Meeting Abstract 59-5 Saturday, Jan. 5 11:15 – 11:30 Transformation from Sensation to Action in the Drosophila Olfactory System BHANDAWAT, V*; TAO, L; OZARKAR, S; Duke University; Duke University; Duke University To understand how odors affect a fly’s locomotion, as well as the role of various olfactory neurons, we made two innovations: 1) we created an […]
sessions: Session 59
Smell-O-Vision Functional Imaging of Odor-Evoked Activity and Neuromodulation in the Mosquito Antennal Lobe
Meeting Abstract 59-3 Saturday, Jan. 5 10:45 – 11:00 Smell-O-Vision: Functional Imaging of Odor-Evoked Activity and Neuromodulation in the Mosquito Antennal Lobe WOLFF, GH*; RIFFELL, JA; Univ. of Washington; Univ. of Washington Mosquitoes primarily use olfaction to seek out host animals or plants and they can remember odors associated with positive or negative experiences. However, […]
Role of Bilateral Odor Sampling in the Odor Source Localization Behavior of Manduca sexta
Meeting Abstract 59-7 Saturday, Jan. 5 11:45 – 12:00 Role of Bilateral Odor Sampling in the Odor Source Localization Behavior of Manduca sexta KALYANASUNDARAM, P; HINSON, C*; WILLIS, M; Case Western Reserve University, Ohio; Case Western Reserve University, Ohio; Case Western Reserve University, Ohio The male hawkmoth Manduca sexta is known to have antennal receptive fields […]
Mechanisms underlying attraction to odor in walking Drosophila
Meeting Abstract 59-2 Saturday, Jan. 5 10:15 – 10:30 Mechanisms underlying attraction to odor in walking Drosophila TAO, L*; OZARKAR, S; BHANDAWAT, V; Duke University; Duke University; Duke University Thorough characterization of the behavioral strategy by which animals search an environment and how this pattern is affected by sensory stimuli is an important step for understanding […]
Dietary Cues from Fish have Indirect Effects on Aquatic Plant Communities Mediated by Changes in Crayfish Behavior
Meeting Abstract 59-6 Saturday, Jan. 5 11:30 – 11:45 Dietary Cues from Fish have Indirect Effects on Aquatic Plant Communities Mediated by Changes in Crayfish Behavior. WOOD, T/C*; MOORE, P/A; Bowling Green State University; Bowling Green State University Many prey animals use olfactory cues for predator detection and will change their behavior to avoid the predator. […]
Delineating the Relationship between Olfactory Receptor Neuron Activity and Behavior in Drosophila
Meeting Abstract 59-1 Saturday, Jan. 5 10:30 – 10:45 Delineating the Relationship between Olfactory Receptor Neuron Activity and Behavior in Drosophila OZARKAR , S*; TAO, L; BHANDAWAT , V; Duke University Different odors activate distinct combinations of olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs).These combinations are decoded by downstream olfactory circuits to drive a variety of olfactory behaviors, including […]
Blocking an Olfactory Corollary Discharge Circuit Impairs Odor Plume Tracking in Manduca sexta
Meeting Abstract 59-4 Saturday, Jan. 5 11:00 – 11:15 Blocking an Olfactory Corollary Discharge Circuit Impairs Odor Plume Tracking in Manduca sexta VAN NEST, BN*; DALY, KC; WILLIS, MA; Case Western Reserve University; West Virginia University; Case Western Reserve University The nervous system of a behaving animal must be able to distinguish sensory signals arising […]