Is brighter better Aposematic signal variation predicts male-male interactions in a polymorphic poison dart frog

Meeting Abstract 7.2  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Is brighter better? Aposematic signal variation predicts male-male interactions in a polymorphic poison dart frog CROTHERS, L.R.**; GERING, E.J.; CUMMINGS, M.E.; University of Texas at Austin; University of Texas at Austin; University of Texas at Austin Many species use conspicuous “aposematic” signals to communicate unpalatability/unprofitability to potential predators. Although aposematic […]

Variation in size of juvenile corals and sensitivity to ocean acidification

Meeting Abstract 7.5  Friday, Jan. 4  Variation in size of juvenile corals and sensitivity to ocean acidification TARRANT, AM*; MCCORKLE, DC; DEPUTRON, SJ; CHURCH, C; HENRY, J; COHEN, AL; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Anthropogenic input […]

Reproductive Timing and Connectivity in the Octocoral Pseudopterogorgia elisabethae

Meeting Abstract 7.3  Friday, Jan. 4  Reproductive Timing and Connectivity in the Octocoral Pseudopterogorgia elisabethae LASKER, HR*; PARIS, CB; KOUGH, A; CHERUBIN, LM; University at Buffalo; University of Miami; University of Miami; University of Miami Reproductive synchrony is essential for species that cast gametes into the water column. While synchrony is necessary the basis for the […]

Identification of symbiotic-specific genes reveals a role for host immunity in a cnidarian-dinoflagellate mutualism

Meeting Abstract 7.2  Friday, Jan. 4  Identification of symbiotic-specific genes reveals a role for host immunity in a cnidarian-dinoflagellate mutualism MOUCHKA, M E*; LEHNERT, E M; BURRIESCI, M S; SCHWARZ, J; PRINGLE, J R ; Cornell University; Stanford University ; Stanford University ; Vassar College; Stanford University Many cnidarians harbor intracellular photosynthetic dinoflagellates in a mutualistic […]

Developing molecular techniques to assess resilience in large benthic foraminiferan communities

Meeting Abstract 7.1  Friday, Jan. 4  Developing molecular techniques to assess resilience in large benthic foraminiferan communities DOO, SS*; FAN, TY; FUJITA, K; MAYFIELD, AB; CHEN, HK; NGUYEN, HD; BYRNE, M; National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium; National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium; University of the Ryukyus; National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium; National […]

Boundary layer flow effects on dissolved oxygen exchange and photosynthesis in scleractinic corals

Meeting Abstract 7.4  Friday, Jan. 4  Boundary layer flow effects on dissolved oxygen exchange and photosynthesis in scleractinic corals STOCKING, J.B.*; RIPPE, J.P.; REIDENBACH, M.A.; University of Virginia To investigate the interaction between flow environment and coral photosynthesis, in-situ field measurements of boundary layer flow, photosynthetic quantum yield, and dissolved oxygen levels were obtained over the […]

Pectoral Fin and Feeding Kinematics in Rock Dwelling Malawi Cichlids

Meeting Abstract 7.4  Saturday, Jan. 4 08:45  Pectoral Fin and Feeding Kinematics in Rock Dwelling Malawi Cichlids RUPP, M.F.*; HULSEY, C.D.; University of Tennessee Knoxville; University of Tennessee Knoxville Adaptive radiations such as Malawi cichlids provide an excellent opportunity to elucidate the underlying forces behind evolution and how high amounts of species diversity are maintained in […]

Origin and evolution of Oceanic pelagic communities

Meeting Abstract 7.6  Saturday, Jan. 4 09:15  Origin and evolution of Oceanic pelagic communities SANTINI, F.*; SORENSON, L.; CARNEVALE, G.; Univ. of Torino; Univ. of California, Los Angeles; Univ. of Torino In order to investigate the origin and evolution of communities of large pelagic predators in today’s Oceans we generated megaphylogenies for three major fish groups […]

Mechanical Transgressive Segregation and the Rapid Origin of Trophic Novelty

Meeting Abstract 7.1  Saturday, Jan. 4 08:00  Mechanical Transgressive Segregation and the Rapid Origin of Trophic Novelty HULSEY, CD*; HOLZMAN, R; Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville; Tel Aviv University, Israel Hybrid phenotypes often fall within the parental range. However, when morphological traits are complex,hybridization can generate mechanical phenotypes that segregate transgressively. For instance, even when the morphologies […]

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