Meeting Abstract 57.2 Tuesday, Jan. 5 The development of widened lateral line canals in a Lake Malawi cichlid: Insights into lateral line evolution DICKSON, JM*; WEBB, JF; University of Rhode Island; University of Rhode Island The mechanosensory lateral line system of bony fishes is composed of an array of neuromast receptor organs located in lateral line […]
sessions: Session 57
Structural Organization and Ontogeny of the Lateral Line System in Embryos of the Little Skate, Leucoraja erinacea
Meeting Abstract 57.3 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Structural Organization and Ontogeny of the Lateral Line System in Embryos of the Little Skate, Leucoraja erinacea HACISKI, S. Insley*; WEBB, Jacqueline F.; University of Rhode Island; University of Rhode Island The mechanosensory lateral line system of elasmobranchiomorph and osteichthyan fishes differs with respect to certain aspects of the canal […]
Organization and function of lateral line afferent neurons in larval zebrafish
Meeting Abstract 57.6 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Organization and function of lateral line afferent neurons in larval zebrafish LIAO, James C.; The Whitney Laboratory for Marine Biosciences, U. Florida Afferent neurons of the zebrafish posterior lateral line relay hydrodynamic signals sensed along the body to the hindbrain. We labeled individual neurons to reveal their connections to […]
Lateral line sensing depends on the volume of the swim bladder in larval fish
Meeting Abstract 57.5 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Lateral line sensing depends on the volume of the swim bladder in larval fish STEWART, W.J.*; BREUER, K.S.; MCHENRY, M.J.; Univ. of California, Irvine; Brown University; Univ. of California, Irvine The ability to detect the water flow generated by a predator could be essential to the survival of a larval […]
A hammer, not a scalpel gentamicin ablates all hair cells in the lateral line system
Meeting Abstract 57.4 Tuesday, Jan. 5 A hammer, not a scalpel: gentamicin ablates all hair cells in the lateral line system. VAN TRUMP, WJ*; COOMBS, S; DUNCAN, K; MCHENRY, MJ; Univ. of California, Irvine; Bowling Green State University; Bowling Green State University; Univ. of California, Irvine Aminoglycoside antibiotics have been used to ablate lateral line hair […]
Two and Four-legged Locomotion in Capuchin Monkeys Implications for the Evolution of Human Bipedalism
Meeting Abstract 57.4 Thursday, Jan. 6 Two and Four-legged Locomotion in Capuchin Monkeys: Implications for the Evolution of Human Bipedalism. DEMES, B*; O’NEILL, MC; Stony Brook Univ.; Stony Brook Univ. Capuchin monkeys are known to locomote on both four and two legs in the wild, adopting a bipedal gait when transporting food items and tools. Understanding […]
The evolution of locomotor capabilities in lizards
Meeting Abstract 57.3 Thursday, Jan. 6 The evolution of locomotor capabilities in lizards SCALES, Jeffrey A; University of Hawaii, Manoa Locomotor performance is often considered to be intimately linked with fitness in many organisms. However, the locomotor system of most organisms must perform multiple, often contrasting tasks such high speed running and activities requiring high endurance. […]
Functionality of Wings in Flight and Gliding of Stick Insects
Meeting Abstract 57.5 Thursday, Jan. 6 Functionality of Wings in Flight and Gliding of Stick Insects ZENG, Y*; DUDLEY, R; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley Many unresolved questions in animal flight evolution relate to the transition between flightless and volant forms. Functional analysis of transitional modes using anatomical intermediates may help to assess […]
Evolution of locomotor systems in frogs
Meeting Abstract 57.2 Thursday, Jan. 6 Evolution of locomotor systems in frogs JORGENSEN, M.E.*; REILLY, S.M.; Ohio University Reconstruction of ancestral character states can enhance our understanding of the evolution of organisms as well as provide a basis from which one can construct hypotheses about trait evolution, ecology, and function in a taxonomic group. The anuran […]
Benthic Walking in the African Lungfish (Protopterus annectens)
Meeting Abstract 57.1 Thursday, Jan. 6 Benthic Walking in the African Lungfish (Protopterus annectens) KING, Heather M*; SHUBIN, Neil H; COATES, Michael I; HALE , Melina E; Univ of Chicago; Univ of Chicago; Univ of Chicago; Univ of Chicago Central questions in tetrapod evolution are how the transitions from water to land and fins to limbs […]