Meeting Abstract 66.6 Friday, Jan. 6 The Early Embryo: Genomic analysis of gene expression in an early diverging lineage of metazoans, the Ctenophora BROWNE, W.E.*; SCHNITZLER, C.E.; GILDEA, D.; NGUYEN, A.-D.; MAXWELL, E.; RYAN, J.F.; BAXEVANIS, A.D.; University of Miami; NHGRI/NIH; NHGRI/NIH; NHGRI/NIH; NHGRI/NIH; NHGRI/NIH; NHGRI/NIH The defining characteristic of metazoans is the possession of distinct […]
sessions: Session 66
Resetting the clock Temporal dynamics in gene network evolution
Meeting Abstract 66.10 Friday, Jan. 6 Resetting the clock: Temporal dynamics in gene network evolution WOZNICA, A; HAUSLER, M; JEMMET, J; STAROBINSKA, E; LI, Y; DAVIDSON, B*; UC Berkeley; UC Santa Cruz; University of Arizona; University of Arizona; University of Arizona; University of Arizona Spatial shifts in gene expression domains have well documented roles in evolution. […]
Molgulid ascidians show an early heterochronic shift in the expression of genes critical for metamorphosis in other ascidians
Meeting Abstract 66.9 Friday, Jan. 6 Molgulid ascidians show an early heterochronic shift in the expression of genes critical for metamorphosis in other ascidians MALISKA, M.E.*; PIERCE, T.; HAUSCH, P.; BROWN, C.T.; SWALLA, B.J.; Department of Biology, University of Washington; Department of Biology, University of Washington; Department of Biology, Ripon College; Department of Computer Science and Engineering […]
Genome-wide Characterization of Signaling Peptides in Molluscs Insights into Neuronal Evolution
Meeting Abstract 66.8 Friday, Jan. 6 Genome-wide Characterization of Signaling Peptides in Molluscs: Insights into Neuronal Evolution KOHN, A.B.*; CITARELLA, M.R.; GILLETTE, R.; SWEEDLER, J.V.; MOROZ, L.L.; Whitney Lab for Marine Bioscience University of Florida, St Augustine, FL; Whitney Lab for Marine Bioscience University of Florida, St Augustine, FL; Department of Chemistry and the Beckman Institute, University […]
Exploring the evolutionary loss of regeneration a comparative genomics study in planarians
Meeting Abstract 66.3 Friday, Jan. 6 Exploring the evolutionary loss of regeneration: a comparative genomics study in planarians SIKES, JM*; NEWMARK, PA; Univ. of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana; Howard Hughes Medical Institute Planarians possess extraordinary abilities to regenerate complete animals from small tissue fragments. However, in contrast to most flatworm species, the planarian Procotyla fluviatilis is limited in […]
Applying Seed Networks to Genomic Data in an EvoDevo Context A New Analysis Tool
Meeting Abstract 66.5 Friday, Jan. 6 Applying Seed Networks to Genomic Data in an EvoDevo Context: A New Analysis Tool SERB, J.M.*; ZHANG, X.; WEST GREENLEE, M.H.; Iowa State Univ. Large-scale genomic expression studies have not yielded the expected insight into genetic networks that control complex processes of development. These anticipated discoveries have not been limited […]
A comparative approach to animal regeneration
Meeting Abstract 66.2 Friday, Jan. 6 A comparative approach to animal regeneration SRIVASTAVA, Mansi*; REDDIEN, Peter W; Whitehead Institute; Whitehead Institute, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, HHMI Members of most animal phyla are able to replace damaged or missing tissue. A comparative approach can reveal whether the genetic mechanisms underlying regeneration in different animal species are shared […]
Ontogeny of navigational responses to regional magnetic fields in loggerhead sea turtle hatchlings
Meeting Abstract 66.3 Saturday, Jan. 5 Ontogeny of navigational responses to regional magnetic fields in loggerhead sea turtle hatchlings BROTHERS, J.R.*; ERNST, D.A.; HANKINS, K.; LOHMANN, K.J.; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Hatchling loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta […]
Nomadic Ghosts Patterns of Burrow Occupancy in the Ghost Crab Ocypode quadrata
Meeting Abstract 66.5 Saturday, Jan. 5 Nomadic Ghosts: Patterns of Burrow Occupancy in the Ghost Crab Ocypode quadrata ERNST, D.A.*; BROTHERS, J.R.; LOHMANN, K.J.; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill The ghost crab, Ocypode quadrata, is a semi-terrestrial crab indigenous to sandy, western Atlantic beaches. During summer months, crabs dig burrows into the beach and […]
Decline in conditions during the juvenile period impair behavioral flexibility, while consistently poor developmental conditions impair spatial memory of zebra finches
Meeting Abstract 66.6 Saturday, Jan. 5 Decline in conditions during the juvenile period impair behavioral flexibility, while consistently poor developmental conditions impair spatial memory of zebra finches KRIENGWATANA, B*; AITKEN, SDT; GARCIA, L; FARRELL, TM; MACDOUGALL-SHACKLETON, SA; University of Western Ontario; University of Western Ontario; University of Western Ontario; Unviersity of Western Ontario; University of Western Ontario […]