Incline hopping by kangaroo rats Is there a division of labor

Meeting Abstract 6.4  Friday, Jan. 4  Incline hopping by kangaroo rats: Is there a division of labor? MCGOWAN, CP*; SHINE, C; University of Idaho Muscle-tendon specializations associated with specific modes of locomotion are often linked to trade-offs in function. In wallabies, the short, pinnate muscle fibers and long, thin ankle extensor tendons are well suited for […]

Collision dynamics of bipedal hopping

Meeting Abstract 6.3  Friday, Jan. 4  Collision dynamics of bipedal hopping GUTMANN, A.K.*; LEE, D.V.; MCGOWAN, C.P.; University of Idaho; University of Nevada, Las Vegas; University of Idaho Kangaroos and wallabies are able to maintain a nearly constant metabolic rate across a wide range of speeds when hopping bipedally. The anatomy of large, bipedal hoppers undoubtedly […]

Tuning the velar kinematics of the hydromedusa Sarsia tubulosa for targeted swimming performance

Meeting Abstract 6.3  Saturday, Jan. 4 08:30  Tuning the velar kinematics of the hydromedusa Sarsia tubulosa for targeted swimming performance STEWART, C. J.*; MARUT, K. J.; TAFTI, D. K.; PRIYA, S.; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech Fast-swimming hydromedusae produce the majority of their thrust by expelling pulsed jets of water from their subumbrellar […]

Simple robotic models of aquatic locomotion

Meeting Abstract 6.6  Saturday, Jan. 4 09:15  Simple robotic models of aquatic locomotion LAUDER, G. V.; Harvard University Robotic models of aquatic locomotion have many advantages over studying live animals, including the ability to manipulate and control individual morphological or kinematic factors that affect performance, substantially easier measurement of locomotor forces and torques, and the ability […]

High Performance Tracker for Subsurface Locomotive Studies

Meeting Abstract 6.5  Saturday, Jan. 4 09:00  High Performance Tracker for Subsurface Locomotive Studies SERRANO, MM*; SHARPE, SS; KUCKUK, R; GOLDMAN, DI; VELA, PA; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology Studying the sub-surface locomotive strategies of burrowing animals through x-ray imaging presents […]

Do resonating bells increase jellyfish swimming performance

Meeting Abstract 6.2  Saturday, Jan. 4 08:15  Do resonating bells increase jellyfish swimming performance? HOOVER, A.*; MILLER, L.; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill A current question in swimming and flight is whether or not driving flexible appendages at their resonant frequency results in faster or more efficient […]

Distributed pressure detectors for underwater robotic locomotion and sensing insight from direct measurements in swimming trout

Meeting Abstract 6.1  Saturday, Jan. 4 08:00  Distributed pressure detectors for underwater robotic locomotion and sensing: insight from direct measurements in swimming trout AKANYETI, O.*; YANAGITSURU, Y.R.; LIAO, J.C.; Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience, University of Florida; University of California, San Diego; Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience, University of Florida Arrays of bio-inspired pressure sensors offer […]

A Passive Flow Control Mechanism to Decrease Drag

Meeting Abstract 6.4  Saturday, Jan. 4 08:45  A Passive Flow Control Mechanism to Decrease Drag LANG, A. L.*; BRADSHAW, M. T.; SMITH, J. A.; MOTTA, P. J.; HABEGGER, M. L.; HUETER, R. E.; Univ. of Alabama; Univ. of Alabama; Univ. of Alabama; Univ. of South Florida; Univ. of South Florida; Mote Marine Lab Flow separation is […]

Those precocious larvae Morphology, metamorphosis, and the development of the adult head in larvae of sessile species of Stephanoceros (Rotifera)

Meeting Abstract 6.3  Sunday, Jan. 4 08:30  Those precocious larvae: Morphology, metamorphosis, and the development of the adult head in larvae of sessile species of Stephanoceros (Rotifera) HOCHBERG, A; Univ. of Massachusetts Lowell The sessile lifestyle is a derived condition within Rotifera. This rare lifestyle is found in approximately 100 species within the Superorder Gnesiotrocha. Sessile […]

Physiological and fitness consequences of embryonic rearing environment among populations of post-metamorphic wood frogs, Lithobates sylvatica

Meeting Abstract 6.4  Sunday, Jan. 4 08:45  Physiological and fitness consequences of embryonic rearing environment among populations of post-metamorphic wood frogs, Lithobates sylvatica CLAY, T.C.*; PETERMAN, W.E.; GIFFORD, M.E.; University of Arkansas at Little Rock; Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign; University of Central Arkansas, Conway Early ontogenetic stages can have lasting effects on future stages. It […]

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