Meeting Abstract 57.2 Saturday, Jan. 5 Integrating Biology Experimental Activity Modules into introductory physics (IBEAM) REESE, Scott/A*; KRIVOSHEEV, Tatiana; BURNETT, Stephen; PRATTE, John; Kennesaw State University; Clayton State University; Clayton State University; Arkansas State University Modern biology has grown beyond a simple description of life around us. To be successful at answering questions about life, a […]
sessions: Session 57
High School Biology Teachers Confidence in Biotechnology
Meeting Abstract 57.3 Saturday, Jan. 5 High School Biology Teachers� Confidence in Biotechnology HANEGAN, Nikki L*; MANSIUS, Amber; Brigham Young University; Brigham Young University Project Crawfish is a collaborative university and secondary school partnership to enhance the use of biotechnology in high school settings. Teachers are becoming more aware of the importance of biotechnology, as it […]
Combining art and science in creative projects to assess student learning in biology
Meeting Abstract 57.1 Saturday, Jan. 5 Combining art and science in creative projects to assess student learning in biology DAVIS-BERG, E. C.; Columbia College Chicago Teaching non-majors at an arts and media college poses the challenge of keeping students interested and involved in learning material outside their majors. Not all students perform well on traditional forms […]
Synarcual Variation in the Purportedly Invariable Clade, Rajidae
Meeting Abstract 57.2 Tuesday, Jan. 6 Synarcual Variation in the Purportedly Invariable Clade, Rajidae CLAESON, Kerin M.; The University of Texas at Austin Batoid fishes (electric rays, sawfishes, skates, guitarfishes, and stingrays) are united by a suite of characters including the presence of the synarcual, a tube-like skeletal element hypothesized to be the fused anterior-most vertebrae […]
Phylogeny of early vertebrates based on evidence from developmental study of hagfish
Meeting Abstract 57.3 Tuesday, Jan. 6 Phylogeny of early vertebrates based on evidence from developmental study of hagfish OTA, K.G.*; KURATANI, S; RIKEN CDB; RIKEN CDB Hagfish is still located on the most basal position in the morphological phylogenetic tree of vertebrates, even though the monophyletic relationship between this animal and lamprey was confirmed by a […]
Multivariate comparative analysis using OUCH
Meeting Abstract 57.5 Tuesday, Jan. 6 Multivariate comparative analysis using OUCH BUTLER, MA*; KING, AA; University of Hawaii; University of Michigan Correlated evolution, the hypothesis that evolutionary forces are acting on characters jointly, is a major feature of evolutionary theory. For example, whether genome size evolves in correlation with basal metabolic rate is a question which […]
Evolutionary rates and patterns of artiodactyl limb reduction
Meeting Abstract 57.6 Tuesday, Jan. 6 Evolutionary rates and patterns of artiodactyl limb reduction BORMET, A.K.*; MARCOT, J.D.; SEARS, K.E.; Univ. of Illinois; Univ. of Illinois; Univ. of Illinois Many clades of artiodactyls show evolutionary reductions in the number of distal elements of their limb skeleton, either through the fusion of two bones or the loss […]
Determining Phylogenetic Relationships of microhylid frogs using Mitochondrial and Nuclear Gene Sequences
Meeting Abstract 57.1 Tuesday, Jan. 6 Determining Phylogenetic Relationships of microhylid frogs using Mitochondrial and Nuclear Gene Sequences RIVERA, J.A.*; BUTLER, M.; University of Hawaii, Manoa; University of Hawaii, Manoa Microhylidae represents an ancient group of Anuras that was thought to have diverged from its Indo-Asian relatives some 64-84 mya (Van der Meijden et al., 2007). […]
A dynamic approach to digital homology in Tetanura (Dinosauria Theropoda)
Meeting Abstract 57.4 Tuesday, Jan. 6 A dynamic approach to digital homology in Tetanura (Dinosauria: Theropoda) CHOINIERE, Jonah N*; CLARK, James M; XING, Xu; FORSTER, Catherine A; George Washington University, Washington, DC; George Washington University, Washington, DC; Institute for Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Beijing, China; George Washington University, Washington, DC A long-standing issue in evolutionary biology […]
Visual and electrosensory integration in hammerhead sharks
Meeting Abstract 57.1 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Visual and electrosensory integration in hammerhead sharks KAJIURA, Stephen M*; MCCOMB, D Michelle; Florida Atlantic University The unique head morphology of hammerhead sharks (Family Sphyrnidae) provides a dorsal ventrally compressed and laterally expanded platform upon which sensory structures are distributed. The spatial distribution of sensors dictates how the sharks perceive […]