Meeting Abstract 66-5 Friday, Jan. 5 14:30 – 14:45 The Best Laid Plans: Testing the Generality of Experimentally Evolved Oviposition Preference AUSTIN, M*; ITURRALDE, P; WEST, K; DUNLAP, A; University of Missouri, St. Louis Innate cognitive and sensory biases can heavily influence the decisions an animal makes in its environment. In many species, sensory biases have […]
sessions: Session 66
Tactical Dimorphism as a Potential Indicator of Intralocus Tactical Conflict in the Swordtail Xiphophorus multilineatus
Meeting Abstract 66-2 Friday, Jan. 5 13:45 – 14:00 Tactical Dimorphism as a Potential Indicator of Intralocus Tactical Conflict in the Swordtail Xiphophorus multilineatus LIOTTA, MN*; ABBOTT, JK; RIOS-CARDENAS, O; MORRIS, MR; Ohio University; Lund University, Sweden; Instituto de Ecologia, Veracruz, Mexico; Ohio University Alternative Reproductive Tactics (ARTs) are discrete variations in the reproductive phenotypes […]
Potential for marine turtle promiscuity to counteract extreme environmental effects
Meeting Abstract 66-1 Friday, Jan. 5 13:30 – 13:45 Potential for marine turtle promiscuity to counteract extreme environmental effects LASALA, JA*; HUGHES, C; WYNEKEN, J; LASALA, Jacob; Florida Atlantic University ; Florida Atlantic University ; Florida Atlantic University Species that display temperature dependent sex determination are at risk due to increasing global temperatures. Marine turtles are […]
Patterns of Fish Reproduction at the Interface Between Water and Air
Meeting Abstract 66-7 Friday, Jan. 5 15:00 – 15:15 Patterns of Fish Reproduction at the Interface Between Water and Air ISHIMATSU, A; MAI, VH; MARTIN, KLM*; Nagasaki University, Japan; Nagasaki University, Japan; Pepperdine University Although fishes by nature are aquatic, many species reproduce in such a way that their embryos are exposed to air either […]
Exploring the effects of queen personality on fitness and colony success in paper wasps
Meeting Abstract 66-6 Friday, Jan. 5 14:45 – 15:00 Exploring the effects of queen personality on fitness and colony success in paper wasps WRIGHT, CM*; TIBBETTS, EA; PRUITT, JN; University of California, Santa Barbara; University of Michigan; University of California, Santa Barbara The founding individuals of a new group or lineage are uniquely poised to have […]
Effects of territory quality on reproductive allocation in female house wrens (Troglodytes aedon)
Meeting Abstract 66-3 Friday, Jan. 5 14:00 – 14:15 Effects of territory quality on reproductive allocation in female house wrens (Troglodytes aedon) POORBOY, D.M.*; BOWERS, E.K.; BOWDEN, R.M.; SAKALUK, S.K.; THOMPSON, C.F.; Illinois State University; University of Memphis; Illinois State University; Illinois State University In territorial birds, both parental and territory quality vary and influence resource […]
An Experimental Manipulation of Badge Size in Song Sparrows Consequences for Male Aggression and Hormone Profiles in Urban and Rural Habitats
Meeting Abstract 66-4 Friday, Jan. 5 14:15 – 14:30 An Experimental Manipulation of Badge Size in Song Sparrows: Consequences for Male Aggression and Hormone Profiles in Urban and Rural Habitats BECK, M. L.*; AҪKAY, C; SEWALL, K. B.; Rivier University; Koc University; Virginia Tech Signal honesty is an essential component of stable communication systems, but […]
Restoration of Timber Rattlesnake Rookeries Efficacy of Daylighting Management
Meeting Abstract 66-2 Saturday, Jan. 5 13:45 – 14:00 Restoration of Timber Rattlesnake Rookeries: Efficacy of Daylighting Management HOWEY, C.A.F.; University of Scranton The range of Timber Rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus) extends further north than most other rattlesnakes. In these colder, northern latitudes, gravid female C. horridus must use rare, open habitats (rookery sites) in order […]
Reef Zone-Specific Physiological Responses of Two Caribbean Corals Exposed to Multiple Global Change Stressors
Meeting Abstract 66-6 Saturday, Jan. 5 14:45 – 15:00 Reef Zone-Specific Physiological Responses of Two Caribbean Corals Exposed to Multiple Global Change Stressors AICHELMAN, HE*; BOVE, CB; CASTILLO, KD; BOULTON, JM; KNOWLTON, AC; RIES, JB; DAVIES, SW; Boston Univ.; Univ. of NC, Chapel Hill; Univ. of NC, Chapel Hill; Univ. of NC, Chapel Hill; Univ. of NC, […]
Plant Climbing by Salamanders as a Compensatory Behavior in Relation to Climate
Meeting Abstract 66-1 Saturday, Jan. 5 13:30 – 13:45 Plant Climbing by Salamanders as a Compensatory Behavior in Relation to Climate MCENTIRE, K D*; MAERZ, J C; HOWARD, J S; Trinity University; University of Georgia; University of Georgia Developing rigorous ecological models is a fundamental goal of ecologists to forecast biotic responses to climate change. Many […]