Movement-related life history variation in brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in Lake Superior tributary streams

Meeting Abstract 66.1  Tuesday, Jan. 6 08:00  Movement-related life history variation in brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in Lake Superior tributary streams LEONARD, J.B.K.*; CROSS, R.; Northern Michigan University Life-history variation in salmonid fishes related to movement behavior represents intraspecific biodiversity important for species resiliency and ecosystem functioning. We used RFID/PIT telemetry in two Lake Superior tributaries […]

Diadromy and Diversification

Meeting Abstract 66.3  Tuesday, Jan. 6 08:30  Diadromy and Diversification CORUSH, JB; University of Tennessee, Knoxville Many fishes are limited to marine or freshwater environments, however, roughly 250 of the nearly 30,000 teleost fishes are diadromous, or migrate between marine and freshwater during a particular stage of their life. Evolutionarily, diadromy is of interest due to […]

Comparative homing behaviors in two species of crayfish, Orconectes rusticus and Fallicambarus fodiens

Meeting Abstract 66.6  Tuesday, Jan. 6 09:00  Comparative homing behaviors in two species of crayfish, Orconectes rusticus and Fallicambarus fodiens KAMRAN, M*; MOORE, P.A; Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green; Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green The ability of animals to navigate to and from resources such as breeding grounds, richer pastures for foraging as well […]

Carbon dioxide anesthesia impacts climbing and flight behavior in Drosophila melanogaster

Meeting Abstract 66.4  Tuesday, Jan. 6 08:45  Carbon dioxide anesthesia impacts climbing and flight behavior in Drosophila melanogaster VANDENBROOKS, J.M.*; BARTHOLOMEW, N.R.; BURDETT, J.; QUINLAN, M.; CALL, G.B.; Midwestern University; Midwestern University; Midwestern University; Midwestern University; Midwestern University; Midwestern University Laboratories that research Drosophila melanogaster use carbon dioxide (CO2) on a daily basis to anesthetize flies […]

Adaptative potential of larval dispersal in barnacles

Meeting Abstract 66.2  Tuesday, Jan. 6 08:15  Adaptative potential of larval dispersal in barnacles EWERS-SAUCEDO, C*; PAPPALARDO, MP; WARES, JP; University of Georgia; University of Georgia; University of Georgia Dispersal of many marine species is limited to the larval phase. This larval phase is diverse with regard to duration and feeding mode, even between closely related […]

The intestine is a blender

Meeting Abstract 66-7  Tuesday, Jan. 5 15:00  The intestine is a blender YANG, P*; LAMARCA, M; HU, DL; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, digestive disease affects 60 to 70 million people and costs over 140 billion annually. Despite the […]

The Internal Morphology and Strength of Spanish moss

Meeting Abstract 66-6  Tuesday, Jan. 5 14:45  The Internal Morphology and Strength of Spanish moss TATRO, KL*; CARREIRA, KL; UYENO, TA; Valdosta State University; Valdosta State University; Valdosta State University Spanish moss (Tillandsia usneoides (L.)) is a perennial flowering epiphyte with a large distribution across the moister parts of the Americas. Since it sustains itself with […]

Spectral Discrimination in “Color Blind” Cephalopods via Chromatic Aberration and Pupil Shape

Meeting Abstract 66-5  Tuesday, Jan. 5 14:30  Spectral Discrimination in “Color Blind” Cephalopods via Chromatic Aberration and Pupil Shape STUBBS, AL.*; STUBBS, CW; Univ. of California Berkeley; Harvard University The only known or proposed mechanisms for color vision require either spectrally distinct photoreceptors or spectral filtering of a single photoreceptor type. Virtually all cephalopods (octopus, squid, […]

Knotting Characteristics of the Pacific Hagfish

Meeting Abstract 66-2  Tuesday, Jan. 5 13:45  Knotting Characteristics of the Pacific Hagfish HANEY, WA*; CLARK, AJ; UYENO , TA; Valdosta State University ; College of Charleston ; Valdosta State University Hagfish are jawless, invertebrate chordates that may compensate for a lack of opposable jaws by employing leverage created by forming and manipulating body knots during […]

Grizzly Bear Joint Loading Across Speeds Sagittal and Frontal Plane Analyses

Meeting Abstract 66-4  Tuesday, Jan. 5 14:15  Grizzly Bear Joint Loading Across Speeds: Sagittal and Frontal Plane Analyses SHINE, C. L.*; ROBBINS, C. T.; NELSON, O. L.; MCGOWAN, C. P.; University of Idaho; Washington State University; Washington State University; University of Idaho The majority of locomotion studies have focused on parasagittal motion and all but ignored […]

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