The importance of nectar sugar content in Manduca sexta flight performance and cost

Meeting Abstract 6.4  Tuesday, Jan. 4  The importance of nectar sugar content in Manduca sexta flight performance and cost CONTRERAS, Heidy L.*; DAVIDOWITZ, Goggy ; University of Arizona; University of Arizona Since migrating insects, such as many hawkmoths, utilize carbohydrates as fuel in the initial 30 minutes of flight, nectar sugar concentration may be an important […]


Meeting Abstract 6.5  Tuesday, Jan. 4  PROTEIN METABOLISM AND GENOTYPE-DEPENDENT DIFFERENTIAL GROWTH OF BIVALVE LARVAE LEE, JW*; MEYER, E; MANAHAN, DT; University of Southern California High growth variance is commonly observed for animals growing under identical environmental conditions. The physiological and genetic basis of such variability is still poorly understood. In this study different families of […]

Effects of exercise training and diet on avian muscle biochemistry

Meeting Abstract 6.3  Tuesday, Jan. 4  Effects of exercise training and diet on avian muscle biochemistry PRICE, E.R.*; BAUCHINGER, U.; MCWILLIAMS, S.R.; BOYLES, M.L.; LANGLOIS, L.A.; GERSON, A.R.; GUGLIELMO, C.G.; University of Western Ontario; University of Rhode Island; University of Rhode Island; University of Rhode Island; University of Rhode Island; University of Western Ontario; University of Western […]

Effect of dietary fatty acids, dietary antioxidants, and training on exercise performance of migratory birds

Meeting Abstract 6.1  Tuesday, Jan. 4  Effect of dietary fatty acids, dietary antioxidants, and training on exercise performance of migratory birds MCWILLIAMS, S.R.*; BAUCHINGER, U.; PIERCE, B.; BOYLES, M.; LANGLOIS, L.; GERSON, A.; PRICE, E.; GUGLIELMO, C.; Univ. Rhode Island; Univ. Rhode Island; Sacred Heart Univ.; Univ. Rhode Island; Univ. Rhode Island; Univ. Western Ontario; Univ. Western […]

Effect of Diet and Training on Ketone Body Metabolism in Starlings

Meeting Abstract 6.2  Tuesday, Jan. 4  Effect of Diet and Training on Ketone Body Metabolism in Starlings OLSON, J.*; ALLPORT, K.; KEALEY, P.; MCWILLIAMS, S.; BAUCHINGER, U.; Villanova Un., PA; Villanova Un., PA; Villanova Un., PA; Un. of Rhode Island; Un. of Rhode Island Migratory birds are capable of performing long-distance flights, relying primarily on lipids. […]

Pulling apart lattice spacing interfilament distance regulates force

Meeting Abstract 6.4  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Pulling apart lattice spacing: interfilament distance regulates force WILLIAMS, C.D.*; SALCEDO, M. K.; REGNIER, M.; IRVING, T. C.; DANIEL, T. L.; Univ. of Washington, Seattle; Univ. of Washington, Seattle; Univ. of Washington, Seattle; Ill. Inst. of Technology, Chicago; Univ. of Washington, Seattle As muscle contracts it both shortens and grows […]

Power amplification in water modeling muscle-tendon dynamics during swimming

Meeting Abstract 6.9  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Power amplification in water: modeling muscle-tendon dynamics during swimming RICHARDS, Christopher T*; SAWICKI, Gregory; Harvard University; North Carolina State University Models have demonstrated that the power required for some animals to jump exceeds the theoretical limits of muscle power. Such work predicted that a muscle may store elastic energy in […]

Optimizing work and power production of a Manduca sextalarval locomotory muscle

Meeting Abstract 6.8  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Optimizing work and power production of a Manduca sextalarval locomotory muscle WOODS, W. A.*; SCHULER, F. R. ; YEE, A. L. ; TRIMMER, B. A. ; Tufts University; Tufts University; Tufts University; Tufts University Because caterpillar locomotory muscle develops relatively high stress over a large strain range, and because larval […]

Measuring muscle pennation in vivo using sonomicrometry and 3-D X-ray cinematography methods

Meeting Abstract 6.1  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Measuring muscle pennation in vivo using sonomicrometry and 3-D X-ray cinematography methods. DE BOEF MIARA, M.*; BIEWENER, A.A.; Concord Field Station, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA; Concord Field Station, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA In vivo muscle performance is dependent on many anatomical and physiological factors including muscle fiber type, force-length properties […]

Linear actuator design based on a new hypothesis of muscle contraction

Meeting Abstract 6.11  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Linear actuator design based on a new hypothesis of muscle contraction KMACK, DA*; YEO, SH; PAI, DK; UYENO, TA; WILKINSON, KC; TESTER, JT; NISHIKAWA, KC; Northern Arizona University; University of British Columbia; University of British Columbia; Valdosta State University; Northern Arizona University; Northern Arizona University; Northern Arizona University The conventional […]

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