First –day release and Dio2 a test of latitudinal variation in photoperiodic control of reproduction in great tits Parus major

Meeting Abstract 59.7  Wednesday, Jan. 6  First –day release and Dio2: a test of latitudinal variation in photoperiodic control of reproduction in great tits Parus major PERFITO, Nicole*; JEONG, Sunny; BENTLEY, George E.; SILVERIN, Bengt; HAU, Michaela; Max-Planck Institute for Ornithology, Germany and Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of […]

Cortisol masculinizes female mosquitofish morphology and behavior

Meeting Abstract 59.1  Wednesday, Jan. 6  Cortisol masculinizes female mosquitofish morphology and behavior KNAPP, R.*; MARSH-MATTHEWS, E.C.; VO, L.; Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman; Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman; Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman The ability of sex steroids to influence vertebrate sexual development and differentiation is well known. In many taxa, females can be masculinized by exposure to […]

Corticosterone as a mediator of reproductive effort

Meeting Abstract 59.10  Wednesday, Jan. 6  Corticosterone as a mediator of reproductive effort PATTERSON, S.H.*; BREUNER, C.W.; Univ. of Montana; Univ. of Montana Reproductive effort varies among individuals and can have a profound effect on fitness. The physiological mechanisms underlying this variation are important to understanding inter-individual differences in reproductive effort and, by extension, fitness. Individuals […]

Behavioural and physiological responses of a wild teleost fish to cortisol and androgen manipulations during parental care

Meeting Abstract 59.9  Wednesday, Jan. 6  Behavioural and physiological responses of a wild teleost fish to cortisol and androgen manipulations during parental care DEY, C.J.*; O’CONNOR, C.M.; GILMOUR, K.M.; VAN DER KRAAK, G.; COOKE, S.J.; McMaster Univ., Hamilton, ON; Carleton Univ., Ottawa, ON; Univ. of Ottawa, ON; Univ. of Guelph, ON; Carleton Univ., Ottawa, ON It […]

Age-related differences in HPG axis responsiveness to GnRH challenge in Florida Scrub-Jays

Meeting Abstract 59.8  Wednesday, Jan. 6  Age-related differences in HPG axis responsiveness to GnRH challenge in Florida Scrub-Jays WILCOXEN, T. E.*; SCHOECH, S. J.; University of Memphis; University of Memphis Baseline concentrations of testosterone vary with age in male Florida Scrub-Jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens). Levels are relatively low in young and old male breeders and reach their […]

Source Segregation Based on Spectral Cues A Mechanism for Hearing in Mixed-Species Frog Choruses

Meeting Abstract 59.1  Thursday, Jan. 6  Source Segregation Based on Spectral Cues: A Mechanism for Hearing in Mixed-Species Frog Choruses? BEE, M.A.*; NITYANANDA, V.; Univ. of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Univ. of Minnesota, Twin Cities In humans, overlapping sounds can be perceptually separated and assigned to different sources in the environment based on differences in their acoustic […]

Morphological constraint and behavioral adaptation in the visual ecology of Megalagrion damselflies

Meeting Abstract 59.5  Thursday, Jan. 6  Morphological constraint and behavioral adaptation in the visual ecology of Megalagrion damselflies WALGUARNERY, J.W.*; BUTLER, M.A.; University of Hawaii, Manoa The theory of sensory drive states that sensory receptors, sensory signals and signaling behaviors are functionally linked, and will therefore adapt jointly to maintain effective transmission of visual information under […]

Butterflies learn to like novel wing patterns, but learning that more is better is easier than learning that less is more

Meeting Abstract 59.3  Thursday, Jan. 6  Butterflies learn to like novel wing patterns, but learning that more is better is easier than learning that less is more WESTERMAN, E.L.*; MONTEIRO, A.; Yale University; Yale University Sexual ornaments and the preferences for these ornaments are gained and lost throughout evolutionary time. One factor that may influence the […]

Body Patterns of The Humboldt Squid Dosidicus gigas Diversity in a Uniform World

Meeting Abstract 59.6  Thursday, Jan. 6  Body Patterns of The Humboldt Squid Dosidicus gigas: Diversity in a Uniform World TRUEBLOOD, L.A.*; SEIBEL, B.A.; La Sierra University; University of Rhode Island Cephalopods rapidly alter their external appearance, arguably better than any other group of organisms. Ethograms describe body appearance by separating body patterns into components of color, […]

Associative Learning and Pattern Discrimination in Lizards

Meeting Abstract 59.4  Thursday, Jan. 6  Associative Learning and Pattern Discrimination in Lizards LEAL, M; Duke University Sympatric species commonly exhibit courtship displays that differ in design. The evolution of such differences has been proposed to serve as a mechanism to communicate species identity. Interspecific differences in dewlap patterns of lizards have been proposed to play […]

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