Studying fish locomotion using a multi-segmented soft robotic, pneumatically-actuated model

Meeting Abstract 64-5  Saturday, Jan. 5 14:30 – 14:45  Studying fish locomotion using a multi-segmented soft robotic, pneumatically-actuated model WOLF, Z.*; VOGT, D.; LAUDER, G.V.; Harvard University; Wyss Institute; Harvard University Previously at SICB, we introduced the “pneufish,” a soft robotic fish model with two actuators (pneunets) attached to a flexible passive foil. Pneunets consist of […]

Soft robotic designs inspired by leeches

Meeting Abstract 64-4  Saturday, Jan. 5 14:15 – 14:30  Soft robotic designs inspired by leeches DESCOUR, M E*; DEVRIES, L D; EVANGELISTA, D E; United States Naval Academy; United States Naval Academy; United States Naval Academy Soft robotic designs have the potential to provide improved maneuverability and durability compared to hard-bodied robots. We present on-going work […]

Scaling of the Performance of Passive-Pitching Robotic Flapping Wings in Hovering Flight

Meeting Abstract 64-7  Saturday, Jan. 5 15:00 – 15:15  Scaling of the Performance of Passive-Pitching Robotic Flapping Wings in Hovering Flight WU, K*; NOWAK, J; BREUER, KS; Brown University; Brown University; Brown University Many animals have evolved the ability to engage in flapping flight as a method of sustained hovering in aerial environments. Within this category, […]

Robokrill a metachronal robotic swimmer

Meeting Abstract 64-3  Saturday, Jan. 5 14:00 – 14:15  Robokrill: a metachronal robotic swimmer JUAREZ, Y S*; DI SANTO, V; WILHELMUS, M M; Univeristy of California, Riverside; Harvard University; Univeristy of California, Riverside Drag-based propulsion via metachronal beating of neighboring appendages is commonly found among species of crustaceans that undergo long-distance migrations in the ocean. While […]

A robotic platform to test control strategies for bipedal walking

Meeting Abstract 64-8  Saturday, Jan. 5 15:15 – 15:30  A robotic platform to test control strategies for bipedal walking DIZON, RN*; SOLIS, AJ; BARNES, CJ; ISAACS, MR; HARRIS, SL; LEE, DV; University of Nevada-Las Vegas; University of Nevada-Las Vegas; University of Nevada-Las Vegas; University of Nevada-Las Vegas; University of Nevada-Las Vegas; University of Nevada-Las Vegas We […]

In silico experiments reveal the importance of randomness of motions in cockroach’s winged self-righting

Meeting Abstract 64-1  Saturday, Jan. 5 13:30 – 13:45  In silico experiments reveal the importance of randomness of motions in cockroach’s winged self-righting XUAN, Q*; OTHAYOTH, R; LI, C; Johns Hopkins University Terrestrial animals must self-right when overturned to survive. The discoid cockroach Blaberus discoidalis can dynamically self-right by opening its wings to push against […]

A Bio-inspired Free-flying Robot Reveals that Flies Use Torque Coupling in Rapid Banked Turns

Meeting Abstract 64-2  Saturday, Jan. 5 13:45 – 14:00  A Bio-inspired Free-flying Robot Reveals that Flies Use Torque Coupling in Rapid Banked Turns MUIJRES, FT*; KARáSEK, M; DE WAGTER, C; REMES, BDW; DE CROON, GCHE; Experimental Zoology Group, Wageningen University, The Netherlands.; Micro Air Vehicle Laboratory, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.; Micro Air Vehicle Laboratory, Delft […]

A Bio-Inspired Robot for Locomotion on Dry and Wet Granular Media

Meeting Abstract 64-6  Saturday, Jan. 5 14:45 – 15:00  A Bio-Inspired Robot for Locomotion on Dry and Wet Granular Media BAGHERI, H; JAYANETTI, V*; BURCH, HR; BRENNER, CE; ARNOLD, JK; MARVI, H; Arizona State University; Arizona State University; Arizona State University; Arizona State University; Arizona State University; Arizona State University The basilisk lizard is a highly […]

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