AGOSTA, A*; WILDEY, HC; VUTURO, SA; SHUSTER, SM: The Distribution of the Mud Shrimp, Neotrypaea uncinata, on Horizontal, Vertical and Geographic Scales within Estero Morua, Sonora, Mexico Mud shrimp (Decapoda: Thallassinidea) are among the most abundant infaunal animals inhabiting estuaries and mud flats in temperate and tropical waters. We examined the vertical and horizontal distributions […]
sessions: Session 58
Sex change and cannibalism in Gulf of California populations of a commensal polychaete
VUTURO, S. A.*; SHUSTER, S. M.: Sex change and cannibalism in Gulf of California populations of a commensal polychaete Most polychaetes are known to be gonochoristic. Hermaphroditism appears to have arisen independently in several families. We have shown that, Ophiodromus pugettensis, a hesionid commensal of sea stars in California, is a simultaneous hermaphrodite with a […]
Male badge size and maternal yolk steroids in House Sparrows
POOPATANAPONG, AMY*; SCHWABL, HUBERT: Male badge size and maternal yolk steroids in House Sparrows. The good-genes hypothesis of female mate choice and sexual selection predicts that offspring fathered by preferred males will have increased fitness resulting from inherited superior male genes. However recent studies showed that females deposit more yolk androgen into their eggs when […]
Zebra mussels at the freshwatersea interface Ionic and osmotic challenges to oocyte structural integrity
SHUKLA, V.*; KING, K.N.; RAM, J.L.; Wayne State Univ., Detroit, MI: Zebra mussels at the freshwater/sea interface: Ionic and osmotic challenges to oocyte structural integrity The zebra mussel (ZM), Dreissena polymorpha, is a highly prolific biofouling freshwater mollusk accidentally introduced into North America about 15 years ago. Understanding its reproductive mechanisms may give insight into […]
Renal and Extrarenal Transport of Organic Anions and Organic Cations by Insects; A Comparison with Vertebrates
RHEAULT, M.R.; O’DONNELL, M.J.; DONLY, B.C.; McMaster University; McMaster University; Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada: Renal and Extrarenal Transport of Organic Anions and Organic Cations by Insects; A Comparison with Vertebrates. A wide range of structurally unrelated organic cations (OCs) and organic anions (OAs) are transported by renal and extrarenal tissues of vertebrates and invertebrates. In […]
Membrane lipid involvement in the molt cycle of the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus)
ANDERSON, M.J.; MILLER , J.T. ; DAHILL, D.; CRIMMINS, M.J. ; MATTHEWS, C.A. ; WILLIAMS, E.E. ; Salisbury University: Membrane lipid involvement in the molt cycle of the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) The lipids of cell membranes are intricately involved in regulating fluxes of both water and ions. We examined the lipid content of gill […]
Identical pH Tolerances of Saline Water and Freshwater Aedes Mosquito Larvae
CLARK, T.M.; FLIS, B.J.; Indiana Univ. South Bend; Indiana Univ. South Bend: Identical pH Tolerances of Saline Water and Freshwater Aedes Mosquito Larvae The pH tolerances of larvae of the freshwater mosquito Aedes aegypti and the salt marsh mosquito Aedes taeniorhynchus are identical. Each species can develop to the pupal stage in waters ranging from […]
Effect of size and salinity on sodium and water permeability and gill Na,K-ATPase activity in the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus
ROER, R.*; LI, T.; VANA, M.; PATE, S.; CHECK, J.; Univ. of N.C. at Wilmington: Effect of size and salinity on sodium and water permeability and gill Na,K-ATPase activity in the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus. Juvenile blue crabs are found in large numbers in the oligohaline regions of the Cape Fear estuary. Crabs collected from […]
The utilization of the major chelae by male crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) for detecting female pheromones
BELANGER, Rachelle M.; MOORE, Paul A.; Bowling Green State University; Bowling Green State University: The utilization of the major chelae by male crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) for detecting female pheromones. The abundance and spatial distribution of the sensory hairs of the major chelae of the crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) are dependent upon the sex of the crayfish […]
Steroid hormone patterns and aggression during breeding and nesting in female Galpagos marine iguanas
RUBENSTEIN, D.R.; WIKELSKI, M.; Cornell University; Princeton University: Steroid hormone patterns and aggression during breeding and nesting in female Gal�pagos marine iguanas. We studied steroid hormone patterns and aggression during breeding and nesting in female Gal�pagos marine iguanas (Amblyrhynchus cristatus). Following mating, females display aggressively, signaling to males that they are no longer receptive. After […]