Ornamental colors signal sex, health, and breeding status in king penguins, Aptenodytes patagonicus

Meeting Abstract 55.6  Jan. 6  Ornamental colors signal sex, health, and breeding status in king penguins, Aptenodytes patagonicus NOLAN, PM*; NICOLAUS, M; BAJZAK, C; COQUEL, A-S; JOUVENTIN, P; The Citadel; C.E.F.E.-CNRS; C.E.F.E.-CNRS; C.E.F.E.-CNRS; C.E.F.E.-CNRS paul.nolan@citadel.edu We investigated the relationship between colored integumentary ornaments and health, sex, and time of breeding in the king penguin, Aptenodytes patagonicus. Ornamental […]

Linking badge morphology, performance, and field behavior in the ornate tree lizard, Urosaurus ornatus

Meeting Abstract 55.1  Jan. 6  Linking badge morphology, performance, and field behavior in the ornate tree lizard, Urosaurus ornatus. MCELROY, E*; MEYERS, J; IRSCHICK, D; Ohio U.; U. Mass. Amherst; U. Mass. Amherst em386403@ohiou.edu Sexual badges honestly signal performance and fighting ability. However, few studies have tested whether this relationship translates into field behavior, which is key […]

How hummingbirds choose their fights the role of iridescent coloration in aggressive interactions

Meeting Abstract 55.5  Jan. 6  How hummingbirds choose their fights: the role of iridescent coloration in aggressive interactions. MEADOWS, M. G.*; MCGRAW, K. J.; Arizona State University, Tempe melissa.meadows@asu.edu Pigmentary feather color in birds has been widely studied as an honest signal of individual quality that can used by conspecifics in mate choice and other social interactions. […]

Hormones, sexual signals, and performance of green anole lizards (Anolis carolinensis)

Meeting Abstract 55.4  Jan. 6  Hormones, sexual signals, and performance of green anole lizards (Anolis carolinensis) HUSAK, J. F.*; IRSCHICK, D. J.; MEYERS, J. J.; MOORE, I. T.; Virginia Tech; Univ. of Massachusetts; Univ. of Massachusetts; Virginia Tech husak@vt.edu The functional capacities of structures used as weapons during male contests for access to females have been shown […]

Display behavior, sexual signal size, and performance in Anolis sagrei

Meeting Abstract 55.3  Jan. 6  Display behavior, sexual signal size, and performance in Anolis sagrei WOOD, Jessica A.*; MEYERS, Jay; IRSCHICK, Duncan J.; Tulane University; University of Massachusetts, Amherst; University of Massachusetts, Amherst jwood@tulane.edu The theory of honest signaling posits several predictions; (1) There will be variation in quality among males, particularly within a polygynous mating system, […]

Tracking the Dietary History of Chelonians via Stable Isotope Analyses

Meeting Abstract 55.6  Saturday, Jan. 5  Tracking the Dietary History of Chelonians via Stable Isotope Analyses MURRAY, I.W.*; WOLF, B.O.; Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque; Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque imurray@unm.edu We used stable isotope analysis of individual growth rings in the scutes of turtles and tortoises to gather information on their nutritional ecology. Over the course […]

Small Mammal Utilization of Pulsed Resources Quantified through Stable Isotope Analysis

Meeting Abstract 55.5  Saturday, Jan. 5  Small Mammal Utilization of Pulsed Resources Quantified through Stable Isotope Analysis PERSHALL, A.D.*; WARNE, R.; WOLF, B.O.; University of New Mexico; University of New Mexico; University of New Mexico alaina@unm.edu In this study we examine rain-driven pulses of production in C3 and C4 plant functional groups and use stable isotope analysis […]

Marine Eukaryotic Diversity in Sediments Along a Shallow Water Hydrothermal Gradient Inferred from 18S rDNA

Meeting Abstract 55.2  Saturday, Jan. 5  Marine Eukaryotic Diversity in Sediments Along a Shallow Water Hydrothermal Gradient Inferred from 18S rDNA. KARLEN, D.J.*; WU, T.; CAMPBELL, T.G.; GAREY, J.R.; Univ. of South Florida; Univ. of South Florida; Univ. of South Florida; Univ. of South Florida karlen@epchc.org Marine eukaryotic diversity was characterized along an environmental gradient related to […]

How strong are flow-mediated interactions among neighbouring barnacles

Meeting Abstract 55.4  Saturday, Jan. 5  How strong are flow-mediated interactions among neighbouring barnacles? NEUFELD, Christopher J*; PALMER, A Richard; Univ. of Alberta and Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre chris.neufeld@ualberta.ca On rocky shores, water movement varies dramatically in space and time and influences the ecology and form of many organisms. For example, both size and form of barnacle […]

Climate change, ecosystem productivity, and tracking resources through consumers and food webs

Meeting Abstract 55.3  Saturday, Jan. 5  Climate change, ecosystem productivity, and tracking resources through consumers and food webs WOLF, B.O.*; WARNE, R; PERSHALL, A; ENGEL, S; Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque wolf@unm.edu The climate is currently changing at an unprecedented rate and changes in critical factors such as the timing, quantity and predictability of precipitation events, increasing […]

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