High-altitude adaptation and genetic divergence in Speckled Teal populations (Anas flavirostris)

Meeting Abstract 61-1  Tuesday, Jan. 5 13:45  High-altitude adaptation and genetic divergence in Speckled Teal populations (Anas flavirostris) GRAHAM, AM*; LAVRETSKY, P; MCCRACKEN, KG; Univ. of Miami; Univ. of Miami; Univ. of Miami graham.allie@gmail.com Divergent selection pressures in heterogeneous landscapes can result in adaptive evolution to local environmental conditions. However, gene flow among populations experiencing different selection […]

Heat stress, climate change, and the thermoregulatory performance of desert birds

Meeting Abstract 61-2  Tuesday, Jan. 5 14:00  Heat stress, climate change, and the thermoregulatory performance of desert birds WOLF, BO*; MCKECHNIE, AE; MCWHORTER, TJ; GERSON, AR; SMITH, EK; TALBOT, WA; SMIT, B; WHITFIELD, M; O’NEIL, JJ; Univ. New Mexico, Albuquerque; Univ. Pretoria, South Africa; Univ. Adelaide, South Australia; Univ. Massachusetts, Amherst; Univ New Mexico, Albuquerque; Univ New […]

Effects of extreme seasonality on metabolism and immunity of amphibians in a tropical semi-arid zone (Caatinga)

Meeting Abstract 61-6  Tuesday, Jan. 5 15:00  Effects of extreme seasonality on metabolism and immunity of amphibians in a tropical semi-arid zone (Caatinga) MADELAIRE, CB*; GOMES, FR; SOKOLOVA, IM; University of São Paulo, Brazil; University of São Paulo, Brazil; University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA cmadelaire@yahoo.com.br The rate and severity of the climate change vary across […]

Cryoprotectant production in freeze-tolerant wood frogs is augmented by multiple freeze-thaw cycles

Meeting Abstract 61-5  Tuesday, Jan. 5 14:45  Cryoprotectant production in freeze-tolerant wood frogs is augmented by multiple freeze-thaw cycles LARSON, DJ*; BARNES, BM; University of Alaska Fairbanks; University of Alaska Fairbanks djlarson@alaska.edu Ice nucleation of wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) induces production of glucose, a cryoprotectant that is necessary for freeze tolerance. Under laboratory conditions, freezing of wood […]

Thyroid Hormone Integrates Craniofacial Development and Feeding Kinematics in Zebrafish

Meeting Abstract 61-1  Friday, Jan. 6 13:30 – 13:45  Thyroid Hormone Integrates Craniofacial Development and Feeding Kinematics in Zebrafish MCMENAMIN, SK*; CARTER, C; COOPER, J; NAZAIRE, C; KHALID, A; University of Massachusetts, Lowell; Washington State University, Tri Cities; Washington State University, Tri Cities; University of Massachusetts, Lowell; University of Massachusetts, Lowell skmcmena@gmail.com http://faculty.uml.edu/Sarah_McMenamin/ Thyroid hormone (TH) is […]

The effect of diet nutrient composition on development and life history traits of a wing polymorphic cricket, Gryllus lineaticeps

Meeting Abstract 61-7  Friday, Jan. 6 15:00 – 15:15  The effect of diet nutrient composition on development and life history traits of a wing polymorphic cricket, Gryllus lineaticeps TREIDEL, LA*; CLARK, RM; WILLIAMS, CM; UC Berkeley; UC Berkeley; UC Berkeley lisa.treidel@berkeley.edu Physiological changes during development cause dynamic shifts in energy and macronutrient demands. Using a wing polymorphic […]

Testing the Fitness Effects of Glucocorticoids Within a Resource Framework

Meeting Abstract 61-5  Friday, Jan. 6 14:30 – 14:45  Testing the Fitness Effects of Glucocorticoids Within a Resource Framework BREUNER, CW*; BERK, SA; The University of Montana; The University of Montana creagh.breuner@umontana.edu http://breunerlab.squarespace.com There are three main hypotheses regarding the effects of glucocorticoids on fitness. The CORT-tradeoff hypothesis suggests that elevated CORT reallocates energy away from non-essential […]

Plasticity, performance, and pace of life individual differences in physiological and behavioural flexibility towards daily changes in temperature and oxygen availability

Meeting Abstract 61-2  Friday, Jan. 6 13:45 – 14:00  Plasticity, performance, and pace of life: individual differences in physiological and behavioural flexibility towards daily changes in temperature and oxygen availability NORIN, T*; METCALFE, NB; University of Glasgow, United Kingdom; University of Glasgow, United Kingdom tommy.norin@glasgow.ac.uk Individual animals differ consistently in both their physiology and behaviour. Jointly, this […]

Nutritional Stress Decreases Fecundity and Choosiness in a Butterfly

Meeting Abstract 61-6  Friday, Jan. 6 14:45 – 15:00  Nutritional Stress Decreases Fecundity and Choosiness in a Butterfly JAUMANN, S*; SNELL-ROOD, E; University of Minnesota; University of Minnesota jauma002@umn.edu Nutritional stress can decrease fecundity, but it is unclear how such life history changes interact with behavioral strategies. On one hand, nutritionally stressed individuals may be more choosy […]

Individual Heterogeneity in Behaviour and Physiology Affects Fitness in the Garter Snake Thamnophis elegans

Meeting Abstract 61-4  Friday, Jan. 6 14:15 – 14:30  Individual Heterogeneity in Behaviour and Physiology Affects Fitness in the Garter Snake Thamnophis elegans GANGLOFF, EJ*; SPARKMAN, AM; BRONIKOWSKI, AM; Iowa State Univ.; Westmont College; Iowa State Univ. gangloff@iastate.edu Accumulating evidence suggests that behavioural and physiological performance can covary within individuals. Additionally, the strength of this correlation can […]

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