Hand skeleton and wingtip evolution in coraciiform and piciform birds

Meeting Abstract 55-5  Tuesday, Jan. 5 11:15  Hand skeleton and wingtip evolution in coraciiform and piciform birds HIERONYMUS, TL; NEOMED thieronymus@neomed.edu Differences in avian wingtip shape have well-characterized relationships to flight performance, migratory behavior, and feeding ecology. Kingfishers, woodpeckers, and their kin (Coraciimorphae) display a broad range of wingtip shapes, as well as a range of flight […]

Evolution of the Lower Jaw of Gnathostomes

Meeting Abstract 55-2  Tuesday, Jan. 5 10:30  Evolution of the Lower Jaw of Gnathostomes HILL, J/J; University of Bristol jjhill100@gmail.com The origin of the lower jaw is a key innovation that underpins the adaptive radiation of gnathostomes. The jaw has undergone fundamental changes to its composition and has endured major ecological changes including the transitions from water […]

Early Insights into How to Build a Gnathostome Cranium

Meeting Abstract 55-1  Tuesday, Jan. 5 10:15  Early Insights into How to Build a Gnathostome Cranium GROGAN, E.D.*; LUND, R.; Saint Joseph’s University; Carnegie Museum egrogan@sju.edu Embryological studies of vertebrate development have culminated in a model of the cartilaginous units which collectively contribute to formation of the chondrichthyan cranium. Developmental studies of neural crest and mesodermal cell […]

Covariation of Body and Oral Jaw Shapes in Malagasy and South Asian Cichlids

Meeting Abstract 55-3  Tuesday, Jan. 5 10:15  Covariation of Body and Oral Jaw Shapes in Malagasy and South Asian Cichlids MARTINEZ, C.M.*; SPARKS, J.S.; American Museum of Natural History; American Museum of Natural History cmartinez@amnh.org Etroplinae and Ptychochrominae represent two subfamilies of the highly diverse family Cichlidae. Occurring in Madagascar and South Asia, these groups are less […]

A giant fossil chasmosaurine (Ceratopsidae, Dinosauria) postcranium from Wyoming

Meeting Abstract 55-8  Tuesday, Jan. 5 12:00  A giant fossil chasmosaurine (Ceratopsidae, Dinosauria) postcranium from Wyoming FORIR, M*; CONRAD, JL; Missouri Institute of Natural Science; NYIT COM / AMNH cavehog@hotmail.com http://www.monatsci.org/ The Late Cretaceous (LK) Lance Formation (Maastrichtian) is a well-sampled division from which a variety of vertebrates are known, especially avian and non-avian dinosaur species. A […]

Transcriptomics of salamander tail tips reveal potential biomarkers of stress

Meeting Abstract 55-2  Friday, Jan. 6 10:30 – 10:45  Transcriptomics of salamander tail tips reveal potential biomarkers of stress. CLAY, TA*; TREGLIA, ML; STEFFEN, MA; TRUJANO-ALVAREZ, AL; BONETT, RM; University of Tulsa; University of Tulsa; University of Tulsa; University of Tulsa; University of Tulsa timothy-clay@utulsa.edu Global biodiversity is decreasing at an alarming rate and amphibians are at […]

The role of photoperiod in stimulating facultative migration

Meeting Abstract 55-5  Friday, Jan. 6 11:15 – 11:30  The role of photoperiod in stimulating facultative migration WATTS, HE*; ROBART, AR; Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA; Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA hwatts1@lmu.edu In obligate migrants, increasing day length and the resulting increase in androgen levels are a key mechanism stimulating the transition to a vernal […]

Sexual dimorphism in expression of steroid hormone receptors in garter snake skin

Meeting Abstract 55-3  Friday, Jan. 6 10:45 – 11:00  Sexual dimorphism in expression of steroid hormone receptors in garter snake skin ASHTON, SE*; PARKER, MR; James Madison Univ.; James Madison Univ. ashtonse@dukes.jmu.edu The production of many secondary sexual signals, including pheromones, is controlled by sex hormone action at the sites of signal synthesis. The red-garter snake (Thamnophis […]

Preparing for winter dormancy Early-life experience affects condition, metabolism, and hormonal response to cold temperatures in the checkered garter snake, Thamnophis marcianus

Meeting Abstract 55-4  Friday, Jan. 6 11:00 – 11:15  Preparing for winter dormancy: Early-life experience affects condition, metabolism, and hormonal response to cold temperatures in the checkered garter snake, Thamnophis marcianus HOLDEN, KG*; GANGLOFF, EJ; BRONIKOWSKI, AM; Iowa State University; Iowa State University; Iowa Sate University pettinkg@iastate.edu Characterizing the physiological response to prolonged cold exposure in ectotherms […]

Multiple Steroid and Thyroid Hormones Detected in Baleen from Seven Whale Species

Meeting Abstract 55-1  Friday, Jan. 6 10:15 – 10:30  Multiple Steroid and Thyroid Hormones Detected in Baleen from Seven Whale Species HUNT, KE*; LYSIAK, NS; MOORE, MJ; SETON, RE; ROBBINS, J; N Arizona Univ; New England Aquarium; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; College of the Atlantic; Center for Coastal Studies Kathleen.Hunt@nau.edu Recent studies have demonstrated that progesterone and […]

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