Principally Continuous Flow in Gastropod Mantle Cavities

VOLTZOW, J.; Univ. of Scranton: Principally Continuous Flow in Gastropod Mantle Cavities The flow of water through a gastropod mantle cavity follows the same basic principle of continuity that describes flow through a series of pipes. Regions with the largest total cross-sectional areas should have the slowest flow rates and regions with the smallest cross-sectional […]

Odor Sampling In Wavy Environments How Does Ambient Flow Affect Olfactory Flicking In Stomatopods

MEAD, K.S.; Denison University: Odor Sampling In Wavy Environments: How Does Ambient Flow Affect Olfactory Flicking In Stomatopods? Many crustaceans detect odors from distant sources by using chemosensory sensilla (aesthetascs) on their antennules. Stomatopods facilitate odorant access by flicking their antennules, thus increasing the relative velocity of the water and improving odor molecule access to […]

More than one way to sniff a comparative analysis of palinurid lobster antennules

PATEK, S.N.*; GOLDMAN, J.A.; University of California, Berkeley; American Institute of Biological Sciences: More than one way to sniff: a comparative analysis of palinurid lobster antennules Lobsters �sniff� by flicking their antennular flagella. They discretely sample odors in the environment by rapidly closing the flagella, which permits water to flow through sensory hairs, and then […]

Chimney Formation and Plasticity in a Bryozoan

VON DASSOW, M.; Univ. of California, Berkeley: Chimney Formation and Plasticity in a Bryozoan How does fluid flow affect the growth of fluid transport systems? The sheet-like colonial bryozoan Membranipora membranacea is a good system for studying this question because it has a simple geometry and is amenable to experimental manipulation. Crowns of ciliated tentacles […]

The Role of Light in Diel Vertical Migration field measurements of copepod migration behavior and the biologically relevant light environment

COHEN, J.H.*; SINKHORN, E.R.; FORWARD, JR, R.B.; Duke University Marine Laboratory; Duke University Marine Laboratory; Duke University Marine Laboratory: The Role of Light in Diel Vertical Migration: field measurements of copepod migration behavior and the biologically relevant light environment Behavioral responses of zooplankton to light are regarded as the primary proximate factor regulating diel vertical […]

Spatiotemporal aliasing a motion illusion in nocturnal hovering hawkmoths

THEOBALD, J.C.; O’CARROLL, D.C.; University of Washington; Adelaide University: Spatiotemporal aliasing: a motion illusion in nocturnal hovering hawkmoths We have found a curious motion illusion in the wide-field motion-sensitive lobula plate cells of certain nocturnal hawkmoths. These cells, found in many insects, are sensitive to spatial and temporal frequency, contrast, and direction of a stimulus. […]

Sex and the single cell Mechanisms of sperm chemoattraction in laminar shear flows

RIFFELL, J.A.*; ZIMMER, R.K.; University of California, Los Angeles; University of California, Los Angeles: Sex and the single cell: Mechanisms of sperm chemoattraction in laminar shear flows Sperm attractants have been implicated as key mediators of gamete recognition operating prior to cell contact, particularly for animals that broadcast their sperm and eggs into the sea. […]

Photoreceptor-based magnetic compass in an amphibian

PHILLIPS, J.B.*; HERBEIN, J.F.; RITZ, T.; FREAKE, M.J.; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech; University of California, Irvine; Lee University: Photoreceptor-based magnetic compass in an amphibian Magnetic compass orientation in amphibians is mediated by a light-dependent magnetoreception mechanism (Phillips & Borland 1992. Nature 359:142) involving extraocular photoreceptors located in or near the pineal organ (Deutschlander et al. […]

Phenoptypically plastic color vision in a stomatopod crustacean and its potential effects on color signaling in variable light environments

CHEROSKE, AG; CRONIN, TW; University of Maryland, Baltimore County; University of Maryland, Baltimore County: Phenoptypically plastic color vision in a stomatopod crustacean and its potential effects on color signaling in variable light environments. Many animals have color vision systems that seem well-suited to their local environment. Changes in color vision can occur over long periods […]

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