The relationship between insulin-like growth factor-1 and life history across Mammalia

Meeting Abstract 57.3  Thursday, Jan. 5  The relationship between insulin-like growth factor-1 and life history across Mammalia SWANSON, E.M.*; DANTZER, B.; Michigan State University; Michigan State University Life history traits describe parameters associated with growth, reproduction and survival. Life history variation is a hallmark of biological diversity, yet persistent patterns of variation are apparent among life […]

The insulin-like growth factor axis as a mediator of life history trade-offs

Meeting Abstract 57.2  Thursday, Jan. 5  The insulin-like growth factor axis as a mediator of life history trade-offs ADDIS, E.A.*; SCHWARTZ, T.S; REDING, D.M.; PALACIOS, M.G.; BRONIKOWSKI, A.M.; Iowa State University Classic life-history theory predicts trade-offs between the lifetime fecundity and lifespan of an individual. However, little is know about the mechanisms that control these trade-offs. […]

Rapid evolution of sex frequency selected by requirement for dormancy and hydroperiod adaptation

Meeting Abstract 57.5  Thursday, Jan. 5  Rapid evolution of sex frequency selected by requirement for dormancy and hydroperiod adaptation SMITH, H.A.*; SNELL, T.W.; Georgia Institute of Technology In many cyclical parthenogens that alternate between asexual and sexual reproduction, dormant stages produced by the sexual generation allow survival in ephemeral habitats. For example, in monogonont rotifers an […]

Experimental evidence for a role of prolactin in modulating avian clutch-size

Meeting Abstract 57.1  Thursday, Jan. 5  Experimental evidence for a role of prolactin in modulating avian clutch-size RYAN, C.P.*; DAWSON, A.; SHARP, P.J.; WILLIAMS, T.D. ; Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada; Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Edinburgh, U.K.; The Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh, U.K. ; Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada Clutch-size is one of the […]

Do state-mediated hormones predict reproductive decisions in Arctic-nesting common eiders

Meeting Abstract 57.4  Thursday, Jan. 5  Do state-mediated hormones predict reproductive decisions in Arctic-nesting common eiders? HENNIN, H.L.*; BÊTY, J.; GILCHRIST, H.G.; LOVE, O.P.; University of Windsor, ON; Université du Québec à Rimouski; National Wildlife Research Centre, Environment Canada, Ottawa, ON; University of Windsor, ON Individual state and the abiotic environment are predicted to influence the […]

Turning shy on winter’s day effects of season on personality and stress response in Microtus arvalis

Meeting Abstract 57.6  Saturday, Jan. 5  Turning shy on winter’s day: effects of season on personality and stress response in Microtus arvalis GRACCEVA, G*; HERDE, A; KOOLHAAS, JM; PALME, R; ECCARD, JA; GROOTHUIS, TGG; Institute of Behavioural Neurosciences, University of Groningen; University of Potsdam; University of Groningen; University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna; University of Potsdam; University of […]

Of Lice and Lemurs Personality Traits and Parasite Dynamics in Wild Brown Mouse Lemurs Microcebus rufus

Meeting Abstract 57.1  Saturday, Jan. 5  Of Lice and Lemurs: Personality Traits and Parasite Dynamics in Wild Brown Mouse Lemurs Microcebus rufus ZOHDY, S*; KEMP, A.D.; TECOT, S; WRIGHT, P.C. ; JERNVALL, J; Emory University; University of Texas, Austin; University of Arizona; Stony Brook University; University of Helsinki Animal personality traits have the potential to influence […]

Maternal predation risk induces transgenerational behavioral plasticity in a parthenogenetic insect

Meeting Abstract 57.3  Saturday, Jan. 5  Maternal predation risk induces transgenerational behavioral plasticity in a parthenogenetic insect KEISER, C.N.*; MONDOR, E.B.; University of Pittsburgh, PA. Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA; Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA It is becoming increasingly evident in many organisms that cues of immediate and latent predation risk in one generation can induce […]

Food supplementation of urban and rural sparrows effects on corticosterone, weight, and territorial aggression

Meeting Abstract 57.5  Saturday, Jan. 5  Food supplementation of urban and rural sparrows: effects on corticosterone, weight, and territorial aggression FOLTZ, S. L.*; DAVIS, J. E.; ROSS, A. E.; ROCK, R. P.; MOORE, I. T.; Virginia Tech; Radford University; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech Urban areas are novel habitats that present animals with new challenges […]

Behavioral plasticity mediates life history trade-offs in response to habitat disturbance

Meeting Abstract 57.4  Saturday, Jan. 5  Behavioral plasticity mediates life history trade-offs in response to habitat disturbance WILLIAMS-SIEG, K. A.*; MILES, D. B.; Ohio University Environmental variation is known to induce trade-offs, which requires shifts in energy allocation among behaviors involved in reproduction, parental care and self-maintenance, thereby affecting reproductive success and survival. We examined behavioral […]

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