Electrophysiology of the snake retina

Meeting Abstract 61.2  Thursday, Jan. 6  Electrophysiology of the snake retina KOHL, T.; YOUNG, B.A.*; Univ. of Bonn; Univ. of Massachusetts Lowell Bruce_Young@uml.edu Few previous studies have explored the snake’s eye from a functional perspective. We recorded electroretinograms (ERGs) from a number of snake species chosen following considerations of phylogeny, habitat, and temporal activity patterns. For each […]

Downstream Regulation Of Melatonin Receptor in a Forebrain Vocal Control Nucleus

Meeting Abstract 61.3  Thursday, Jan. 6  Downstream Regulation Of Melatonin Receptor in a Forebrain Vocal Control Nucleus TUCKER, S.A*; BENTLEY, G.E.; University of California, Berkeley; University of California, Berkeley shantuck88@gmail.com In songbirds such as canaries and house sparrows (Passer domesticus ) adult neuroplasticity occurs in several forebrain areas that are involved in song learning and production. This […]

Biochemical responses of Limulus photoreceptors to darkness with and without circadian clock input

Meeting Abstract 61.1  Thursday, Jan. 6  Biochemical responses of Limulus photoreceptors to darkness with and without circadian clock input BATTELLE, B-A*; PARKER, A; GADDIE, C; KEMPLER, K; Whitney Laboratory , Univ. of Florida; Whitney Laboratory, Univ. of Florida; Whitney Labortory, Univ. of Florida; Whitney Laboratory, Univ of Florida battelle@whitney.ufl.edu Limulus lateral eyes (LEs) are more sensitive to […]

Ultrastructure and function in accessory heart of squid

Meeting Abstract 61.10  Friday, Jan. 6  Ultrastructure and function in accessory heart of squid BARBANO, D.L.*; NISHIKAWA, K.C.; UYENO, T.A.; Northern Arizona University; Northern Arizona University; Valdosta State University db356@nau.edu Trabeculae as a structural theme transcend the vast diversity of morphologies represented by both vertebrate and invertebrate hearts. Trabeculae are muscular ties that extend through the lumen […]

Ontogeny Influences the Capacity for Bradycardia in Dolphins

Meeting Abstract 61.8  Friday, Jan. 6  Ontogeny Influences the Capacity for Bradycardia in Dolphins NOREN, S.R.*; WILLIAMS, T.M.; UC Santa Cruz; UC Santa Cruz norenkramer@yahoo.com Bradycardia is a key component of the dive response that facilitates prolonged breath-holds of marine mammals. Previous research demonstrated that mean steady-state heart rate (HR) during 2-3 min dives was greater for […]

Limits of the blood oxygen carrying capacity in the deer mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus

Meeting Abstract 61.2  Friday, Jan. 6  Limits of the blood oxygen carrying capacity in the deer mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus VAN SANT, M.J.*; HAMMOND, K.A.; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside mvans001@ucr.edu Animals have evolved physiological systems capable of dealing with certain loads experienced in nature. It has often been shown to be beneficial for an […]

Intermolt development reduces oxygen delivery capacity and jumping performance in the American locust (Schistocerca americana)

Meeting Abstract 61.1  Friday, Jan. 6  Intermolt development reduces oxygen delivery capacity and jumping performance in the American locust (Schistocerca americana) KIRKTON, S. D.*; HENNESSEY, L. E.; DUFFY, B.; BENNETT, M. M.; LEE, W-K.; GREENLEE, K. J.; Union College; Union College; Union College; North Dakota State University; Argonne National Laboratories; North Dakota State University kirktons@union.edu Among animals, […]

Heart rate is not modulated with flight speed in cockatiels

Meeting Abstract 61.7  Friday, Jan. 6  Heart rate is not modulated with flight speed in cockatiels ROS, I.G.*; BIEWENER, A.A.; Harvard University; Harvard University ivo.ros@gmail.com We examined how heart (HR) varies as a function of flight speed in a flying bird, examining changes in HR of cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) flying in a wind tunnel at different speeds. […]

Effects of rearing oxygen level on the anatomy of the adult tracheal system in Drosophila

Meeting Abstract 61.3  Friday, Jan. 6  Effects of rearing oxygen level on the anatomy of the adult tracheal system in Drosophila HARRISON, J.F.*; WATERS, J.S.; HEINRICH, S.M.; SOCHA, J.J.; Arizona State University; Arizona State University; Arizona State University; Virginia Polytechnical Institute j.harrison@asu.edu Insect tracheal systems are known to respond in a compensatory manner to rearing oxygen level, […]

Chronic Hypoxic Incubation Stress and the Plasticity of Humoral Regulation of cardiovascular function in the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis)

Meeting Abstract 61.4  Friday, Jan. 6  Chronic Hypoxic Incubation Stress and the Plasticity of Humoral Regulation of cardiovascular function in the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) TATE, KB*; SLAY, CE; HICKS, JW; CROSSLEY II, DA; U N Texas; U C Irvine; U C Irvine; U N Texas kevtate@gmail.com The stress conditions of the incubation environment can impact an […]

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