Comparative neuroanatomy and evolution of parrot brains (Aves Psittaciformes)

IWANIUK, A.N.; DEAN, K.M.; NELSON, J.E.; Monash University, Clayton, Australia: Comparative neuroanatomy and evolution of parrot brains (Aves: Psittaciformes). The advanced cognitive abilities of parrots have been recognized for several decades. Little is known, however, regarding the neural substrate responsible for these advanced abilities. Given that they appear to be cognitively convergent and share a […]

Transcriptome profiling in individual larvae of the polychaete Streblospio benedicti interindividual variance between planktotrophic and lecithotrophic development

MARSH, A.G.; Univ. of Delaware, Lewes: Transcriptome profiling in individual larvae of the polychaete Streblospio benedicti: interindividual variance between planktotrophic and lecithotrophic development Understanding the range of physiological phenotypes in a cohort of embryos or larvae is crucial to understanding the lifespan, dispersal potential, and recruitment success of the early life history stages of a […]

Remodeling of larval nervous system during metamorphosis of Hydroides elegans

NEDVED, B. T.*; HADFIELD, M. G.; Uni. of Hawaii, Kewalo Marine Laboratory; Uni. of Hawaii, Kewalo Marine Laboratory: Remodeling of larval nervous system during metamorphosis of Hydroides elegans Metamorphosis of many marine invertebrate larvae occurs rapidly and is triggered by the binding of specific external cues with appropriate larval receptors. This binding activates a cascade […]

Do bacteria dictate the sequence of biofouling community development by signalling larval settlement

HADFIELD, Michael G.; SHIKUMA, Nicholas; HUANG, Ying; NEDVED, Brian; ZARDUS, John; University of Hawaii at Manoa: Do bacteria dictate the sequence of biofouling community development by signalling larval settlement? Marine biofouling communities accumulate in predictable successional stages characterized by the appearance of new invertebrate species. Larvae of many invertebrate fouling species settle in response to […]

Dissolved chemical cues affect retention and attachment of larvae within coral reefs

KOEHL, M. A. R. *; HADFIELD, M. G.; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of Hawaii: Dissolved chemical cues affect retention and attachment of larvae within coral reefs Can dissolved chemical cues released by organisms on the substratum affect larval settlement in turbulent, wave-dominated flow typical of many shallow coastal areas? We addressed this question using […]

The influence of photoperiod on pulsatile urea excretion in toadfish (Opsanus beta)

BARIMO, J.F. **; MCDONALD, M.D.; WASLH, P.J.; University of Miami; University of Miami; University of Miami: The influence of photoperiod on pulsatile urea excretion in toadfish (Opsanus beta) The gulf toadfish Opsanus beta (Batrachoididae) is one of the few teleosts to maintain a functional ornithine-urea cycle (O-UC) during adult life and possess the capability to […]

Testing the assumptions of the sensory bias model

FULLER, R.; Univeristy of Illinois: Testing the assumptions of the sensory bias model The sensory bias hypothesis proposes that natural selection on non-mating behaviors (e.g. foraging, anti-predator behavior, etc.) results in correlated responses in female mating preferences due to the fact that the behaviors share a common sensory system. I tested the conditions under which […]

Pre-existing sensory bias in the Poeciliidae additional insight from two Xiphophorus species

FERNANDEZ, A. A.*; MORRIS, M. R.; Ohio University: Pre-existing sensory bias in the Poeciliidae?: additional insight from two Xiphophorus species Previous research has shown that sailfin mollies and guppies prefer red/orange colored objects in a non-mating context. As some guppies also have a mate preference for orange, it has been argued that this preference may […]

Pitviper thermal vision An optical analysis of spatial resolution and signal strength

BAKKEN, George S.*; KROCHMAL, Aaron R.; Indiana State University; University of Houston, Downtown: Pitviper thermal vision: An optical analysis of spatial resolution and signal strength The long-standing belief that the facial pit of pitvipers is strictly a specialization for detecting and striking at warm prey has led studies of the pit organ to focus on […]

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