Diarrheal Viruses in Humans and Lemurs in Madagascar a One Health Approach

Meeting Abstract 59.2  Sunday, Jan. 5 13:45  Diarrheal Viruses in Humans and Lemurs in Madagascar: a One Health Approach ZOHDY, S*; FRIED, I.R.; WRIGHT, P.C.; GILLESPIE, T.R.; Emory University; Emory University; Stony Brook University; Emory University sarah.zohdy@emory.edu Diarrheal viruses are one of the most common causes of death in humans in developing nations; however, they have not […]

The genetic profile of increased longevity during chilling in the solitary bee Megachile rotundata

Meeting Abstract 59.1  Monday, Jan. 5 13:30  The genetic profile of increased longevity during chilling in the solitary bee Megachile rotundata TORSON, A. T.; YOCUM, G. D.; RINEHART, J. P.; KEMP, W. P.; BOWSHER, J. B.*; North Dakota State University; USDA ARS; USDA ARS; USDA ARS; North Dakota State University julia.bowsher@ndsu.edu The physiological responses to long-term, ecologically […]


Meeting Abstract 59.6  Monday, Jan. 5 14:45  TESTING JANZEN’S HYPOTHESIS: VARIATION IN AVIAN THERMAL TOLERANCES ACROSS LATITUDE POLLOCK, H/S*; CHEVIRON, Z/A; BRAWN, J/D; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign hpollock@illinois.edu Understanding the influence of abiotic environments on physiological traits has been a long-standing goal in evolutionary physiology. Janzen’s […]

Short-term adjustments of metabolic performance in response to rapid changes in ambient temperature in small passerines

Meeting Abstract 59.3  Monday, Jan. 5 14:00  Short-term adjustments of metabolic performance in response to rapid changes in ambient temperature in small passerines VEZINA, F*; DUBOIS, K; HALLOT, F; Univ. Quebec at Rimouski, Canada francois_vezina@uqar.ca One expected consequences of climate change, in addition to extreme climatic events, is increased short-term variation in ambient temperature. Although avian thermal […]

Sex differences in torpor use of spring migrating silver-haired bats (Lasionycteris noctivagans)

Meeting Abstract 59.2  Monday, Jan. 5 13:45  Sex differences in torpor use of spring migrating silver-haired bats (Lasionycteris noctivagans) JONASSON, K. A. *; GUGLIELMO, C. G.; University of Western Ontario, Canada; University of Western Ontario, Canada kjonasso@uwo.ca Several North American bat species undertake long-distance latitudinal migrations, which are thought to consist of alternating periods of flight and […]

New evidence for homeoviscous adaptation across altitude and season in native bees

Meeting Abstract 59.7  Monday, Jan. 5 15:00  New evidence for homeoviscous adaptation across altitude and season in native bees DILLON, M.E.; GIRI, S*; University of Wyoming, Laramie; University of Wyoming, Laramie sgiri@uwyo.edu Fatty acids (FAs), key components of lipids, are important energy resources in organisms. The structure and function of FAs are affected by changes in environmental […]

Micro-scale spatial variation in body temperature and physiological abilities to cope with oxidative stress in the ribbed sea mussel, Mytilus californianus

Meeting Abstract 59.4  Monday, Jan. 5 14:15  Micro-scale spatial variation in body temperature and physiological abilities to cope with oxidative stress in the ribbed sea mussel, Mytilus californianus. JIMENEZ, A.G.*; JAYAWARDENE, S.A.; DOWD, W.W.; Loyola Marymount University ajimen25@lmu.edu Rocky intertidal populations are routinely subjected to receding tides coupled with increases in body temperatures, leading to fluctuating physiological […]

Hibernation and circadian rhythms of body temperature in ground squirrels

Meeting Abstract 59.5  Monday, Jan. 5 14:30  Hibernation and circadian rhythms of body temperature in ground squirrels WILLIAMS, CT*; RADONICH, M; BARNES, BM; BUCK, CL; Univ. of Alaska Anchorage; Univ. of Alaska Anchorage; Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks; Univ. of Alaska Anchorage ctwilliams@uaa.alaska.edu Circadian systems provide animals with the ability to coordinate their physiological and metabolic functions in […]

Using Thermal Tolerance to Explain Aquatic Insect Distributions Across Elevation and Latitude

Meeting Abstract 59-5  Tuesday, Jan. 5 14:30  Using Thermal Tolerance to Explain Aquatic Insect Distributions Across Elevation and Latitude SHAH, AA*; GHALAMBOR, CK; Colorado State University, Fort Collins; Colorado State University, Fort Collins alishas0624@gmail.com Thermal tolerance has been implicated in shaping the range limits of organisms along temperature gradients. Tropical environments, characterized by stable climatic regimes, are […]

Maternal effects of stress the influence of cortisol exposure and temperature on Sockeye salmon embryos

Meeting Abstract 59-3  Tuesday, Jan. 5 14:00  Maternal effects of stress: the influence of cortisol exposure and temperature on Sockeye salmon embryos BANET, A.I.*; KUNKEL, K.E.; HINCH, S.G.; California State University, Chico; California State University, Chico; University of British Columbia abanet@csuchico.edu In recent years, many species have experienced environmental stressors that fall outside of the range they […]

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