Energetic costs of a unique thermoregulatory behavior Jughandling in northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus) pups resting at sea

Meeting Abstract 67.5  Sunday, Jan. 6  Energetic costs of a unique thermoregulatory behavior: Jughandling in northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus) pups resting at sea MOSTMAN-LIWANAG, H.E.*; WILLIAMS, T.M.; GULLAND, F.; ROWLES, T.; COSTA, D.P.; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; The Marine Mammal Center, Sausalito, CA; National Marine Fisheries Service, Silver Spring, MD; […]

Cryoprotective Dehydration and Inoculative Freezing in the Antarctic Midge, Belgica antarctica

Meeting Abstract 67.6  Sunday, Jan. 6  Cryoprotective Dehydration and Inoculative Freezing in the Antarctic Midge, Belgica antarctica ELNITSKY, M.A.*; HAYWARD, S.A.L.; RINEHART, J.P.; DENLINGER, D.L.; LEE, R.E.; Miami University; Liverpool University; Ohio State University; Ohio State University; Miami University elnitsma@muohio.edu During winter, larvae of the Antarctic midge, Belgica antarctica, must endure 7-8 months of continuous subzero temperatures, […]

Body temperature of free-living Hoopoe Larks in Saudi Arabia

Meeting Abstract 67.4  Sunday, Jan. 6  Body temperature of free-living Hoopoe Larks in Saudi Arabia WILLIAMS, JB*; TIELEMAN, BI; Ohio State Univ.; Univ. Groningen williams.1020@osu.edu In endotherms, Tb is the focal point of thermoregulation, the ability of an animal to maintain its Tb within narrow limits despite changes in environmental temperature. Birds typically regulate their Tb between […]

The role of the fronto-parietal sinus during bone-cracking in spotted hyenas

Meeting Abstract 67.5  Tuesday, Jan. 6  The role of the fronto-parietal sinus during bone-cracking in spotted hyenas TANNER, J. B.*; DUMONT, E. R.; SAKAI, S. T.; LUNDRIGAN, B. L.; HOLEKAMP, K. E.; UMass, Amherst; UMass, Amherst; Michigan Sate Univ., E. Lansing; Michigan Sate Univ., E. Lansing; Michigan Sate Univ., E. Lansing jtanner@bio.umass.edu The ability to break open […]

Polymorphic trap-jaws intra- and interspecific scaling of jaw forces in trap-jaw ants

Meeting Abstract 67.3  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Polymorphic trap-jaws: intra- and interspecific scaling of jaw forces in trap-jaw ants SPAGNA, J.C.*; PATEK, S.N.; SUAREZ, A.V.; William Paterson University; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign SpagnaJ@wpunj.edu Trap-jaw ants exhibit a remarkable range of mandible morphology from short and robust to elongate and spiny. One fundamental issue in […]

Intraspecific scaling of bite-force generation in a durophagous turtle, Sternotherus minor minor

Meeting Abstract 67.2  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Intraspecific scaling of bite-force generation in a durophagous turtle, Sternotherus minor minor PFALLER, Joseph B*; ERICKSON, Gregory M; Florida State Univ., Tallahassee; Florida State Univ., Tallahassee jpfaller@bio.fsu.edu Among vertebrates, ontogenetic shifts towards more durable prey (durophagy) are common. Such transitions require the development of a feeding apparatus with sufficient morphology to […]

Feeding Biomechanics and Bite Force in bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) over ontogeny

Meeting Abstract 67.4  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Feeding Biomechanics and Bite Force in bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) over ontogeny HABEGGER, M.L*; MOTTA, P.J; HUBER, D.R; University of South Florida; University of South Florida; University of Tampa mhabegge@mail.usf.edu Bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) are one of the most aggressive coastal shark species inhabiting subtropical and tropical seas around the world. […]

Biomechanical modeling of bite-force generation in the America alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) throughout ontogeny

Meeting Abstract 67.1  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Biomechanical modeling of bite-force generation in the America alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) throughout ontogeny GIGNAC, P. M.*; ERICKSON, G. M.; Florida State University; Florida State University pgignac@bio.fsu.edu The American alligator, Alligator mississippiensis, shows up to 5000-fold increases in mass during development. A substantial resource shift to increasingly larger and more durable prey […]

Structural equation modeling as a tool to evaluate translocation stress in the desert tortoise

Meeting Abstract 67.1  Wednesday, Jan. 6  Structural equation modeling as a tool to evaluate translocation stress in the desert tortoise. BARBER, A.M.*; DRAKE, K.K.; NUSSEAR, K.E.; ESQUE, T.C.; TRACY, C.R.; MEDICA, P.A.; University of Nevada, Reno; U.S. Geological Survey, Western Ecological Research Center; USGS; USGS; UNR; USGS barberam@unr.edu Translocation has been proposed as a conservation strategy for […]

Resilience in urban socioecological systems residential water management as a driver of biodiversity

Meeting Abstract 67.11  Wednesday, Jan. 6  Resilience in urban socioecological systems: residential water management as a driver of biodiversity KATTI, M*; SCHLEDER, B; California State Univ, Fresno; California State Univ, Fresno mkatti@csufresno.edu Cities are unique ecosystems where human social-economic-cultural activities prominently shape the landscape, influencing the distribution and abundance of other species, and consequent patterns of biodiversity. […]

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