Reproductive biology of a bopyrid isopod, Probopyrus pandalicola, and its hyperparasite, Cabirops sp, parasitic on the river shrimp, Macrobrachium ohione

Meeting Abstract 69.5  Wednesday, Jan. 6  Reproductive biology of a bopyrid isopod, Probopyrus pandalicola, and its hyperparasite, Cabirops sp., parasitic on the river shrimp, Macrobrachium ohione CONNER, S.L.*; BAUER, R.T.; Univ. of Louisiana at Lafayette; Univ. of Louisiana at Lafayette Macrobrachium ohione is a freshwater caridean shrimp that migrates to brackish-water estuaries to release its larvae, […]

Reproductive biology and population ecology of the sea grass shrimp Ambidexter symmetricus

Meeting Abstract 69.6  Wednesday, Jan. 6  Reproductive biology and population ecology of the sea grass shrimp Ambidexter symmetricus. RASCH, J.A.*; BAUER, R.T.; Univ. of Louisiana, Lafayette; Univ. of Louisiana, Lafayette Ambidexter symmetricus is a caridean shrimp which dwells in sea grass meadows in tropical and subtropical waters. We collected samples at night from St. Joseph’s Bay […]

Localization of labile zinc in hemocyte lysosomes of the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis

Meeting Abstract 69.4  Wednesday, Jan. 6  Localization of labile zinc in hemocyte lysosomes of the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis DIAMANT, A.G.*; RIDGWAY, R.L.; Seattle Pacific University; Seattle Pacific University Hemocytes of Lymnaea stagnalis maintain normal cellular function when exposed to much higher (up to 10-4 M) than ambient (10-12 M to 10-9 M) concentrations of ZnCl2. […]

Feeling the Squeeze the Energetic Cost of Tunnel Locomotion

Meeting Abstract 69.2  Wednesday, Jan. 6  Feeling the Squeeze: the Energetic Cost of Tunnel Locomotion HORNER, Angela M*; HANNA, Jandy B; BIKNEVICIUS, Audrone R; Ohio University; West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine; Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine Many mammals enter tunnels and burrows to escape predators, forage for food or for access to a thermoneutral […]

Effects of nighttime temperature on reproduction of side-blotched lizards (Uta stansburiana)

Meeting Abstract 69.3  Wednesday, Jan. 6  Effects of nighttime temperature on reproduction of side-blotched lizards (Uta stansburiana) ZANI, Peter A.; Gonzaga University The life-historical responses of organisms are often temperature dependent, particularly in ectotherms, which respond to a favorable growing season by investing in growth and reproduction. Environmental variation in temperature (e.g., along latitudinal clines or […]

A role for the cost of flight in the Polistes dominulus invasion

Meeting Abstract 69.1  Wednesday, Jan. 6  A role for the cost of flight in the Polistes dominulus invasion WEINER, Susan A*; NOBLE, Katherine; FLYNN, Galen; WOODS, William A; STARKS, Philip T.; Tufts University; Smith College; University of New Hampshire; Tufts University; Tufts University Polistes dominulus is an invasive paper wasp from the Mediterranean that has rapidly […]

Visual stimulation by blooming thistles accelerates changes in reproductive physiology in American goldfinches

Meeting Abstract 69.3  Thursday, Jan. 6  Visual stimulation by blooming thistles accelerates changes in reproductive physiology in American goldfinches LULOFF, T.W.*; HAHN, T.P.; MACDOUGALL-SHACKLETON, S.A.; University of Western Ontario; University of California, Davis; University of Western Ontario Songbirds have been shown to respond to environmental information to accurately time reproduction to favorable conditions. Eastern American goldfinches […]

Thyroid Hormones and Seasonality The DIO2 Conundrum

Meeting Abstract 69.1  Thursday, Jan. 6  Thyroid Hormones and Seasonality: The DIO2 Conundrum BENTLEY, GE; UC Berkeley Transfer of photoperiodic birds from short to long day lengths causes a rapid (within hours) release of gonadotropins. The earliest photoperiodic response measured to date is activation of the gene for type 2 iodothyronine deiodinase (DIO2), an enzyme which […]

The neurogenetics of avian photoperiodism a key role for gonadotropin releasing hormone 1 (GnRH1)

Meeting Abstract 69.5  Thursday, Jan. 6  The neurogenetics of avian photoperiodism: a key role for gonadotropin releasing hormone 1 (GnRH1). STEVENSON, TJ*; BALL, GF; Johns Hopkins University In recent years there has been an exponential increase in the ability to identify the sequence of genetic events that lead to a functional change in physiology and behavior. […]

Season-dependent modulation of testosterone and estradiol by gonadal neuropeptides

Meeting Abstract 69.4  Thursday, Jan. 6  Season-dependent modulation of testosterone and estradiol by gonadal neuropeptides MCGUIRE, NM*; KANGAS, K; KOH, A; BENTLEY, GE; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley Temperate vertebrates time breeding to the appropriate time of year by using day length as a primary predictive cue and availability […]

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