FAUCHALD, K.: Distribution of scales in polynoid scale-worms (Annelida, Polychaeta) Polynoids have some of the dorsal cirri replaced by flattened scales (elytrae) more or less covering the body. An overview of the type species of most genera of the family demonstrated a few interesting patterns. Species with less than 12 pairs of elytrae all have […]
sessions: Session 7
Can We Infer Heteronemertean Phylogeny from Morphological Data
SCHWARTZ, M.L.; NORENBURG, J.L.: Can We Infer Heteronemertean Phylogeny from Morphological Data? A cladistic analysis of the genera within the order Heteronemertea (Nemertea) was performed from morphological data gathered from the literature. Resulting trees were numerous and mostly unresolved. The analysis gives insight into current taxonomic problems for the heteronemerteans. Chief among these are brief […]
Swimming kinematics of the eastern Pacific bonito (Sarda chiliensis) Testing hypotheses about the evolution of thunniform locomotion
DOWIS, Hawkins; DICKSON, Kathryn: Swimming kinematics of the eastern Pacific bonito (Sarda chiliensis): Testing hypotheses about the evolution of thunniform locomotion Tunas are believed to be among the fastest and most efficient swimmers due to their fusiform body shape, �stiff-bodied� thunniform mode of locomotion, and ability to elevate the temperature of their slow-twitch, aerobic (red) […]
Morphology of the Cochlear Duct and Saccule of Amphisbaenians
DAWSON*, Beth; SNEARY, Michael: Morphology of the Cochlear Duct and Saccule of Amphisbaenians The morphology of the auditory sensor, the basilar papilla, has been studied in many species of lizards and snakes and is known to be highly variant at the family level among lizards, while showing little diversity among all the families of snakes. […]
Gdf5 expression in late-stage zebrafish (Danio rerio) median fins
CROTWELL, P.L.*; MABEE, P.M.: Gdf5 expression in late-stage zebrafish (Danio rerio) median fins The genetic mechanisms underlying formation of joints in tetrapod vertebrates may have developed from those involved in segmentation of basal vertebrate fin skeletons. To collect preliminary data addressing this hypothesis, expression patterns of Growth and Differentiation Factor 5 (Gdf5), a gene known […]
Evolution of the snake venom-delivery system
JACKSON, Kate: Evolution of the snake venom-delivery system Venom-delivery systems are thought to have evolved at least three times among the advanced snakes (Colubroidea). The specifics of how this series of morphological changes took place are poorly understood. Studies of the developmental morphology of venom-delivery systems have the potential to shed new light on this […]
Encephalic Blood Vessels and Evolution of the Archosaur Braincase
SEDLMAYR, J C: Encephalic Blood Vessels and Evolution of the Archosaur Braincase As the vertebrate braincase houses the brain, cranial nerves, etc., it can provide critical information central to our understanding of vertebrate cephalic and physiological evolution. However, study of bony remains and endocasts is complicated by encephalic vasculature, a system of physiologically important vessels […]
Ecomorphological convergence of pharyngeal durophagy in marine teleost fishes
GRUBICH, Justin R.: Ecomorphological convergence of pharyngeal durophagy in marine teleost fishes This study investigates the ecomorphology of pharyngeal molluscivory in three families of marine teleosts: the Sciaenidae, the Haemulidae, and the Carangidae. Bone and muscle mass regressions of the oral and pharyngeal jaws were generated to compare differences between durophagous (hard prey eating) and […]
Microsatellites detect high levels of genetic variation and population structure in dinoflagellates symbiotic with the Caribbean gorgonian Pseudopterogorgia elisabethae
SANTOS, SR; GUTIERREZ-RODRIGUEZ, C; LASKER, HR; COFFROTH, MA*; University of Arizona, Tucson; University at Buffalo, NY; University at Buffalo, NY; University at Buffalo, NY: Microsatellites detect high levels of genetic variation and population structure in dinoflagellates symbiotic with the Caribbean gorgonian Pseudopterogorgia elisabethae Invertebrate-Symbiodinium associations are a common occurrence in marine environments. While a number […]
Historical Biogeography of the Stripetail Darter, Etheostoma kennicotti (Osteichthyes Percidae), and the origin of the upper Cumberland River Fish Fauna
STRANGE, Rex; Southeast Missouri State University: Historical Biogeography of the Stripetail Darter, Etheostoma kennicotti (Osteichthyes: Percidae), and the origin of the upper Cumberland River Fish Fauna The stripetail darter (Etheostoma kennicotti kennicotti) occurs in headwater tributaries of the lower Ohio River, including the Green and Tennessee rivers. Another subspecies, E. kennicotti cumberlandicum, is endemic to […]