Pelagic Juvenile Ascidians Dispersal and Reproductive Ecology of Herdmania momus and other Solitary Ascidian Species

JACOBS, M.W.; Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington: Pelagic Juvenile Ascidians? Dispersal and Reproductive Ecology of Herdmania momus and other Solitary Ascidian Species. Solitary ascidians produce small, short-lived, non-feeding larvae which function primarily in habitat selection and dispersal. Because all adult ascidians are sessile, dispersal in these common invasive species is usually thought to be […]

Metabolic efficiency in fast-growing larvae

GREEN, A.J.; MANAHAN, D.T.; University of Southern California, Los Angeles; University of Southern California, Los Angeles: Metabolic efficiency in fast-growing larvae Hybrid vigor for growth is an important biological phenomenon in many animals and plants. Larvae of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, obtained from different genetically-controlled crosses, had faster growth rates in hybrid larvae soon […]

Larval development, breeding system and host selection in a turtle barnacle intriguing aspects of a commensal life-history

ZARDUS, J.D.*; HADFIELD, M.G.; University of Hawaii, Kewalo Marine Lab: Larval development, breeding system and host selection in a turtle barnacle: intriguing aspects of a commensal life-history Turtle barnacles are obligate commensals of sea turtles and comprise several genera in the balanomorph family Coronulidae. They colonize all seven species of marine turtles worldwide, but host […]

Is bigger better Testing the consequences of changes in egg size on larval predation rates

ALLEN, J.D.; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Is bigger better? Testing the consequences of changes in egg size on larval predation rates. Empirical data and theoretical models suggest that egg size is an important life history parameter in marine invertebrates. In echinoderms that develop indirectly from small eggs, separating blastomeres at the two-cell […]

High rates of protein synthesis and rapid ribosomal transit times at low energy cost in Antarctic echinoderm embryos

PACE, D.A.*; MAXSON, R.E.; MANAHAN, D.T.; Univ. Southern California, Los Angeles; Univ. Southern California; Univ. Southern California: High rates of protein synthesis and rapid ribosomal transit times at low energy cost in Antarctic echinoderm embryos Cold oceanic environments represent a major part of the biosphere. Most animals living in these �extreme� environments have life-history stages […]

Freshwater invasion and larval settlement reinvasion of low salinity adult habitats after marine planktonic development in the fiddler crabs Uca pugilator, Uca pugnax and Uca minax

BRODIE, R.J.; STATON, J.S.; University of South Carolina; University of South Carolina: Freshwater invasion and larval settlement: reinvasion of low salinity adult habitats after marine planktonic development in the fiddler crabs Uca pugilator, Uca pugnax and Uca minax Many invertebrates that have invaded low salinity and freshwater environments from the sea have retained marine planktonic […]

Evidence of Self-recruitment of Populations in a Commercial Benthic Marine Species with Planktotrophic Larvae

MARKO, P.B.; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill: Evidence of Self-recruitment of Populations in a Commercial Benthic Marine Species with Planktotrophic Larvae The bay scallop (Argopecten irradians) was once an abundant member of sea grass communities along the US Atlantic coast and an important commercial and recreational shellfish species. Recent recruitment failures, however, have contributed […]

Energy Budgets of Marine Larvae Why Don’t They Add Up

MORAN, A.L.*; MANAHAN, D.T.; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles: Energy Budgets of Marine Larvae: Why Don’t They Add Up? Larval energy budgets are an important tool for understanding the ecology, evolution and physiology of marine invertebrate life histories. For nonfeeding larvae or prefeeding planktotrophic stages, budgets are most […]

Performance and Predation Evaluations of Pesticide Exposed Rana sphenocephala

WIDDER, P. D. *; BIDWELL, J.R.; Oklahoma State University, Stillwater: Performance and Predation Evaluations of Pesticide Exposed Rana sphenocephala Small wetlands embedded throughout modern agricultural landscapes provide important breeding habitat for many amphibians. However, these habitats receive inadvertent doses of agricultural chemicals, including organophosphate pesticides (OPs), due to run-off, overspray, and/or atmospheric deposition. A commonly […]

Marine Benthic Community Structure Along a Natural Environmental Gradient in the Vicinity of a Shallow-Water Hydrothermal Vent, Ambitle Island, Papua New Guinea

KARLEN, D. J. *; GAREY, J. R.; University of South Florida, Tampa; University of South Florida, Tampa: Marine Benthic Community Structure Along a Natural Environmental Gradient in the Vicinity of a Shallow-Water Hydrothermal Vent, Ambitle Island, Papua New Guinea. The infaunal macroinvertebrate community was characterized along an environmental gradient from a shallow water hydrothermal vent […]

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