The role of the Insulin Signaling Pathway in mediating nutrition-responsive growth in the polyphenic beetle Onthophagus taurus

Meeting Abstract 56.2  Monday, Jan. 5 13:45  The role of the Insulin Signaling Pathway in mediating nutrition-responsive growth in the polyphenic beetle Onthophagus taurus CASASA, S.*; KIJIMOTO, T.; MOCZEK, A.P.; Indiana University, Bloomington; Indiana University, Bloomington; Indiana University, Bloomington The developmental and genetic mechanisms underlying phenotypic plasticity and their contribution to evolution are of major interests […]

Sexual concordance in phenotypic and transcriptomic responses to testosterone in brown anoles

Meeting Abstract 56.4  Monday, Jan. 5 14:15  Sexual concordance in phenotypic and transcriptomic responses to testosterone in brown anoles COX, C. L,*; CARD, D.; ANDREW, A.; CASTOE, T. A.; COX, R. M.; The University of Virginia; The University of Texas at Arlington; The University of Texas at Arlington; The University of Texas at Arlington; The University of […]

Insulin signaling in appendage allometry and wing polyphenism in the soapberry bug, Jadera haematoloma

Meeting Abstract 56.3  Monday, Jan. 5 14:00  Insulin signaling in appendage allometry and wing polyphenism in the soapberry bug, Jadera haematoloma ANGELINI, DR*; GRUBB JONES, AE; PARKS, MC; Colby College; Colby College; Colby College Polyphenic traits develop different final states due to environmental cues. However, it is unclear how developmental processes differ at the level […]

Presence of Paragonimus species within the secondary crustacean hosts in Bogota, Colombia

Meeting Abstract 56-1  Tuesday, Jan. 5 10:15  Presence of Paragonimus species within the secondary crustacean hosts in Bogota, Colombia PHILLIPS, G*; HUDSON, D; CHAPARRO-GUITERREZ, J; ROCHA, M; Georgia State Univeristy; Atlanta Metropolitan State College; Universidad de Antioquia; Universidad Nacional de Colombia Instituto de Ciencias Naturales sede Bogota Paragonimus spp. are parasites that infect many populations worldwide. […]

Parasite and pathogen communities in African lions (Panthera leo) The role of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus for structuring disease dynamics

Meeting Abstract 56-3  Tuesday, Jan. 5 10:45  Parasite and pathogen communities in African lions (Panthera leo): The role of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus for structuring disease dynamics BROUGHTON, HM*; JOLLES, A; GOVENDER, D; SHIKWAMBANA, P; Oregon State University; Oregon State University; South African National Park Services; South African National Park Services Wildlife conservation, including the conservation […]

New data on effects of Sea Star Wasting Disease – SSWD

Meeting Abstract 56-2  Tuesday, Jan. 5 10:30  New data on effects of Sea Star Wasting Disease – SSWD ARMENDARIZ PEAVY, AJ; Humboldt State University Mortality from disease may play a critical role in food web dynamics of the intertidal zone. The sea star, Pisaster ochraceus, is a keystone species in the intertidal zone and are currently […]

Insights into the role of host access in limiting disease emergence in a natural host-pathogen system

Meeting Abstract 56-7  Tuesday, Jan. 5 11:45  Insights into the role of host access in limiting disease emergence in a natural host-pathogen system STALEY, M*; BONNEAUD, C; HILL, GE; Auburn University; University of Exeter; Auburn University In 1994, an endemic bacterial poultry pathogen, Mycoplasma gallisepticum, underwent a dramatic shift of host range into house finches (Haemorhous […]

From Tolerance to Transmission The Implications of Repeated West Nile Virus Exposure

Meeting Abstract 56-4  Tuesday, Jan. 5 11:00  From Tolerance to Transmission: The Implications of Repeated West Nile Virus Exposure BURGAN, SC*; GERVASI, SS; MARTIN, LB; Univ. of South Florida Host immune responses can reduce parasite load (resistance) and/or mitigate damage caused by infection (tolerance). These defense strategies mediate the outcome of individual infections but also have […]

Experimental evolution of pathogenic biofilms How predator- prey interactions influence virulence in Vibrio cholerae

Meeting Abstract 56-5  Tuesday, Jan. 5 11:15  Experimental evolution of pathogenic biofilms: How predator- prey interactions influence virulence in Vibrio cholerae NISHIGUCHI, MK*; JONES, C; YILDIZ, F; New Mexico State University; University of California, Santa Cruz; University of California, Santa Cruz Understanding the combined effects of both environmental and host selection on the evolution of […]

Buggy Creek virus distribution and dynamics in swallow bugs (Oeciacus vicarius) in cliff swallow (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) colonies in Southeast Nebraska and Southwest Iowa

Meeting Abstract 56-6  Tuesday, Jan. 5 11:30  Buggy Creek virus distribution and dynamics in swallow bugs (Oeciacus vicarius) in cliff swallow (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) colonies in Southeast Nebraska and Southwest Iowa ROWAN, T.N.*; FASSBINDER-ORTH, C.A.; Creighton University; Creighton University Alphaviruses are positive sense RNA viruses carried by arthropods that are responsible for a number of encephalitic and […]

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