Modern, Historical, and Future Carnivore Communities in Sub-Saharan Africa Implications for Conservation and Climate Change

Meeting Abstract 64.3  Sunday, Jan. 6  Modern, Historical, and Future Carnivore Communities in Sub-Saharan Africa: Implications for Conservation and Climate Change YEAKEL, J D*; DOMINY, N J; KOCH, P L; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz Sub-Saharan African ecosystems are distinguished by relatively large numbers of co-occurring […]

Cross-sector Connectivity Understanding and eradicating exotic plants by leveraging science, education, government, and non-profit sectors

Meeting Abstract 64.5  Sunday, Jan. 6  Cross-sector Connectivity: Understanding and eradicating exotic plants by leveraging science, education, government, and non-profit sectors TALLEY, D.M.*; FISLER, S.; SF Bay NERR/SFSU; Aquatic Adventures Science Education Foundation Ecologists have become increasingly aware of the importance of having a pluralistic view of the world in order to better understand and conserve […]

Comparing toxicological effects of Triclosan on multiple taxa Washing away our natural communities

Meeting Abstract 64.4  Sunday, Jan. 6  Comparing toxicological effects of Triclosan on multiple taxa: Washing away our natural communities WILSON, BA; University of Massachusetts, Boston Pharmaceutical and personal-care products (PPCPs) and their degradation products are introduced into the environment with waste-water discharge from sewage treatment facilities as the primary source. Their release into surface waters can […]

The fossil neogastropod genus Bruclarkia in the Eastern Pacific investigations of its endemism and speciation

Meeting Abstract 64.2  Tuesday, Jan. 6  The fossil neogastropod genus Bruclarkia in the Eastern Pacific: investigations of its endemism and speciation VENDETTI, J.E.; Univeristy of California, Berkeley The extinct buccinid gastropod genus Bruclarkia Trask in Stewart, 1927, includes thirteen species from the Paleogene and Neogene of California, Oregon, Washington, Vancouver Island, and Alaska. Genera in the […]

Recent sympatric diversification of brood parasitic indigobirds setting an upper limit on speciation times

Meeting Abstract 64.1  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Recent sympatric diversification of brood parasitic indigobirds: setting an upper limit on speciation times. DACOSTA, J.M.*; SHULL, H.C.; SEFC, K.M.; BALAKRISHNAN, C.N.; PAYNE, R.B.; SORENSON, M.D.; Boston University; Boston University; Boston University; Boston University; University of Michigan; Boston University Indigobirds (genus Vidua) are host-specific brood parasites in which host colonization […]

Morphological, Physiological, and Genetic Variation in the Red-Jointed Fiddler Crab, Uca minax (Le Conte)

Meeting Abstract 64.6  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Morphological, Physiological, and Genetic Variation in the Red-Jointed Fiddler Crab, Uca minax (Le Conte) WARWICK, A.R.; HOPKINS*, M.J. ; BERENDZEN, P.B. ; THURMAN , C.L. *; University of Northern Iowa; *University of Chicago Due to its absence on peninsular Florida, Uca minax is unusual in having a disjunct distribution along […]

Is Adaptive Radiation an island phenomenon Comparison of Mainland and West Indian Anolis Lizard Evolution

Meeting Abstract 64.3  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Is Adaptive Radiation an island phenomenon? Comparison of Mainland and West Indian Anolis Lizard Evolution LOSOS, J.B.; Harvard University West Indian anoles have radiated independently on each island in the Greater Antilles, producing in each case species morphologically and behaviorally adapted to use a wide variety of different ecological niches. […]

Hyperoxia reduces the costs of digestion in snakes Investigating the energetic consequences of the paleoatmosphere

Meeting Abstract 64.5  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Hyperoxia reduces the costs of digestion in snakes: Investigating the energetic consequences of the paleoatmosphere MCCUE, M.D.; Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben Gurion University Oxygen levels in the Earths atmosphere have fluctuated dramatically during the Phranerozoic eon, and may have reached concentrations at 60% greater than current levels. These […]

Did the Fish-Specific Genome Duplication (FSGD) event spawn the teleost radiation Evidence from the analysis of actinopterygian diversification rates

Meeting Abstract 64.4  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Did the Fish-Specific Genome Duplication (FSGD) event spawn the teleost radiation? Evidence from the analysis of actinopterygian diversification rates. ALFARO, ME*; HARMON, LJ; CARNEVALE, G; SANTINI, F; Univ. of California, Los Angeles; Univ. of Idaho; Univ. of Pisa; Univ. of California, Los Angeles The genome duplication hypothesis posits that the […]

Wing Morphology in Relation to Migration in Zonotrichia Sparrows

Meeting Abstract 64.10  Wednesday, Jan. 6  Wing Morphology in Relation to Migration in Zonotrichia Sparrows CLARK, A.D.*; WANG, G; ADDIS, E.A.; RAMENOFSKY, M; WINGFIELD, J.C.; University of Washington Within the Emberizine sparrow genus Zonotrichia, there exist migrant and non-migrant populations with varying degrees of reproductive isolation from the opposing migratory strategy. Taking advantage of both the […]

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