Development of the skeletogenic mesoderm in the Ophiuroid Ophiocoma wendtii

LIVINGSTON, BT*; HARMON, M; University of South Florida; University of South Florida: Development of the skeletogenic mesoderm in the Ophiuroid Ophiocoma wendtii Both sea urchin and brittle star species give rise to embryos and larvae with well developed skeletal spicules, while sea cucumber and sea star embryos have reduced or absent larval skeletons. The uncertain […]

Assembling the Protostome Tree of Life

GIRIBET, G.*; EDGECOMBE, G.D.; KRISTENSEN, R.M.; MARTINDALE, M.Q.; SEAVER, E.C.; SORENSEN, M.V.; ROUSE, G.W.; WHEELER, W.C.; Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University; The Australian Museum; Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen; Kewalo Marine Laboratory, University of Hawaii; Kewalo Marine Laboratory, University of Hawaii; University of Copenhagen; South Australian Museum; American Museum of Natural History: Assembling the […]

The attractiveness of courtship signals increases with predation risk

Meeting Abstract 64.3  Jan. 7  The attractiveness of courtship signals increases with predation risk KIM, T. W.*; CHRISTY, J. H.; CHOE, J. C. ; Ewha Womans University; Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute; Ewha Womans University Although the sensory trap model for sexually selected signals has been suggested over 2 decades, there has not yet been direct evidence […]

Long Term Performance Detriments In Songbirds With Extensive Carotenoid-Based Plumage Coloration Are Carotenoids Toxic

Meeting Abstract 64.5  Jan. 7  Long Term Performance Detriments In Songbirds With Extensive Carotenoid-Based Plumage Coloration: Are Carotenoids Toxic? HUGGINS, K.A.*; NAVARA, K.J.; HILL, G.E.; MENDONCA, M.T.; Auburn University; Ohio State University; Auburn University; Auburn University Although there is extensive literature addressing the beneficial effects of carotenoids as antioxidants and immune enhancers, there are also studies […]

Innovative Optics of Bright Wing Colors in Pierid Butterflies Morphological Determinants and Implications for Use as Visual Signals

Meeting Abstract 64.2  Jan. 7  Innovative Optics of Bright Wing Colors in Pierid Butterflies: Morphological Determinants and Implications for Use as Visual Signals MOREHOUSE, Nathan I.*; RUTOWSKI, Ronald L.; VUKUSIC, Peter; Arizona State University; Arizona State University; University of Exeter Animal color signals have been traditionally classified as either pigment based or structurally generated. However, little […]

Experimental manipulation of sexual selection and the evolution of locomotor performance in Drosophila pseudoobscura

Meeting Abstract 64.1  Jan. 7  Experimental manipulation of sexual selection and the evolution of locomotor performance in Drosophila pseudoobscura ROBERTS, SP*; CRUDGINGTON, HS; SNOOK, RR; Univ of Nevada Las Vegas; Univ of Sheffield; Univ of Sheffield Sexual selection typically yields sexual dimorphism in traits related to mate competition and mate choice, and among such traits in […]

A comparative analysis of natural and sexual selection in lizards

Meeting Abstract 64.4  Jan. 7  A comparative analysis of natural and sexual selection in lizards IRSCHICK, Duncan*; MEYERS, Jay; University of Massachusetts at Amherst; University of Massachusetts at Amherst The disparate forces of natural and sexual selection are often examined individually, and typically on single species. The downfall of this approach is that one cannot determine […]

Response of Herpetofauna to Ponderosa Pine Forest Treatments Prescribed by the National Fire and Fire Surrogate Study

Meeting Abstract 64.2  Sunday, Jan. 6  Response of Herpetofauna to Ponderosa Pine Forest Treatments Prescribed by the National Fire and Fire Surrogate Study BLOCK, Jean/L*; NISHIKAWA, Kiisa/C; Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff; Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff Ponderosa pine forests across the southwestern United States are being treated by thinning and burning to reduce fuel loads and the […]

Nest success, fledgling survival, and habitat selection of Hooded Warblers (Wilsonia citrina) in partially harvested forest fragments

Meeting Abstract 64.6  Sunday, Jan. 6  Nest success, fledgling survival, and habitat selection of Hooded Warblers (Wilsonia citrina) in partially harvested forest fragments. ENG, ML*; BURKE, DM; STUTCHBURY, BJS; Simon Fraser Univ.; Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources; York Univ. Assessment of population productivity and breeding habitat quality for Neotropical migrant birds often is based on adult […]

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