Molecular differences between male and hermaphrodite sperm in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans

Meeting Abstract 61.1  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Molecular differences between male and hermaphrodite sperm in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans FRAIRE-ZAMORA, JJ*; CARDULLO, RA; University of California, Riverside; University of California, Riverside Reproductive strategies in nematode species comprise gonochoristic, hermaphroditic, and parthenogenetic forms. In C. elegans, hermaphrodites produce sperm in their last larval stage and then switch to […]

Does body size limit eye size in Drosophila melanogaster

Meeting Abstract 61.3  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Does body size limit eye size in Drosophila melanogaster? MERRY, J.W.*; RUTOWSKI, R.L.; Arizona State University; Arizona State University We tested the hypothesis that body size constrains the evolution of eye size in insects. We subjected flies to antagonistic artificial selection on eye height and thorax length in an effort […]

Axes of evol Anterior-posterior body patterning is congruent with a disordered Hox cluster in echinoderms

Meeting Abstract 61.2  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Axes of evol: Anterior-posterior body patterning is congruent with a disordered Hox cluster in echinoderms MOOI, R.*; DAVID, B.; California Academy of Sciences; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Dijon Recent advances in echinoderm evo-devo include acquisition of the genome sequence for Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. The echinoid Hox cluster is disordered. […]

Performance prevails over signal size during staged dominance encounters between male green anole lizards

Meeting Abstract 61.2  Wednesday, Jan. 6  Performance prevails over signal size during staged dominance encounters between male green anole lizards HENNINGSEN, J. P.*; IRSCHICK, D. J.; U. of Massachusetts Amherst; U. of Massachusetts Amherst Animals use signals to convey information to conspecifics, but the information content and reliability of a signal in a given context are […]

Maternally-induced developmental conditions predict the shape of a songbird’s bill, a sexually and naturally selected trait

Meeting Abstract 61.5  Wednesday, Jan. 6  Maternally-induced developmental conditions predict the shape of a songbird’s bill, a sexually and naturally selected trait SOCKMAN, K.W.; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill The bill is an adult songbird’s most important tool, but the underlying sources of the between-individual variation in this trait on which both natural and sexual […]

Headstands a sexually selected signal in the swordtail fish Xiphophorus nezahualcoyotl

Meeting Abstract 61.3  Wednesday, Jan. 6  Headstands: a sexually selected signal in the swordtail fish Xiphophorus nezahualcoyotl LYONS, S.M.*; MORRIS, M.R.; Ohio University; Ohio University Behaviors associated with aggression in male–male competition may also be used in courtship. Headstands are performed by male Xiphophorus nezahualcoyotl during male–male interactions and by both males and females during courtship. […]

Costs and benefits of unreliable signalling in males of the two-toned fiddler crab (Uca vomeris)

Meeting Abstract 61.1  Wednesday, Jan. 6  Costs and benefits of unreliable signalling in males of the two-toned fiddler crab (Uca vomeris). BYWATER, C.L.*; WILSON, R.S.; The University of Queensland; The University of Queensland Many species possess exaggerated secondary sexual structures which are used for signalling during mate attraction and pre-fight assessment. Signals are either reliable, where […]

Bigger is better The effect of female ornamentation on male mate choice in the striped plateau lizard, Sceloporus virgatus

Meeting Abstract 61.4  Wednesday, Jan. 6  Bigger is better: The effect of female ornamentation on male mate choice in the striped plateau lizard, Sceloporus virgatus BALBAG, B.S.; WEISS, S.L.*; Univ. of Puget Sound; Univ. of Puget Sound When females vary in reproductive quality, they may be selected to honestly signal that quality and males may be […]

The neuromuscular bases of vocalization in X borealis and X boumbaensis insights into the evolution of simple advertisement call patterns in Xenopus

Meeting Abstract 61.4  Thursday, Jan. 6  The neuromuscular bases of vocalization in X. borealis and X. boumbaensis: insights into the evolution of simple advertisement call patterns in Xenopus LEININGER, E.C.*; KELLEY, D.B.; Columbia University; Columbia University Comparative examinations of the neuromuscular mechanisms responsible for generating behavior can lead to insights regarding the evolution of behavioral phenotypes. […]

Song Perception in Female Songbirds How do They Avoid Errors in Song Discrimination

Meeting Abstract 61.5  Thursday, Jan. 6  Song Perception in Female Songbirds: How do They Avoid Errors in Song Discrimination? LYNCH, K.S.*; BALL, G.F.; Johns Hopkins University The decision to mate and with whom to mate is one of the most consequential decisions a female is faced with in her lifetime. Thus, they must possess a suite […]

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