Meeting Abstract 7.5 Saturday, Jan. 4 09:00 Ecomorphotypes and habitats in a Mississippian Bay LUND, R.*; GREENFEST-ALLEN, E.; GROGAN, E. D.; Carnegie Museum; Penn Center for Bioinformatics, University of Pennsylvania; Saint Joseph’s University The 323 million year old Bear Gulch Lens of the Bear Gulch Member, Heath Formation, of Montana, USA is recognized for the preservation […]
sessions: Session 7
Body Size Evolution and Species Diversity in North American Minnows
Meeting Abstract 7.3 Saturday, Jan. 4 08:30 Body Size Evolution and Species Diversity in North American Minnows MARTIN, S. D.*; BONETT, R. M.; Univ. of Tulsa; Univ. of Tulsa Body size is one of the most important traits influencing an organism’s ecology and is often a major axis of evolutionary change. Among freshwater fishes, body size […]
An empirical approach to assess the relationship between evolvability and fitness in East African cichlids
Meeting Abstract 7.2 Saturday, Jan. 4 08:15 An empirical approach to assess the relationship between evolvability and fitness in East African cichlids CONCANNON, MR*; HU, Y; POWDER, KE; ALBERTSON, RC; UMass Amherst; UMass Amherst; UMass Amherst; UMass Amherst Organismal characters such as developmental plasticity, phenotypic integration, and relative morphology can influence evolvability, but how these factors […]
Torso form and locomotion in anthropoid primates
Meeting Abstract 7.6 Sunday, Jan. 4 09:15 Torso form and locomotion in anthropoid primates WARD, CV*; PEACOCK, SJ; WINKLER, Z; HAMMOND, AS; MADDUX, SD; University of Missouri It is generally assumed that great apes share a homologous pattern of torso morphology related to below-branch arboreality that is found in an intermediate state in hylobatids and […]
Patterns of convergence in the body shape of Squamate reptiles
Meeting Abstract 7.2 Sunday, Jan. 4 08:15 Patterns of convergence in the body shape of Squamate reptiles BERGMANN, P.J.; Clark University Convergent evolution is the evolution of similar phenotypes in distantly related taxa. It occurs at all biological scales, from genetics to ecology, and in all taxa. The availability of phylogenetic trees and advances in phylogenetic […]
Mechanical redundancy, mechanical sensitivity and constraint in the evolution of the mantis shrimp raptorial appendage
Meeting Abstract 7.1 Sunday, Jan. 4 08:00 Mechanical redundancy, mechanical sensitivity and constraint in the evolution of the mantis shrimp raptorial appendage ANDERSON, PSL*; PATEK, SN; Duke University; Duke University Mechanical redundancy allows mechanical systems to vary overall morphology while retaining similar outputs, as exemplified by the 4-bar linkage system in fishes. However, even in mechanically […]
Genetic modularity in and evolution of the primate dentition
Meeting Abstract 7.5 Sunday, Jan. 4 09:00 Genetic modularity in and evolution of the primate dentition HLUSKO, LJ*; MAHANEY, MC; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Texas Biomedical Research Institute While evolutionary biologists have long appreciated that selection acts only on variation that is heritable, only recently have we had the tools to assess how genetic effects […]
Covariation in body and median fin shape in cichlid fishes
Meeting Abstract 7.4 Sunday, Jan. 4 08:45 Covariation in body and median fin shape in cichlid fishes FEILICH, K.L.; Harvard University, Cambridge Body and fin shape are considered chief determinants of fish swimming performance. Specific lateral profiles in conjunction with particular median fin shapes may enhance different aspects of locomotion. These body and fin shape combinations […]
Anatomical basis of body shape diversification in labyrinth fishes
Meeting Abstract 7.3 Sunday, Jan. 4 08:30 Anatomical basis of body shape diversification in labyrinth fishes COLLAR, DC*; WARD, AB; MEHTA, RS; Univ. of Massachusetts, Boston; Adelphi University; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz Body elongation is one of the most prominent axes of morphological diversity in vertebrates, especially bony fishes. Elongation is known to occur […]
What does it mean to be green Body color and social interaction in the green anole lizard
Meeting Abstract 7-5 Monday, Jan. 4 09:00 What does it mean to be green? Body color and social interaction in the green anole lizard IVANOV, B.M*; SELZNICK, L.A; JOHNSON , M.A; Trinity University; Trinity University; Trinity University Color can communicate complex social information, particularly in animals that have the ability to change color rapidly. One example […]