MARSHALL, CD; KOVACS, KM; LYDERSEN, C ; Texas A&M University at Galveston, USA ; Norwegian Polar Institute, Troms�, Norway; Norwegian Polar Institute, Troms�, Norway: Suction and Hydraulic Jetting Forces Produced by Feeding Bearded Seals (Erignathus barbatus) Bearded seals are thought to use suction as their primary feeding mode. This suggestion was, until recently, based only […]
sessions: Session 70
Spatial and Temporal Flow Patterns during Suction Feeding of Bluegill by Particle Image Velocimetry
DAY, S.W.*; HIGHAM, T.E.; CHEER, A.Y.; WAINWRIGHT, P.C.; Univ. of California, Davis: Spatial and Temporal Flow Patterns during Suction Feeding of Bluegill by Particle Image Velocimetry The suction feeding fish generates a flow field external to its head that draws the prey towards the mouth. To date there are very few empirical measurements that characterize […]
Lunge-feeding kinematics of fin whales
GOLDBOGEN, J.A.; OLESON, E.M.; CALAMBOKIDIS, J.; SHADWICK, R.E.; MCDONALD, M.A.; HILDEBRAND, J.A.; Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego; Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego; Cascadia Research Collective, Olympia, WA; Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego; Whale Acoustics, Bellvue, CO; Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, […]
Linkage Mechanics, Jaw Protrusion, and Diet Specialization in Cichlid Fishes
HULSEY, C.D.; University of Tennessee, Knoxville: Linkage Mechanics, Jaw Protrusion, and Diet Specialization in Cichlid Fishes I examined the anterior jaw four bar linkage model, jaw protrusion, and feeding specialization on evasive prey in Central American Heroine Cichlids. I modeled the anterior jaws of 30 cichlids as four bar linkages, using empirical measurements of the […]
Force transmission during suction feeding in centrarchid fish
CARROLL, Andrew M.; WAINWRIGHT, Peter C.; HUSKEY, Stephen H.; COLLAR, David C; TURINGAN, Ralph G.; Univeristy of California, Davis; Univeristy of California, Davis; Western Kentucky University; Univeristy of California, Davis; Florida Institute of Technology: Force transmission during suction feeding in centrarchid fish. Suction feeding fish differ in their capacity to generate subambient pressure while feeding, […]
Comparative Feeding Biomechanics of Four Pleuronectiform Fishes
FRANCIS, A.W.; Richard Stockton College, Pomona, NJ: Comparative Feeding Biomechanics of Four Pleuronectiform Fishes Four pleuronectiform fishes, two sinistral and two dextral species, were measured for mechanical advantage of lower jaw depression and elevation between sides of the head. Paralichthys albigutta and P. lethostigma are sinistral flounders with relatively long jaws, a large gape, and […]
Behavioral Performance of Feeding in Kogia and Tursiops (Odontoceti Cetacea) Ram vs Suction Feeding Strategies
BLOODWORTH, B.E.*; MARSHALL, C.D.; Texas A&M Univ., Galveston; Texas A&M Univ., Galveston: Behavioral Performance of Feeding in Kogia and Tursiops (Odontoceti: Cetacea): Ram vs. Suction Feeding Strategies The feeding performance of two bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and one juvenile pygmy and dwarf sperm whale (Kogia breviceps and K. sima) was compared during controlled feeding trials. […]
Acousticoadaptations in Deep Diving Toothed Whales
CRANFORD, TW; MCKENNA, MF; San Diego State University: Acousticoadaptations in Deep Diving Toothed Whales A recent spate of whale deaths has been associated with exposure to high intensity sound. These events have provided an impetus to study the anatomic geometry of the most effected, yet little-known group of cetaceans, the beaked whales (Family: Ziphiidae). Decades […]
Stress in urban songbirds adaptation to life in the city
BONIER, Frances*; MARTIN, Paul R. ; JENSEN, Jay P. ; FOLTZ, Sarah; WINGFIELD, John C.; University of Washington: Stress in urban songbirds: adaptation to life in the city? The vast majority of species are excluded from human-dominated landscapes, but some species persist and appear to thrive. By studying species that are established in urban habitat, […]
Reproductive endocrinology of the song wren (Cyphorhinus phaeocephalus), a resident bird of the lowland tropics
BUSCH, D. Shallin*; WINGFIELD, John C.; University of Washington, Seattle; University of Washington, Seattle: Reproductive endocrinology of the song wren (Cyphorhinus phaeocephalus), a resident bird of the lowland tropics In male tropical birds, levels of testosterone (T) are low and are often not as closely linked with breeding physiology and behavior as they are in […]