some precocial species exhibit near-adult levels of locomotor performance. Waterfowl (Anseriformes) have an unusual developmental trajectory wherein their precocial hindlimbs exhibit […]
Mechanisms of takeoff and landing flight
Meeting Abstract 70.1 Wednesday, Jan. 6 Mechanisms of takeoff and landing flight BERG, Angela M*; BIEWENER, Andrew A; Harvard Univ; Harvard Univ Takeoff and landing are essential elements of flight for birds. During takeoff, birds accelerate forward to attain cruising speed; during landing, birds decelerate to zero velocity. These accelerations are the result of the interaction […]
Flying and parachuting in the smallest insects
Meeting Abstract 70.3 Wednesday, Jan. 6 Flying and parachuting in the smallest insects MILLER, L. A.*; HEDRICK, T.; SANTHANAKRISHNAN, A.; ROBINSON, A.; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; California Institute of Technology A vast body of research has described the complexity of flight in […]
Detailed 3D Wing Kinematics during Low Speed Maneuvering in the Pigeon Columba livia
Meeting Abstract 70.5 Wednesday, Jan. 6 Detailed 3D Wing Kinematics during Low Speed Maneuvering in the Pigeon Columba livia. ROS, I.G.*; BIEWENER, A.A.; Harvard U.; Harvard U. High power and precise control are two critical aspects of low speed maneuvering flight. Insight into the control of flight maneuvers requires understanding the mechanics and aerodynamics involved, which […]
3D Skeletal Kinematics During Hovering in Hummingbirds
Meeting Abstract 70.4 Wednesday, Jan. 6 3D Skeletal Kinematics During Hovering in Hummingbirds TOBALSKE, B.W.*; ROS, I.G.; HEDRICK, T.L.; WARRICK, D.R.; BIEWENER, A.A.; Univ. of Montana; Harvard Univ.; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Oregon State Univ.; Harvard Univ. The ability to sustain hovering in hummingbirds is attributed in part to their highly-derived wing morphology and […]
The effect of tail autotomy on locomotor performance in the long tailed grass lizard, Takydromus sexlineatus
Meeting Abstract 70.4 Thursday, Jan. 6 The effect of tail autotomy on locomotor performance in the long tailed grass lizard, Takydromus sexlineatus MCELROY, E. J.; College of Charleston The effect of tail autotomy on locomotor performance has been studied in a number of lizard species, from arboreal geckos to generalized terrestrial lizards. These studies show that […]
The aerodynamic consequences of molt
Meeting Abstract 70.2 Thursday, Jan. 6 The aerodynamic consequences of molt BOWLIN, MS*; MUIJRES, FT; JOHANSSON, CL; HEDENSTROM, A; University of Michigan-Dearborn; Lund University; Lund University; Lund University Most small passerine birds replace their wing feathers once per year. This process is perhaps one of the least well-understood aspects of the avian annual cycle, in part […]
Multidimensional analysis of locomotion and feeding in cottids
Meeting Abstract 70.5 Thursday, Jan. 6 Multidimensional analysis of locomotion and feeding in cottids KANE, EA*; HIGHAM, TE; Clemson University; Clemson University Fishes often rely on the integration of feeding and locomotion in order to successfully capture prey. Although swimming speed is widely used to characterize locomotion during prey capture, multidimensional measures are necessary to determine […]
Comparative gross and sensory morphology of batoid tails
Meeting Abstract 70.3 Thursday, Jan. 6 Comparative gross and sensory morphology of batoid tails NICHOLS, R.H.*; FISH, F.E.; BOETTGER, S.A.; BART-SMITH, H.; West Chester Univ., Pennsylvania; West Chester Univ., Pennsylvania; Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville Members of the superorder Batoidea, including skates, stingrays, electric rays, guitarfishes and sawfishes display an evolutionary trend in the transition from axial […]