Kinematics of swimming in the manta ray (Manta birostris) 3D analysis of open water maneuverability

Meeting Abstract 68.6  Thursday, Jan. 6  Kinematics of swimming in the manta ray (Manta birostris): 3D analysis of open water maneuverability FISH, F.E.*; NICHOLS, R.H.; DUDAS, M.A.; MOORED, K.W.; BART-SMITH, H.; West Chester Univ., Pennsylvania; West Chester Univ., Pennsylvania; Dudas’ Diving Duds, West Chester, Pennsylvania; Princeton Univ., New Jersey; Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville The locomotor movements […]

Interactions between internal forces, body stiffness, and fluid environment in a neuromechanical model of lamprey swimming

Meeting Abstract 68.1  Thursday, Jan. 6  Interactions between internal forces, body stiffness, and fluid environment in a neuromechanical model of lamprey swimming TYTELL, E.D.*; HSU, C.-Y.; WILLIAMS, T.L.; COHEN, A.H.; FAUCI, L.J.; Johns Hopkins Univ.; Tulane Univ.; Princeton Univ.; Univ. of Maryland, College Park; Tulane Univ. Animal movements result from a complex balance of many different […]

Examining Behavioral Responses For Stability of Batoids in Response to Waves

Meeting Abstract 68.5  Thursday, Jan. 6  Examining Behavioral Responses For Stability of Batoids in Response to Waves HOFFMAN, J.L.*; FISH, F.E.; BART-SMITH, H.; West Chester Univ., Pennsylvania; West Chester Univ., Pennsylvania; Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville The presence of external perturbations in the aquatic environment necessitate behavioral responses by fish to stabilize the body. The orbital flow […]

Analytical model to describe pectoral fin kinematics of the Manta birostris implications for bio-inspired design

Meeting Abstract 68.4  Thursday, Jan. 6  Analytical model to describe pectoral fin kinematics of the Manta birostris: implications for bio-inspired design MOORED, K. W.*; QUINN, D. B.; FISH, F. E.; HAJ-HARIRI, H.; BART-SMITH, H.; Princeton University; Princeton University; West Chester University; University of Virginia; University of Virginia Manta rays are large pelagic fish that are dorsoventrally […]

An experimentally validated fluid dynamic model of ribbon-finned propulsion reveals how thrust is controlled by counter-propagating waves

Meeting Abstract 68.2  Thursday, Jan. 6  An experimentally validated fluid dynamic model of ribbon-finned propulsion reveals how thrust is controlled by counter-propagating waves SEFATI, S.*; MITCHELL, T.; FORTUNE, E.S.; COWAN, N.J.; Johns Hopkins University; Johns Hopkins University; Johns Hopkins University; Johns Hopkins University Eigenmannia virescens and other knifefish rely primarily on a long undulating ribbon fin […]

A numerical investigation of the hydrodynamic signature of batoid swimming

Meeting Abstract 68.3  Thursday, Jan. 6  A numerical investigation of the hydrodynamic signature of batoid swimming PEDERZANI, Jean-Noel*; MOORED, Keith; FISH, Frank; HAJ-HARIRI, Hossein; University of Virginia; University of Virginia; West Chester University; University of Virginia The different batoid species use different modes of swimming to propel themselves in water. To evaluate hydrodynamic differences between these […]

The origin and early evolution of terrestrial locomotion

Meeting Abstract 68.6  Friday, Jan. 6  The origin and early evolution of terrestrial locomotion SWARTZ, Brian; Univ. of California, Berkeley The origin of terrestrial vertebrates involved an integrated series of changes to the ancestral sarcopterygian bauplan. However, many traits often considered apomorphic for tetrapods have a much deeper origin in vertebrate history. Terrestrial locomotion integrates many […]

Ontogeny of the alligator cartilago transiliens and its significance for sauropsid jaw muscle evolution

Meeting Abstract 68.4  Friday, Jan. 6  Ontogeny of the alligator cartilago transiliens and its significance for sauropsid jaw muscle evolution TSAI, Henry P; HOLLIDAY, Casey M*; University of Missouri; University of Missouri The cartilago transiliens is a fibrocartilaginous structure within the jaw muscles of crocodylians. The cartilago transiliens slides between the pterygoid buttress and coronoid region […]

Ontogeny and Modularity in the Crocodilian Skull

Meeting Abstract 68.5  Friday, Jan. 6  Ontogeny and Modularity in the Crocodilian Skull JASZLICS, A.*; PARDO, J. D.; University of Texas at Arlington Variation in ontogenetic trajectories plays a critical role in shaping morphological diversity of the vertebrate skull. Crocodilians are a potentially informative group in which to study this phenomenon because they demonstrate a relatively […]

Evolutionary morphology of the caudal musculoskeletal system in syngnathid fish from swimming to prehension in different ways

Meeting Abstract 68.1  Friday, Jan. 6  Evolutionary morphology of the caudal musculoskeletal system in syngnathid fish: from swimming to prehension … in different ways ADRIAENS, D.*; NEUTENS, C.; CHRISTIAENS, J.; VAN LOO, D.; DE KEGEL, B.; BOISTEL, R.; VAN HOOREBEKE, L.; Ghent University, Belgium; Ghent University, Belgium; Ghent University, Belgium; Ghent University, Belgium; Ghent University, Belgium; Université […]

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