Meeting Abstract 69-7 Friday, Jan. 6 15:00 – 15:15 Conservation of Sp6-9 Function in Patterning Prosomal Appendage Fate in the Spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum SETTON, EVW*; SHARMA, PP; University of Wisconsin-Madison; University of Wisconsin-Madison The Sp family of zinc finger transcription factors is key to leg fate specification and leg outgrowth in both vertebrates and invertebrates. In […]
sessions: Session 69
Comparative transcriptomics support the wing gene cooption hypothesis for the origin of the novel treehopper helmet
Meeting Abstract 69-6 Friday, Jan. 6 14:45 – 15:00 Comparative transcriptomics support the wing gene cooption hypothesis for the origin of the novel treehopper helmet FISHER, CR*; JOCKUSCH, EL; Univ. of Connecticut; Univ. of Connecticut Understanding the origins of new characters is crucial to explaining the diversity of life. In the insects, new body parts often […]
Things Fall Apart The Challenges in Maintaining Sibling Cohesion During Larval Dispersal in Marine Environments
Meeting Abstract 69-7 Friday, Jan. 5 15:00 – 15:15 Things Fall Apart: The Challenges in Maintaining Sibling Cohesion During Larval Dispersal in Marine Environments GRIESEMER, C.D.*; GROSBERG, R.K.; MORGAN, S.G.; University of California, Davis; University of California, Davis; University of California, Davis Flat porcelain crabs (Petrolisthes cinctipes) occupy discrete cobble beaches and mussel beds dotted along […]
Populations of Round Rocksnail (Leptoxis ampla), a Federally Threatened Freshwater Snail, Are Surprisingly Distinct
Meeting Abstract 69-6 Friday, Jan. 5 14:45 – 15:00 Populations of Round Rocksnail (Leptoxis ampla), a Federally Threatened Freshwater Snail, Are Surprisingly Distinct WHELAN, N.V.*; SIPLEY, B.N.; GALASKA, M.P.; HELMS, B.H.; JOHNSON, P.D.; HALANYCH, K.M.; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Auburn University; Lehigh University; Troy University; Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources; Auburn University […]
Morphological and Genetic Variation across a Narrow Hybrid Zone between Jamaican Endemic Streamertail Hummingbirds (Trochilus polytmus and T scitulus)
Meeting Abstract 69-3 Friday, Jan. 5 14:00 – 14:15 Morphological and Genetic Variation across a Narrow Hybrid Zone between Jamaican Endemic Streamertail Hummingbirds (Trochilus polytmus and T. scitulus) JUDY, C D*; BRUMFIELD, R T; GRAVES, G R; National Museum of Natural History, SI; Louisiana State University; Louisiana State University; National Museum of Natural History, SI […]
Independent Introductions and Sequential Founder Events Shape Genetic Differentiation and Diversity of the Invasive Green Anole (Anolis carolinensis) on Pacific Islands
Meeting Abstract 69-5 Friday, Jan. 5 14:30 – 14:45 Independent Introductions and Sequential Founder Events Shape Genetic Differentiation and Diversity of the Invasive Green Anole (Anolis carolinensis) on Pacific Islands MICHAELIDES, S. N*; KOLBE, J.J; University of Rhode Island; University of Rhode Island Natural range expansions and human-mediated colonizations events usually involve a small number of […]
Do Mitonuclear Interactions Prevent Hybridization in a Lineage with a History of Mitonuclear Coevolution
Meeting Abstract 69-2 Friday, Jan. 5 13:45 – 14:00 Do Mitonuclear Interactions Prevent Hybridization in a Lineage with a History of Mitonuclear Coevolution? HAVIRD, JC*; NOE, GR; LINK, L; TORRES, A; SLOAN, DB; HAVIRD, Justin; Colorado State Univ. The genomes of mitochondria, plastids, and other endosymbionts have long been hypothesized to play a role in […]
Behavior and Morphology Indicate an Allen’s (Selasphorus sasin) x Rufous (Selasphorus rufus) Hummingbird Hybrid Zone Centered in Southern Oregon
Meeting Abstract 69-1 Friday, Jan. 5 13:30 – 13:45 Behavior and Morphology Indicate an Allen’s (Selasphorus sasin) x Rufous (Selasphorus rufus) Hummingbird Hybrid Zone Centered in Southern Oregon MYERS, BM*; CLARK, CJ; BURNS, KJ; MYERS, Brian; San Diego State University; University of California, Riverside; San Diego State University Hybrid zones have received significant attention in […]
A Tale of Two Slugs cryptic speciation and morphological variation in northeastern Pacific Flabellina
Meeting Abstract 69-4 Friday, Jan. 5 14:15 – 14:30 A Tale of Two? Slugs: cryptic speciation and morphological variation in northeastern Pacific Flabellina GREEN, B*; GOSLINER, TM; California Academy of Sciences; California Academy of Sciences Molecular analysis of the nudibranch genus Flabellina in the temperate northeastern Pacific has revealed a more complex picture of the genus […]
The beetles with the protrusible tongue Integration of form, function, and ecology in the predatory rove beetles Stenus spp
Meeting Abstract 69-2 Saturday, Jan. 5 13:45 – 14:00 The beetles with the protrusible tongue: Integration of form, function, and ecology in the predatory rove beetles Stenus spp. BETZ, O*; HEETHOFF, M; GARAMSZEGI, LZ; KOERNER, L; University of Tübingen, Germany; Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany; Estación Biológica de Doñana-CSIC, Spain; University of Tübingen, Germany; Frau […]