Sensorimotor integration in the control of dorsal fin movements during swimming

Meeting Abstract 64-4  Sunday, Jan. 5 14:15 – 14:30  Sensorimotor integration in the control of dorsal fin movements during swimming MEKDARA, PJ*; NASIMI, F; TYTELL, ED; Tufts University; Tufts University; Tufts University Fish fins are highly flexible, which allows them to form complex shapes that can offer hydrodynamic performance benefits. The flexibility in their fins allow […]

Haltere kinematic and dynamics measured using time-resolved microtomography

Meeting Abstract 64-2  Sunday, Jan. 5 13:45 – 14:00  Haltere kinematic and dynamics measured using time-resolved microtomography WALKER, S M*; CHRISTEN, P; TAYLOR, G K; University of Leeds; University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland ; University of Oxford Halteres are the dumbbell-shaped, reduced hindwings found in Diptera (true flies) and are a defining feature […]

Exploring Reaction Time in Desert Kangaroo Rats

Meeting Abstract 64-5  Sunday, Jan. 5 14:30 – 14:45  Exploring Reaction Time in Desert Kangaroo Rats CHRISTENSEN , BA*; SCHWANER , MJ; FREYMILLER, GA; CLARK, RW; MCGOWAN, CP; University of Idaho, Moscow ; University of Idaho, Moscow ; San Diego State University, CA ; San Diego State University, CA; University of Idaho, Moscow Desert kangaroo rats […]

Effects of binocular field size on leaping performance in small bodied primates

Meeting Abstract 64-6  Sunday, Jan. 5 14:45 – 15:00  Effects of binocular field size on leaping performance in small bodied primates KEMP, AK; Duke University It has long been argued that a number of distinguishing features of primates, including their forward-facing eyes and large binocular visual field, improve the effectiveness of arboreal leaping locomotion, especially in […]

Context Dependent Sensing and Robust Integration of Visual and Mechanosensory Stimuli in Hover-Feeding Hawk Moths

Meeting Abstract 64-3  Sunday, Jan. 5 14:00 – 14:15  Context Dependent Sensing and Robust Integration of Visual and Mechanosensory Stimuli in Hover-Feeding Hawk Moths SHARMA, VP*; SPONBERG, SN; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology Insects exhibit robust goal-tracking behavior in a range of environmental conditions. In the presence of redundant, parallel sensory information, how […]

Aerodynamic and Structural Modelling and Simulation of Dragonfly Wing Towards the Understanding of Fly-by-Feel

Meeting Abstract 64-1  Sunday, Jan. 5 13:30 – 13:45  Aerodynamic and Structural Modelling and Simulation of Dragonfly Wing: Towards the Understanding of “Fly-by-Feel” MAEDA, M*; WALKER, SM; FABIAN, JM; LIN, HT; BOMPHREY, RJ; Royal Veterinary College; University of Leeds; Imperial College London; Imperial College London; Royal Veterinary College During flight, insect wings undergo large, periodic deformations […]

Tunicate Out of Body Experiences Extra-Somatic Cell Migration and Other Insights and Observations on Urochordate Metamorphosis

DAVIDSON, B.J.*; MOODY, W.; SWALLA, B.: Tunicate Out of Body Experiences: Extra-Somatic Cell Migration and Other Insights and Observations on Urochordate Metamorphosis We are investigating the morphological changes occurring during urochordate metamorphosis and the hormonal/transcriptional signals which coordinate this process. Initially, we have described a series of discrete morphological stages in the tunicate Boltenia villosa […]

The role of MAPK signaling in patterning mollusc embryos

Lambert, J.D.; Nagy, L.M.: The role of MAPK signaling in patterning mollusc embryos Classical experiments performed on the embryo of the mollusc Ilyanassa obsoleta demonstrate that the 3D macromere acts as an embryonic organizer, by signaling to other cells and inducing them to assume the correct pattern of cell fates. We have discovered that MAP […]

Redox State, Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), and Adaptive Growth of Hydroid Colonies

BLACKSTONE, N.W.: Redox State, Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), and Adaptive Growth of Hydroid Colonies Redox chemistry, involving the transfer of electrons and hydrogen atoms, is central to energy conversion in respiration, and control of gene expression by redox state commonly occurs in bacteria, allowing rapid response to environmental changes. Colonial hydroids often encrust surfaces over […]

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