Efficiency of protein incorporation and diet quality determine trophic isotope spacing in fish

Meeting Abstract 7.3  Jan. 4  Efficiency of protein incorporation and diet quality determine trophic isotope spacing in fish CARLETON, Scott A*; AAMICK, Lori; University of Wyoming scarlet@uwyo.edu Ecologists use the enrichment in 15N of an animal�s tissues relative to its diet to determine trophic position. They assume that isotopic spacing between trophic levels is constant and approximately […]

Effects of habitat, age, and sex on black bear carnivory a stable isotope approach

Meeting Abstract 7.5  Jan. 4  Effects of habitat, age, and sex on black bear carnivory: a stable isotope approach HATCH, K.H.**; ROEDER, B.L.; AUGER, J.; BLACK, H.L.; BUNNELL, K.D.; Brigham Young University; Brigham Young University; Brigham Young University; Brigham Young University; Utah Division of Wildlife Resources khatch@byu.edu Black bears (Ursus americanus) occupy diverse habitats in Utah, from […]

Ecophysiology of the Channeled Apple Snail, Pomacea canaliculata complex, in Florida

Meeting Abstract 7.8  Jan. 4  Ecophysiology of the Channeled Apple Snail, Pomacea canaliculata complex, in Florida BERNATIS, J.L.*; BAKER, S.M.; BAKER, P.; WARREN, G.L.; University of Florida; University of Florida; University of Florida; Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission bernatis@ufl.edu The South American channeled apple snail Pomacea canaliculata, and related species (P. canaliculata complex), are introduced species […]

Does geologic history matter The effects of substratum on rocky intertidal communities

Meeting Abstract 7.9  Jan. 4  Does geologic history matter? The effects of substratum on rocky intertidal communities. PEROTTI, Elizabeth A*; LINDBERG, David R; University of California, Berkeley; University of California, Berkeley marinelizard@berkeley.edu Rocky intertidal communities, which have been hotbeds for conceptual advances in community ecology, exist in a mosaic of rock substrates. Nowhere else in the world […]

A Molecular Analysis of Marine Meiofaunal Diversity Along a Natural Environmental Gradient in the Vicinity of a Shallow-Water Hydrothermal Vent

Meeting Abstract 7.7  Jan. 4  A Molecular Analysis of Marine Meiofaunal Diversity Along a Natural Environmental Gradient in the Vicinity of a Shallow-Water Hydrothermal Vent. KARLEN, David J.*; CAMPBELL, Terry G.; GAREY, James R.; University of South Florida; University of South Florida; University of South Florida garey@cas.usf.edu The meiofaunal diversity was characterized along an environmental gradient from […]

Stabilizing and maneuvering function of fish pelvic fins

Meeting Abstract 7.3  Thursday, Jan. 3  Stabilizing and maneuvering function of fish pelvic fins STANDEN, E.M.; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA standen@fas.harvard.edu Fish appear to have a preferred swimming speed. For example salmonids tend to maximize their swimming performance at speeds of 1.2-1.5 body lengths per second swimming with a distinct body and caudal fin oscillation. At these […]

Locomotor plasticity of larval zebrafish in high viscosity environments

Meeting Abstract 7.5  Thursday, Jan. 3  Locomotor plasticity of larval zebrafish in high viscosity environments DANOS, N.; Harvard University ndanos@fas.harvard.edu Routine turns are a normal part of the zebrafish foraging behavior that provides a good context in which to study the developmental plasticity of locomotor behavior. Zebrafish are raised from 0 to 6 days post fertilization in […]

Hydrodynamics of schooling in fishes

Meeting Abstract 7.1  Thursday, Jan. 3  Hydrodynamics of schooling in fishes HANKE, W.*; LAUDER, G. V.; Harvard; Harvard glauder@oeb.harvard.edu The possibility that fish might gain an energetic advantage from hydrodynamic effects in a school has been discussed for more than thirty years, but has not yet been tested experimentally due to technical difficulties associated with recording details […]

How to Generate Thrust the Pufferfish Way A CFD Analysis

Meeting Abstract 7.2  Thursday, Jan. 3  How to Generate Thrust the Pufferfish Way: A CFD Analysis WIKTOROWICZ CONROY, Alexis M.*; GORDON, Malcolm S.; Univ. of California, Los Angeles; Univ. of California, Los Angeles plexypoo@ucla.edu Porcupine pufferfish (Diodon holocanthus) are tropical, rigid-bodied median and paired fin (MPF) swimmers. The insignificant levels of recoil measured during locomotion is likely […]

Comparison of the Hydrodynamic Wakes of Temperate and Tropical Euchaeta species

Meeting Abstract 7.4  Thursday, Jan. 3  Comparison of the Hydrodynamic Wakes of Temperate and Tropical Euchaeta species CATTON, K.B.*; WEBSTER, D.R.; YEN, J.; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology gtg723v@mail.gatech.edu Different species of the copepod genus Euchaeta live in polar, temperate, and tropical ocean environments. Euchaeta elongata is a species found […]

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