Meeting Abstract 55.6 Jan. 6 Ornamental colors signal sex, health, and breeding status in king penguins, Aptenodytes patagonicus NOLAN, PM*; NICOLAUS, M; BAJZAK, C; COQUEL, A-S; JOUVENTIN, P; The Citadel; C.E.F.E.-CNRS; C.E.F.E.-CNRS; C.E.F.E.-CNRS; C.E.F.E.-CNRS We investigated the relationship between colored integumentary ornaments and health, sex, and time of breeding in the king penguin, Aptenodytes patagonicus. Ornamental […]
sessions: Session 55
Linking badge morphology, performance, and field behavior in the ornate tree lizard, Urosaurus ornatus
Meeting Abstract 55.1 Jan. 6 Linking badge morphology, performance, and field behavior in the ornate tree lizard, Urosaurus ornatus. MCELROY, E*; MEYERS, J; IRSCHICK, D; Ohio U.; U. Mass. Amherst; U. Mass. Amherst Sexual badges honestly signal performance and fighting ability. However, few studies have tested whether this relationship translates into field behavior, which is key […]
How hummingbirds choose their fights the role of iridescent coloration in aggressive interactions
Meeting Abstract 55.5 Jan. 6 How hummingbirds choose their fights: the role of iridescent coloration in aggressive interactions. MEADOWS, M. G.*; MCGRAW, K. J.; Arizona State University, Tempe Pigmentary feather color in birds has been widely studied as an honest signal of individual quality that can used by conspecifics in mate choice and other social interactions. […]
Hormones, sexual signals, and performance of green anole lizards (Anolis carolinensis)
Meeting Abstract 55.4 Jan. 6 Hormones, sexual signals, and performance of green anole lizards (Anolis carolinensis) HUSAK, J. F.*; IRSCHICK, D. J.; MEYERS, J. J.; MOORE, I. T.; Virginia Tech; Univ. of Massachusetts; Univ. of Massachusetts; Virginia Tech The functional capacities of structures used as weapons during male contests for access to females have been shown […]
Display behavior, sexual signal size, and performance in Anolis sagrei
Meeting Abstract 55.3 Jan. 6 Display behavior, sexual signal size, and performance in Anolis sagrei WOOD, Jessica A.*; MEYERS, Jay; IRSCHICK, Duncan J.; Tulane University; University of Massachusetts, Amherst; University of Massachusetts, Amherst The theory of honest signaling posits several predictions; (1) There will be variation in quality among males, particularly within a polygynous mating system, […]
Tracking the Dietary History of Chelonians via Stable Isotope Analyses
Meeting Abstract 55.6 Saturday, Jan. 5 Tracking the Dietary History of Chelonians via Stable Isotope Analyses MURRAY, I.W.*; WOLF, B.O.; Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque; Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque We used stable isotope analysis of individual growth rings in the scutes of turtles and tortoises to gather information on their nutritional ecology. Over the course […]
Small Mammal Utilization of Pulsed Resources Quantified through Stable Isotope Analysis
Meeting Abstract 55.5 Saturday, Jan. 5 Small Mammal Utilization of Pulsed Resources Quantified through Stable Isotope Analysis PERSHALL, A.D.*; WARNE, R.; WOLF, B.O.; University of New Mexico; University of New Mexico; University of New Mexico In this study we examine rain-driven pulses of production in C3 and C4 plant functional groups and use stable isotope analysis […]
Marine Eukaryotic Diversity in Sediments Along a Shallow Water Hydrothermal Gradient Inferred from 18S rDNA
Meeting Abstract 55.2 Saturday, Jan. 5 Marine Eukaryotic Diversity in Sediments Along a Shallow Water Hydrothermal Gradient Inferred from 18S rDNA. KARLEN, D.J.*; WU, T.; CAMPBELL, T.G.; GAREY, J.R.; Univ. of South Florida; Univ. of South Florida; Univ. of South Florida; Univ. of South Florida Marine eukaryotic diversity was characterized along an environmental gradient related to […]
How strong are flow-mediated interactions among neighbouring barnacles
Meeting Abstract 55.4 Saturday, Jan. 5 How strong are flow-mediated interactions among neighbouring barnacles? NEUFELD, Christopher J*; PALMER, A Richard; Univ. of Alberta and Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre On rocky shores, water movement varies dramatically in space and time and influences the ecology and form of many organisms. For example, both size and form of barnacle […]
Climate change, ecosystem productivity, and tracking resources through consumers and food webs
Meeting Abstract 55.3 Saturday, Jan. 5 Climate change, ecosystem productivity, and tracking resources through consumers and food webs WOLF, B.O.*; WARNE, R; PERSHALL, A; ENGEL, S; Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque The climate is currently changing at an unprecedented rate and changes in critical factors such as the timing, quantity and predictability of precipitation events, increasing […]