Meeting Abstract 66.2 Wednesday, Jan. 6 Circadian oscillations in gene expression in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis: the evolution of the animal circadian clock REITZEL, AM; BEHRENDT, L; TARRANT, AM*; Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst.; WHOI; WHOI Circadian clocks provide biochemical cues for diurnal variations in physiology and behavior. In animals, circadian clocks are generally entrained by […]
sessions: Session 66
Blastoderm patterning and gap gene interaction in the milkweed bug Oncopeltus fasciatus
Meeting Abstract 66.1 Wednesday, Jan. 6 Blastoderm patterning and gap gene interaction in the milkweed bug Oncopeltus fasciatus BEN-DAVID, J; CHIPMAN, A.D.*; The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The early embryo of the milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus, appears as a single cell layer – the embryonic blastoderm – covering the entire egg. […]
Using bio-robotic tools to explore muscle force-length and force-velocity properties in aquatic locomotion
Meeting Abstract 66.6 Thursday, Jan. 6 Using bio-robotic tools to explore muscle force-length and force-velocity properties in aquatic locomotion RICHARDS, Christopher T.*; CLEMENTE, Christofer J.; Harvard University Understanding swimming biomechanics is challenging because of the complexities of fluids and the poor knowledge of neural input versus muscle output. Recent bio-robotics advances explore how various limb motions […]
Meeting Abstract 66.5 Thursday, Jan. 6 THE MUSCLE ACTIVATION PLOT AS A GRAPHIC UNIT INTERFACE FOR VOICE SIMULATION ACROSS SPECIES. TITZE, I.R.*; RIEDE, T.; Uni. of Utah, Salt Lake City; Uni. of Utah, Salt Lake City Voice simulation utilizes sophisticated computational methods from two well-developed disciplines, mechanical engineering and physiology of musculo-skeletal systems. Fluid-structure interaction principles […]
SARCOMOVER Towards a sarcomere inspired linear actuator
Meeting Abstract 66.4 Thursday, Jan. 6 SARCOMOVER: Towards a sarcomere inspired linear actuator NELSON, RL*; UYENO, TA; WHEELER, MD; YEO, SH; WILKINSON, KC; PAI, DK; NISHIKAWA, KC; Northern Arizona University; Northern Arizona University; Northern Arizona University; University of British Columbia; Northern Arizona University; University of British Columbia; Northern Arizona University Here, we present a novel and […]
Neuromuscular Activation Dynamics from Different Types of Motor Units for Predicting Muscle Forces During Locomotion
Meeting Abstract 66.3 Thursday, Jan. 6 Neuromuscular Activation Dynamics from Different Types of Motor Units for Predicting Muscle Forces During Locomotion LEE, S/SM*; BIEWENER, A/A; DEBOEF MIARA, M; WAKELING, J/M; Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada Neuromuscular activation dynamics are critical to muscle force […]
Energy absorption by muscle during steady and non-steady movement
Meeting Abstract 66.2 Thursday, Jan. 6 Energy absorption by muscle during steady and non-steady movement KONOW, N*; ROBERTS, TJ; Brown University; Brown University An important function of skeletal muscle is to absorb energy via active lengthening. This occurs in leg extensors during leg flexion and with changes in energetic demand—when running terrain slopes downhill or landing […]
Active Muscle Enhances Rapid Perturbation Recovery in an Insect Limb
Meeting Abstract 66.1 Thursday, Jan. 6 Active Muscle Enhances Rapid Perturbation Recovery in an Insect Limb. LIBBY, T.*; FULL, R. J.; Univ. of California, Berkeley Passive, intact limbs of cockroaches recover from large impulses in less than 40 ms, sufficient for complete recovery from a perturbation at the onset of swing phase. Such capability could insure […]
The developmental basis of an adaptive radiation the evolution of limb diversity in Anolis lizards
Meeting Abstract 66.4 Friday, Jan. 6 The developmental basis of an adaptive radiation: the evolution of limb diversity in Anolis lizards INFANTE, CR*; LOSOS, JB; MENKE, DM; University of Georgia; Harvard University; University of Georgia The lizard genus Anolis comprises over 300 described species and has undergone an extraordinary radiation on the islands of the Greater […]
The Genome of the Ctenophore Pleurobrachia bachei Molecular Insights into Independent Origins of Nervous Systems
Meeting Abstract 66.7 Friday, Jan. 6 The Genome of the Ctenophore Pleurobrachia bachei: Molecular Insights into Independent Origins of Nervous Systems MOROZ, LL*; KOHN, A; CITARELLA , M; GRIGORENKO, A; KOCOT , K.; HALANYCH, K; ROGAEV, E; Univ of Florida; Univ of Florida; Univ of Florida; Univ of Massachusetts Med Sch; Univ of Alabama; Univ of Alabama; […]