Meeting Abstract 67-4 Friday, Jan. 5 14:15 – 14:30 The Role of Forelimbs in Bipedal Running Lizards KINSEY, CT*; MCBRAYER, LD; Georgia Southern University; Georgia Southern University Many lizards are capable of bipedal locomotion via high acceleration and/or posterior shift in body center of mass (BCoM). Kinematic analyses to date have focused primarily on the role […]
sessions: Session 67
Ontogeny of the Morphology-performance Axis in the Amphibious, Self-fertilizing Hermaphroditic Fish (Kryptolebias marmoratus)
Meeting Abstract 67-1 Friday, Jan. 5 13:30 – 13:45 Ontogeny of the Morphology-performance Axis in the Amphibious, Self-fertilizing Hermaphroditic Fish (Kryptolebias marmoratus) STYGA, JM*; HOUSLAY, TM; WILSON, AJ; EARLEY, RL; The University of Alabama; University of Exeter-Penryn ; University of Exeter-Penryn ; The University of Alabama Quantitatively linking morphology with performance at one developmental stage is […]
Muscle Dynamics in Jumping Kangaroo Rats (D deserti)
Meeting Abstract 67-5 Friday, Jan. 5 14:30 – 14:45 Muscle Dynamics in Jumping Kangaroo Rats (D. deserti) SCHWANER, MJ*; LIN, DC; MCGOWAN, CP; University of Idaho, Moscow (ID); Washington State University, Pullman (WA); University of Idaho, Moscow (ID) Kangaroo rats (D. deserti) are bipedal hopping desert rodents that use vertical jumps to escape their predators (mainly […]
Leaping larvae hydrostatic jumpers at the mm-scale
Meeting Abstract 67-3 Friday, Jan. 5 14:00 – 14:15 Leaping larvae: hydrostatic jumpers at the mm-scale FARLEY, GM*; HARRISON, JS; WISE, MJ; SUTTON, GP; PATEK, SN; Duke University; Duke University; Roanoke College; University of Bristol; Duke University The elastic jumps of small insects are typically powered by elongate legs and accessory elastic structures; however, in earlier […]
Head stability and neck function during locomotion in Varecia variegata
Meeting Abstract 67-2 Friday, Jan. 5 13:45 – 14:00 Head stability and neck function during locomotion in Varecia variegata GRIDER-POTTER, N*; ZEININGER, A; Arizona State University; Duke University The head houses both visual and vestibulocochlear organs that allow an organism to balance, orient, and navigate during locomotion. Maintaining a stable head should be especially important in […]
Finding the Invisible Joint Developing a Joint Coordinate System for the Alligator (Alligator mississipiensis) Coracosternal Joint
Meeting Abstract 67-7 Friday, Jan. 5 15:00 – 15:15 Finding the Invisible Joint: Developing a Joint Coordinate System for the Alligator (Alligator mississipiensis) Coracosternal Joint BAIER, DB*; MORITZ, S; CARNEY, RM; GARRITY, B; Providence College; Brown University; University of South Florida; Boston University X-ray Reconstruction of Moving Morphology (XROMM) can be used to recreate skeletal motion […]
Biomechanical and performance tradeoffs in bipedal and quadrupedal turning strategies of Desert Kangaroo Rats
Meeting Abstract 67-6 Friday, Jan. 5 14:45 – 15:00 Biomechanical and performance tradeoffs in bipedal and quadrupedal turning strategies of Desert Kangaroo Rats COLLINS, CE*; HUNTER, SL; MCGOWAN, CP; University of Idaho; University of Idaho; University of Idaho Animals propel themselves through physically challenging environments for a variety of tasks including dispersal, feeding, and predator […]
The First Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of the Skull and Musculature of a Cretaceous Toothed Bird, Hesperornis regalis
Meeting Abstract 67-4 Saturday, Jan. 5 14:15 – 14:30 The First Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of the Skull and Musculature of a Cretaceous Toothed Bird, Hesperornis regalis HANSON, M*; BURNHAM, D; BRIGHT, J; CARNEY, R; BHULLAR, B-A S; Yale University; University of Kansas; Yale University Cranial kinesis in birds is a remarkable anatomical specialization involving the development of […]
Launch Mechanics of Quetzalcoatlus and Other Large Pterosaurs A Test of Three Hypotheses
Meeting Abstract 67-6 Saturday, Jan. 5 14:45 – 15:00 Launch Mechanics of Quetzalcoatlus and Other Large Pterosaurs: A Test of Three Hypotheses PADIAN, K; Univ. of California, Berkeley There are three main hypotheses about how large pterodactyloids may have launched themselves from the ground: (1) a running takeoff in bipedal posture, (2) a standing takeoff in […]
Incipient Wing-Flapping Enhances Aerial Performance in a Robotic Glider
Meeting Abstract 67-7 Saturday, Jan. 5 15:00 – 15:15 Incipient Wing-Flapping Enhances Aerial Performance in a Robotic Glider SATHE, EA*; CHRONISTER, NJ; DUDLEY, R; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley Fossils intermediate to theropod dinosaurs and modern birds show well-developed flight feathers on both fore- and hindlimbs that indicate aerodynamic function. To test the […]