Decorating behavior and predation new insights from polychaetes and crustaceans

Meeting Abstract 61.4  Jan. 7  Decorating behavior and predation: new insights from polychaetes and crustaceans BERKE, Sarah K*; WOODIN, Sarah A; Univ. of South Carolina; Univ. of South Carolina Decorating behavior, in which animals actively attach foreign material to their bodies or their structures, occurs in 25% of the major metazoan phyla. Decorating is commonly assumed […]

Autotomy as a deep-sea squid defense

Meeting Abstract 61.3  Jan. 7  Autotomy as a deep-sea squid defense BUSH, S.L.; University of California, Berkeley & MBARI In oceanic midwaters animals are vulnerable to predation from all directions, therefore it is likely that a diversity of defensive tactics are employed by deep-sea organisms. One maneuver is to startle a predator upon attack such that […]

Night and Day Comparisons of Predatory Reef Fish

Meeting Abstract 61.6  Saturday, Jan. 5  Night and Day Comparisons of Predatory Reef Fish BASSETT, DK*; MONTGOMERY, J; University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand; University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand Nocturnal predatory fishes are an important component of marine ecosystems, yet few studies have investigated them in any detail. This study used a relatively new methodology, […]

Mucus-net feeding behavior by Olivella semistriata, an intertidal snail on sandy beaches

Meeting Abstract 61.5  Saturday, Jan. 5  Mucus-net feeding behavior by Olivella semistriata, an intertidal snail on sandy beaches MCPHERSON, D.R.; SUNY at Geneseo Olivella semistriata is a prosobranch gastropod mollusc in the family Olividae, and it is abundant on gently sloping sandy beaches along the Pacific coast of Central America. These snails live in the intertidal […]

Individual variability in foraging tactics of free-ranging Weddell seals

Meeting Abstract 61.3  Saturday, Jan. 5  Individual variability in foraging tactics of free-ranging Weddell seals MADDEN, K.M.*; FUIMAN, L.A.; WILLIAMS, T.M.; DAVIS, R.W.; University of Texas, Austin; University of Texas, Austin; University of California, Santa Cruz; Texas A&M University, Galveston Previous studies have suggested that Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) foraging in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica specialize on […]

Feeding behavior of a generalist and a specialist shark

Meeting Abstract 61.4  Saturday, Jan. 5  Feeding behavior of a generalist and a specialist shark GERRY, S.P.**; WILGA, C.D.; University of Rhode Island; University of Rhode Island Feeding specialization in fishes can be categorized based on diet, behavior, function or morphology. Prey selection and temporal variables describing foraging behavior were investigated in a trophic specialist (Mustelus […]

Alarm calls of Gunnison’s prairie dogs (Cynomys gunnisoni) in response to two predators appearing simultaneously

Meeting Abstract 61.2  Saturday, Jan. 5  Alarm calls of Gunnison’s prairie dogs (Cynomys gunnisoni) in response to two predators appearing simultaneously SLOBODCHIKOFF, CN; STERLING, KA*; DRAYTON, L; Northern Arizona University; Northern Arizona University; Duke University Gunnison’s prairie dogs encode descriptive information in their alarm calls in response to a predator’s species, size, color, and behavior. In […]

Acoustic mimicry in a predator-prey interaction

Meeting Abstract 61.1  Saturday, Jan. 5  Acoustic mimicry in a predator-prey interaction BARBER, Jesse/R; Wake Forest University When a moth takes to the air in search of a mate or a hostplant upon which to lay its eggs, it does so at great risk; the night sky is not safe. It is full of insectivorous bats, […]

Parallel evolution of key innovations in a phylum of modular animals

Meeting Abstract 61.4  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Parallel evolution of key innovations in a phylum of modular animals DICK, M.H.; GORDON, D.P.; LIDGARD, S.*; MAWATARI, S.F.; Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo, Japan; National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Wellington, New Zealand; Field Museum, Chicago; Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo, Japan Analysis of convergent structures is emerging as a powerful tool […]

Neoblasts in Nemertodermatida

Meeting Abstract 61.5  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Neoblasts in Nemertodermatida SMITH III, Julian P.S.*; EGGER, Bernhard ; TYLER, Seth; LADURNER, Peter; ACHATZ, Johannes; MERLIE, Sara; Winthrop University; University of Innsbruck; University of Maine; University of Innsbruck; University of Maine; Winthrop University Our current understanding of the stem-cell (neoblast) system in Platyhelminthes comes primarily from a wealth of […]

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