Meeting Abstract 62.10 Wednesday, Jan. 6 Recovery of the sea urchin Diadema antillarum promotes scleractinian coral growth and survivorship on shallow Jamaican reefs. IDJADI, Joshua A.*; HARING, R. Nicholas; PRECHT, William F.; Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic CT; The City of San Diego Marine Biology Laboratory, San Diego, CA; Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, Key Largo, […]
sessions: Session 62
Larvae of sand dollar behaviorally compensate for temperature constraints on swimming
Meeting Abstract 62.7 Wednesday, Jan. 6 Larvae of sand dollar behaviorally compensate for temperature constraints on swimming CHAN, K.Y.K.*; GRÜNBAUM, D. ; Univ. of Washington, Seattle; Univ. of Washington, Seattle Many marine invertebrate larvae actively swim to regulate water column position. Because environmental characteristics such as food availability and temperature often vary strongly with depth, vertical […]
Impact of an Elevated Sea Level Anomaly on Fish Recruitment to a Georgia Estuary
Meeting Abstract 62.9 Wednesday, Jan. 6 Impact of an Elevated Sea Level Anomaly on Fish Recruitment to a Georgia Estuary FRANCIS, JR., A.W.; Armstrong Atlantic State Univ., Savannah, GA The occurrence and abundance of fish species in shallow coastal waters and estuaries is generally determined by atmospheric and oceanographic processes coupled with fish behavior. It was […]
Effects of selfing on offspring survival in the marine bryozoan Bugula stolonifera
Meeting Abstract 62.1 Wednesday, Jan. 6 Effects of selfing on offspring survival in the marine bryozoan Bugula stolonifera JOHNSON, C.H.; Harvard University Although the reproductive biology of bryozoans is widely studied, investigations examining the occurrence and consequences of selfing in these simultaneous hermaphroditic colonial invertebrates are sparse, and the results are contradictory. Over the past two […]
Do coral larvae choose between species of coralline algae
Meeting Abstract 62.5 Wednesday, Jan. 6 Do coral larvae choose between species of coralline algae? RITSON-WILLIAMS, R.*; PAUL, V. J.; ARNOLD, S. N.; STENECK, R. S.; Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce; Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce; University of Maine, Darling Marine Center, Maine; University of Maine, Darling Marine Center, Maine Coral reefs throughout the […]
Dispersal limitation and post-settlement survival of an introduced ascidian (Botrylloides violaceus) in San Juan Islands, WA
Meeting Abstract 62.3 Wednesday, Jan. 6 Dispersal limitation and post-settlement survival of an introduced ascidian (Botrylloides violaceus) in San Juan Islands, WA CAHILL, A.E.*; CRICKENBERGER, S.; CRIM, R.N.; SELDEN, R.L.; Stony Brook University; Clemson University; University of British Columbia; University of California, Santa Barbara Distributions of introduced species are often patchy; however, the mechanisms regulating these […]
Can Asymmetric Dispersal Explain the Maintenance of Larval Dimorphism in the Benthic Polychaete Streblospio benedicti
Meeting Abstract 62.6 Wednesday, Jan. 6 Can Asymmetric Dispersal Explain the Maintenance of Larval Dimorphism in the Benthic Polychaete Streblospio benedicti ? ZAKAS, C*; HALL, D; Univ. of Georgia; Univ. of Georgia Offspring dimorphism is an unusual life history occurrence yet it has evolved in a broad range of taxa. The rarity of this strategy suggests […]
The control potential of power muscles in a flying insect
Meeting Abstract 62.1 Thursday, Jan. 6 The control potential of power muscles in a flying insect SPONBERG, S*; FECHKO, AS; DANIEL, TL; Univ. of Washington; Univ. of Washington; Univ. of Washington Control of flight is often attributed to neural feedback to specific steering muscles modulating the steady-state wingstrokes generated by large, power muscles whose commands are […]
Sandfish model predicts muscle activation pattern during subsurface sand diving
Meeting Abstract 62.6 Thursday, Jan. 6 Sandfish model predicts muscle activation pattern during subsurface sand diving STEINMETZ, S.M.*; DING, Y.; GOLDMAN, D.I.; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology Desert dwelling animals like the sandfish lizard (Scincus scincus) dive into and move within surrounding sand to escape heat and predators. The […]
Motoneurons, muscles and movement Neural control of the pectoral fins during slow and fast swimming
Meeting Abstract 62.4 Thursday, Jan. 6 Motoneurons, muscles and movement: Neural control of the pectoral fins during slow and fast swimming. GREEN, M.G.*; HALE, M.E.; Univ. Chicago; Univ. Chicago Fishes actuate their pectoral fins for a variety of purposes, from powering forward swimming to sensing the environment. Rhythmic pectoral fin swimming is a common gait at […]