Flow Cytometry for Analysis of DNA Ploidy in Lumbriculus

Meeting Abstract 62-6  Tuesday, Jan. 5 14:45  Flow Cytometry for Analysis of DNA Ploidy in Lumbriculus TWEETEN, K.A.*; MORRIS, S.J.; St. Catherine University; St. Catherine University katweeten@stkate.edu http://minerva.stkate.edu/people.nsf/homepages/katweeten Variations in DNA ploidy have been observed in Lumbriculus, a freshwater oligochaete, as well as in other annelids. Interpretation and application of experimental results using these animals may be […]

Exploring temporal variation in genetic diversity of Pygospio elegans (Spionidae) and its relationship to community diversity

Meeting Abstract 62-4  Tuesday, Jan. 5 14:15  Exploring temporal variation in genetic diversity of Pygospio elegans (Spionidae) and its relationship to community diversity. KNOTT, K. E.*; HEISKANEN, S.; THONIG, A.; BANTA, G. T.; University of Jyvaskyla, Finland; University of Jyvaskyla, Finland; Roskilde University, Denmark ; Roskilde University, Denmark emily.knott@jyu.fi Because some ecological and evolutionary processes can have […]

Time as an ecological resource can diurnal animals compensate for climate change by nocturnal activity

Meeting Abstract 62-3  Friday, Jan. 6 14:00 – 14:15  Time as an ecological resource: can diurnal animals compensate for climate change by nocturnal activity? LEVY, O*; DAYAN, T; PORTER, WP; KRONFELD-SCHOR, N; Arizona State University, Tempe; Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel; University of Wisconsin, Madison; Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel levyofi@gmail.com http://www.biophysical-ecology.com Considerable research is […]

The effect of traffic noise exposure on telomeres varies with developmental stage

Meeting Abstract 62-7  Friday, Jan. 6 15:00 – 15:15  The effect of traffic noise exposure on telomeres varies with developmental stage ZOLLINGER, S*; DORADO CORREA, A; HEIDINGER, BJ; BRUMM, H; Max Planck Inst. for Ornithology; Max Planck Inst. for Ornithology; North Dakota State Univ.; Max Planck Inst. for Ornithology zollinger@orn.mpg.de The effects of anthropogenic noise on animals […]

Restless roosts light pollution affects physiology and behavior in a free-living bird

Meeting Abstract 62-6  Friday, Jan. 6 14:45 – 15:00  Restless roosts: light pollution affects physiology and behavior in a free-living bird OUYANG, JQ *; DE JONG, M; MATSON, KD; HAUSSMANN, MF; MEERLO, P; VISSER, ME; SPOELSTRA, K; University of Nevada, Reno jqouyang@gmail.com http://www.jennyouyang.com The natural nighttime environment is increasingly illuminated by electric lighting, which causes a concurrent […]

Parental investment, phenotypic correlations, and landscape understanding the role of habitat in shaping wild bird phenotypes

Meeting Abstract 62-5  Friday, Jan. 6 14:30 – 14:45  Parental investment, phenotypic correlations, and landscape: understanding the role of habitat in shaping wild bird phenotypes MERRILL, L*; CHIAVACCI, S; SANTYMIRE, R; HAUSSMANN, M; PAITZ, R; BARGER, A; BENSON, TJ; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Lincoln Park Zoo; Bucknell University; Illinois State University; University of […]

Impact of Climate Change on Thermoregulation during Hovering in Hummingbirds

Meeting Abstract 62-4  Friday, Jan. 6 14:15 – 14:30  Impact of Climate Change on Thermoregulation during Hovering in Hummingbirds POWERS, DR*; LANGLAND, KM; WETHINGTON, SM; TOBALSKE, BM; POWERS, SD; GRAHAM, CH; George Fox Univ., Newberg, OR; George Fox Univ., Newberg, ORe; Hummingbird Monitoring Network, Patagonia, AZ; Univ. of Montana, Missoula, MT; George Fox Univ., Newberg, OR; Stony […]

High Ambient Temperatures Reduce Cognitive and Motor Performance of an Endotherm

Meeting Abstract 62-2  Friday, Jan. 6 13:45 – 14:00  High Ambient Temperatures Reduce Cognitive and Motor Performance of an Endotherm DANNER, RM; COOMES, CM; DERRYBERRY, EP*; Univ. of North Carolina, Wilmington; Tulane University; Tulane University dannerr@uncw.edu http://uncw.edu/bio/faculty_danner.html Recent heat waves have led to mortality of animals across the globe including humans, which has drawn new attention to […]

Climate Change Unlikely to Impact Sexual Communication in a Widely-Distributed Treefrog

Meeting Abstract 62-1  Friday, Jan. 6 13:30 – 13:45  Climate Change Unlikely to Impact Sexual Communication in a Widely-Distributed Treefrog. HUMFELD, SC*; GRUNERT, B; University of Missouri; Michigan Technological University humfelds@missouri.edu Males of many animal species produce conspicuous signals to attract mates; male treefrogs produce loud and persistent acoustic signals called advertisement calls. Frogs face an interesting […]

Sex- and age-specific ectoparasitism in eastern fence lizards (Sceloporus undulatus) individual consistency and effects of season

Meeting Abstract 62-6  Friday, Jan. 5 14:30 – 14:45  Sex- and age-specific ectoparasitism in eastern fence lizards (Sceloporus undulatus): individual consistency and effects of season POLLOCK, NB; JOHN-ALDER, HB*; Univ of Texas Arlington; Rutgers University henry.john-alder@rutgers.edu http://deenr.rutgers.edu/John-alder.html Parasites and hosts form strongly interactive ecological bonds. Parasites extract matter and energy from their hosts and impose fitness costs […]

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