Allatostatin in ovaries of the cockroach Diploptera punctata

WOODHEAD, A.P.; THOMPSON, M.E.; HASS, J.K.; STAY, B.; University of Iowa; University of Iowa; University of Iowa; University of Iowa: Allatostatin in ovaries of the cockroach Diploptera punctata Allatostatins (ASTs), a family of peptides of widespread occurrence in invertebrates, were first isolated from brains of D. punctata as an inhibitor of juvenile hormone production by […]

Interspecific variation in photo-induced hypothalamic GnRH plasticity in cardueline finches

PEREYRA, M.E.*; SHARBAUGH, S.M.; HAHN, T.P.; U.C. Davis; U. of AK, Fairbanks; U.C. Davis: Interspecific variation in photo-induced hypothalamic GnRH plasticity in cardueline finches In this study, we present data on photo-induced changes in hypothalamic GnRH immunoreactivity associated with the development of refractoriness in males of 3 closely related species of cardueline finch: common redpoll, […]

Interactions Between Nutrition, Corticosterone, and Reproduction in Florida Scrub-Jays

SCHOECH, S. J.*; BOWMAN, R.; REYNOLDS, S. J.; U. of Memphis, TN; Archbold Biol. Stn., Venus, FL; U. of Birmingham, Edgbaston, UK: Interactions Between Nutrition, Corticosterone, and Reproduction in Florida Scrub-Jays In variable environments animals often exhibit interyear variation in the timing of breeding. Study of two populations of Florida Scrub-Jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens) in the […]

Endocrine mechanisms mediating reproduction in an unpredictable environment

PERFITO, N.*; ZANN, R.A.; BENTLEY, G.E.; HAU, M.; Princeton Univ., New Jersey; LaTrobe Univ., Victoria, Australia; Univ. of Washington, Seattle; Princeton Univ., New Jersey: Endocrine mechanisms mediating reproduction in an unpredictable environment Opportunistically breeding species respond to short-term, local cues in their environment to time reproduction appropriately. However, the neuroendocrine and endocrine control of this […]

The role of COE genes in the evolution of the metazoan nervous system

MATUS, D.Q.; LEE, P.N.; BROWNE, W.E.; MARTINDALE, M.Q.; University of Hawaii / Kewalo Marine Laboratory; University of Hawaii / Kewalo Marine Laboratory; University of Hawaii / Kewalo Marine Laboratory; University of Hawaii / Kewalo Marine Laboratory: The role of COE genes in the evolution of the metazoan nervous system We are interested in the evolution […]

The evolution of insect engrailed genes, and its implications for our understanding of gene family evolution

PEEL, A.D.; AKAM, M.E.; University of Cambridge, U.K.; University of Cambridge, U.K.: The evolution of insect engrailed genes, and its implications for our understanding of gene family evolution. A number of insect orders, including Diptera, Lepidoptera & Blattodea, have been shown to contain species that possess two engrailed genes. Conspecific engrailed genes typically group together […]

Knock-down of Hox3zerknllt in a representative insect results in complete eversion of the embryo Evolution of embryogenesis and of gene function

PANFILIO, K.A.; LIU, P.Z.; KAUFMAN, T.C.; University of Cambridge, UK; Indiana University, Bloomington; Indiana University, Bloomington: Knock-down of Hox3/zerkn�llt in a representative insect results in complete eversion of the embryo: Evolution of embryogenesis and of gene function The Hox3 locus in insects has diverged significantly from the canonical role of Hox genes in segmental specification […]

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