GRINDSTAFF, J.L.*; HASSELQUIST, D; NILSSON, J.A.; SANDELL, M.I.; STJERNMAN, M; Indiana University, Bloomington; Lund University; Lund University; Lund University; Lund University: Maternal effects of antigen challenge on offspring growth and immunity in wild birds Maternal effects occur when offspring phenotype is a product not only of its own genotype and the environment it experiences but […]
sessions: Session 64
Fiddler crab fitness exercise and the cost of sex
ALLEN, B.J.*; LEVINTON, J.S.; State University of New York, Stony Brook; State University of New York, Stony Brook: Fiddler crab fitness: exercise and the cost of sex Fiddler crabs (genus Uca) exhibit extreme sexual dimorphism. Males have a greatly enlarged major claw that comprises as much as 40% of the total body mass. Males with […]
A Field Experiment Simulating an Invasion of Predatory Crabs
BOULDING, E.G.; Univ. of Guelph, Ontario: A Field Experiment Simulating an Invasion of Predatory Crabs. Wild populations have only a limited ability to adapt to sudden biotic changes in their environment – many populations have gone extinct after the invasion of an exotic predator or competitor. I have investigated the theoretical conditions under which rapid […]
Why herbivory shouldnt evolve in reptiles and a hypothesis for why it does
ESPINOZA, ROBERT E.; California State Univ., Northridge: Why herbivory shouldn�t evolve in reptiles and a hypothesis for why it does. Herbivory is rare in reptiles and for more than 40 years researchers have postulated why so few herbivorous reptiles have evolved. Yet, a better question might be why strict herbivory should evolve at all given […]
Source of Fuel for Post-Feeding Metabolic Responses in Python regius
STARCK, J.M.; WERNER, R.; MOSER, P.; University of Munich (LMU), Germany; MPI Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany; University of Munich (LMU), Germany: Source of Fuel for Post-Feeding Metabolic Responses in Python regius The postprandial response of pythons has been characterized frequently. Pattern of organ size change, up-regulation of metabolic rate (SDA) and shifts in biochemical blood parameters […]
Seasonal changes in the fatty acid composition of lipid stores in migratory birds the relative importance of selective metabolism of fatty acids and behavioral preferences for certain dietary fatty acids
PIERCE, B.J.; MCWILLIAMS, S.R.*; Univ. Rhode Island, Kingston; Univ. Rhode Island, Kingston: Seasonal changes in the fatty acid composition of lipid stores in migratory birds: the relative importance of selective metabolism of fatty acids and behavioral preferences for certain dietary fatty acids. Fatty acid composition of body fat in migratory birds changes seasonally and changes […]
Phenotypic flexibility of body composition associated with seasonal acclimatization of resident passerines
LIKNES, E.T.; SWANSON, D.L.; Northern State University; University of South Dakota: Phenotypic flexibility of body composition associated with seasonal acclimatization of resident passerines Improved winter cold-tolerance is widespread among small birds from temperate climates and is usually associated with improved shivering endurance and elevated peak metabolic rate (Msum), although acclimatization mechanisms are incompletely understood. Seasonal […]
On the representation and analysis of specific dynamic action (SDA)
BEAUPRE, S.J.; University of Arkansas: On the representation and analysis of specific dynamic action (SDA). Specific Dynamic Action (SDA, or the bioenergetic cost of digestion and assimilation, has been studied in a variety of animals to understand the physiological, ecological and evolutionary determinants of digestive function. In comparative studies, researchers often extrapolate their SDA data […]
Metabolic depression in estivating mud turtles
PETERSON, C.C.*; LIGON, D.B.; The College of New Jersey; Oklahoma State University: Metabolic depression in estivating mud turtles Some animals survive periods of adversely dry and/or hot climatic conditions through terrestrial dormancy, termed estivation. Estivating animals should benefit from conservation of energy, but unlike hibernators, estivating ectotherms cannot rely on the acute effects of low […]
Metabolic and Energetic Effects of Plasmodial Infection in Aedes aegypti
GRAY , EM; BRADLEY, TJ; University of California, Irvine; University of California, Irvine: Metabolic and Energetic Effects of Plasmodial Infection in Aedes aegypti Plasmodium species are the causative agents of malaria. They are transmitted between the vertebrate and mosquito hosts via the bite of the latter. The developmental cycle of Plasmodium spp. in the mosquito […]