URANO, Akihisa*; MORIYA, Shogo; ABE, Shuiti; Hokkaido Univ, Sapporo; Res Dev Ctr, Nisshinbo, Chiba; Hokkaido Univ, Hakodate: Oligonuclotide DNA Microarray for Haplotype Analysis in Field Endocrinology Wild animals of the same species often form a mixed population of individuals from different stocks. Analyses of endocrine parameters, such as the contents of hormones and their plasma […]
sessions: Session 70
Is hermaphroditism natural in amphibians A case of contaminated controls
STORRS, Sara I.*; SEMLITSCH, Raymond D.; University of Missouri: Is hermaphroditism natural in amphibians?: A case of contaminated controls Is hermaphroditism natural in amphibians? Preliminary histological data from an outdoor mesocosm study suggest that a female biased sex ratio and abnormal gonads in control animals may be the result of contamination. The experiment was initiated […]
Diet affects the adrenocortical function in northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis)
WANG, S.W.**; KITAISKAIA, E.V.; HATCH, S.A.; IVERSON, S.J.; KITAYSKY, A.S.; Univ. of Fairbanks, Alaska; Univ. of Fairbanks, Alaska; USGS, Alaska Science Center; Dalhousie Univ., Nova Scotia; Univ. of Fairbanks, Alaska: Diet affects the adrenocortical function in northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) Previous studies have shown that variations in corticosterone secretion in birds might reflect either changes […]
Androgens and arrival biology in a migratory songbird
BREUNER, CW*; CORNELIUS, JM; HAHN, TP; Univ. of Texas at Austin; Univ. of California Davis; Univ. of California Davis: Androgens and arrival biology in a migratory songbird Seasonal breeders rely on photoperiod to initiate breeding. However, local conditions can modulate the timing of nesting onset. One important component of reproductive development affected by local conditions […]
Why the long face Prey capture in trumpetfishes
Meeting Abstract 70.4 Jan. 7 Why the long face? Prey capture in trumpetfishes HUSKEY, Steve*; QUINTERO, Reyes; Western Kentucky University; Western Kentucky University steve.huskey@wku.edu Feeding in fishes has received a tremendous amount of attention to better understand the evolution of vertebrate feeding mechanisms. Application of technologies such as high-speed video, sonomicrometry, and DPIV have assisted in helping […]
The forces exerted by suction feeders on their prey
Meeting Abstract 70.3 Jan. 7 The forces exerted by suction feeders on their prey DAY, SW*; WAINWRIGHT, PC; Rochester Inst. of Tech.; Univ. of California, Davis steven.day@rit.edu Suction feeders feed by generating a flow of water that quickly transports prey into their mouth. All of the forces that the predator exerts on the prey item are caused […]
Evidence for passive suction feeding in Pacific Bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis
Meeting Abstract 70.2 Jan. 7 Evidence for passive suction feeding in Pacific Bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis BAHLMAN, Joseph Wm*; WAINWRIGHT, Peter C.; Brown University; University of California at Davis Joseph_Bahlman@brown.edu Suction feeding is the most widespread and commonly used mechanism of prey capture in teleost fishes. In all described examples, this behavior involves the rapid expansion of […]
Cyprinodont premaxillary protrusion and prey capture does mechanism dictate behavior
Meeting Abstract 70.1 Jan. 7 Cyprinodont premaxillary protrusion and prey capture: does mechanism dictate behavior? FERRY-GRAHAM, L.A.*; GIBB, A.C.; Calif. State Univ./Moss Landing Marine Labs; Northern Arizona Univ. lfgraham@mlml.calstate.edu Premaxilla protrusion is thought to confer a number of feeding advantages in teleost fishes. Cyprinodontiformes (Atheriniformes, Acanthopterygii) exhibit protrusion where the descending process of the premaxilla does not […]
Asynchronous bilateral jaw muscle activity in two species of elasmobranchs
Meeting Abstract 70.5 Jan. 7 Asynchronous bilateral jaw muscle activity in two species of elasmobranchs GERRY, S.P.*; DEAN, M.N.; SUMMERS, C.D.; WILGA, ; Univ. of Rhode Island; Univ. of California, Irvine; Univ. of California, Irvine; Univ. of Rhode Island sgerry@mail.uri.edu Complex prey processing in higher vertebrates is characterized by unilateral activation of the jaw musculature, permitting freedom […]
Molecular Characterization of Parthenogenetic Meiosis in Acyrthosiphon pisum
Meeting Abstract 70.1 Sunday, Jan. 6 Molecular Characterization of Parthenogenetic Meiosis in Acyrthosiphon pisum SRINIVASAN, D.G.*; DAVIS, G.K.; STERN, D.L.; Princeton University; Princeton University; Princeton University dsriniva@princeton.edu Meiosis is a highly conserved process in which a diploid genome is recombined and assorted into haploid gametes. The pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum exhibits a reproductive polyphenism whereby environmental signals […]