Meeting Abstract 61-1 Tuesday, Jan. 5 13:45 High-altitude adaptation and genetic divergence in Speckled Teal populations (Anas flavirostris) GRAHAM, AM*; LAVRETSKY, P; MCCRACKEN, KG; Univ. of Miami; Univ. of Miami; Univ. of Miami Divergent selection pressures in heterogeneous landscapes can result in adaptive evolution to local environmental conditions. However, gene flow among populations experiencing different selection […]
sessions: Session 61
Heat stress, climate change, and the thermoregulatory performance of desert birds
Meeting Abstract 61-2 Tuesday, Jan. 5 14:00 Heat stress, climate change, and the thermoregulatory performance of desert birds WOLF, BO*; MCKECHNIE, AE; MCWHORTER, TJ; GERSON, AR; SMITH, EK; TALBOT, WA; SMIT, B; WHITFIELD, M; O’NEIL, JJ; Univ. New Mexico, Albuquerque; Univ. Pretoria, South Africa; Univ. Adelaide, South Australia; Univ. Massachusetts, Amherst; Univ New Mexico, Albuquerque; Univ New […]
Effects of extreme seasonality on metabolism and immunity of amphibians in a tropical semi-arid zone (Caatinga)
Meeting Abstract 61-6 Tuesday, Jan. 5 15:00 Effects of extreme seasonality on metabolism and immunity of amphibians in a tropical semi-arid zone (Caatinga) MADELAIRE, CB*; GOMES, FR; SOKOLOVA, IM; University of São Paulo, Brazil; University of São Paulo, Brazil; University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA The rate and severity of the climate change vary across […]
Cryoprotectant production in freeze-tolerant wood frogs is augmented by multiple freeze-thaw cycles
Meeting Abstract 61-5 Tuesday, Jan. 5 14:45 Cryoprotectant production in freeze-tolerant wood frogs is augmented by multiple freeze-thaw cycles LARSON, DJ*; BARNES, BM; University of Alaska Fairbanks; University of Alaska Fairbanks Ice nucleation of wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) induces production of glucose, a cryoprotectant that is necessary for freeze tolerance. Under laboratory conditions, freezing of wood […]
Thyroid Hormone Integrates Craniofacial Development and Feeding Kinematics in Zebrafish
Meeting Abstract 61-1 Friday, Jan. 6 13:30 – 13:45 Thyroid Hormone Integrates Craniofacial Development and Feeding Kinematics in Zebrafish MCMENAMIN, SK*; CARTER, C; COOPER, J; NAZAIRE, C; KHALID, A; University of Massachusetts, Lowell; Washington State University, Tri Cities; Washington State University, Tri Cities; University of Massachusetts, Lowell; University of Massachusetts, Lowell Thyroid hormone (TH) is […]
The effect of diet nutrient composition on development and life history traits of a wing polymorphic cricket, Gryllus lineaticeps
Meeting Abstract 61-7 Friday, Jan. 6 15:00 – 15:15 The effect of diet nutrient composition on development and life history traits of a wing polymorphic cricket, Gryllus lineaticeps TREIDEL, LA*; CLARK, RM; WILLIAMS, CM; UC Berkeley; UC Berkeley; UC Berkeley Physiological changes during development cause dynamic shifts in energy and macronutrient demands. Using a wing polymorphic […]
Testing the Fitness Effects of Glucocorticoids Within a Resource Framework
Meeting Abstract 61-5 Friday, Jan. 6 14:30 – 14:45 Testing the Fitness Effects of Glucocorticoids Within a Resource Framework BREUNER, CW*; BERK, SA; The University of Montana; The University of Montana There are three main hypotheses regarding the effects of glucocorticoids on fitness. The CORT-tradeoff hypothesis suggests that elevated CORT reallocates energy away from non-essential […]
Plasticity, performance, and pace of life individual differences in physiological and behavioural flexibility towards daily changes in temperature and oxygen availability
Meeting Abstract 61-2 Friday, Jan. 6 13:45 – 14:00 Plasticity, performance, and pace of life: individual differences in physiological and behavioural flexibility towards daily changes in temperature and oxygen availability NORIN, T*; METCALFE, NB; University of Glasgow, United Kingdom; University of Glasgow, United Kingdom Individual animals differ consistently in both their physiology and behaviour. Jointly, this […]
Nutritional Stress Decreases Fecundity and Choosiness in a Butterfly
Meeting Abstract 61-6 Friday, Jan. 6 14:45 – 15:00 Nutritional Stress Decreases Fecundity and Choosiness in a Butterfly JAUMANN, S*; SNELL-ROOD, E; University of Minnesota; University of Minnesota Nutritional stress can decrease fecundity, but it is unclear how such life history changes interact with behavioral strategies. On one hand, nutritionally stressed individuals may be more choosy […]
Individual Heterogeneity in Behaviour and Physiology Affects Fitness in the Garter Snake Thamnophis elegans
Meeting Abstract 61-4 Friday, Jan. 6 14:15 – 14:30 Individual Heterogeneity in Behaviour and Physiology Affects Fitness in the Garter Snake Thamnophis elegans GANGLOFF, EJ*; SPARKMAN, AM; BRONIKOWSKI, AM; Iowa State Univ.; Westmont College; Iowa State Univ. Accumulating evidence suggests that behavioural and physiological performance can covary within individuals. Additionally, the strength of this correlation can […]