Leptin Function in Zebrafish

Meeting Abstract 55.3  Saturday, Jan. 5  Leptin Function in Zebrafish. LONDRAVILLE, RL*; LIU, Q; DALMAN, MR; BAGATTO, B; Univ. of Akron; Univ. of Akron; Univ. of Akron; Univ. of Akron londraville@uakron.edu One of the most striking anatomical features of both cold adapted and cold acclimated fishes is their extreme adiposity, with lipid comprising up to 60% of […]

Glycerol Production and Cellular Uptake Mechanisms in Rainbow Smelt

Meeting Abstract 55.1  Saturday, Jan. 5  Glycerol Production and Cellular Uptake Mechanisms in Rainbow Smelt DRIEDZIC, W. R. ; Memorial University, NL, Canada wdriedzic@mun.ca Rainbow smelt is a small (≈10cm) fish that feeds under the sea ice during winter. Freeze resistance is achieved in part by the accumulation of high levels of glycerol (200 – 400 mM). […]

From Muscle to Molecule Function and Structure of the Calcium-Binding Protein Calsequestrin from a Eurythermal Teleost

Meeting Abstract 55.4  Saturday, Jan. 5  From Muscle to Molecule: Function and Structure of the Calcium-Binding Protein Calsequestrin from a Eurythermal Teleost GROVE, T.J.*; WHITTINGTON, A.C.; NIENOW, T.E.; WHITTINGTON, C.L.; FORT, T.J.; Valdosta State University; Florida State University; Valdosta State University; University of South Florida; Valdosta State University tjgrove@valdosta.edu Calsequestrins (CSQ) are Ca2+-binding proteins in the sarcoplasmic […]

Does glucose metabolism limit rainbow cardiac performance in rainbow trout at high temperatures

Meeting Abstract 55.5  Saturday, Jan. 5  Does glucose metabolism limit rainbow cardiac performance in rainbow trout at high temperatures? RODNICK, KEN; Idaho State University rodnkenn@isu.edu Fundamental questions remain regarding the limits and regulation of cardiac function in fish challenged with elevated water temperature. While the use of glucose for energy metabolism – especially during hypoxia – is […]

Using impression fossils and 3D tomography to investigate the role of oxygen in insect evolution

Meeting Abstract 55.4  Sunday, Jan. 5 14:15  Using impression fossils and 3D tomography to investigate the role of oxygen in insect evolution VANDENBROOKS, JM*; HARRISON, JF; Arizona State University; Arizona State University jvandenb@asu.edu Changes in atmospheric oxygen levels have been hypothesized to have driven evolutionary changes in insect body size, including Paleozoic gigantism. However, the fact that […]

Salt and the Rough-skinned Newt Investigations of Adaptation to a Natural and Anthropogenic Stressor

Meeting Abstract 55.6  Sunday, Jan. 5 14:45  Salt and the Rough-skinned Newt: Investigations of Adaptation to a Natural and Anthropogenic Stressor HOPKINS, G.R.*; BRODIE, JR., E.D.; FRENCH, S.S.; Utah State University; Utah State University; Utah State University gareth.hopkins@usu.edu Amphibians are osmotically sensitive organisms, and tolerance of saline environments is rare (some coastal species have adapted to natural […]

Physiological Components of Chick Quality at a Critical Life History Transition

Meeting Abstract 55.8  Sunday, Jan. 5 15:15  Physiological Components of Chick Quality at a Critical Life History Transition CORNELL, A.E.*; WILLIAMS, T.D.; Simon Fraser University; Simon Fraser University acornell@sfu.ca In passerines, the immediate post-fledging stage is marked by high levels of mortality, making the developmental “milestone” from nestling to fledgling a critical life history transition. Although many […]

Mosaic physiology from developmental stochasticity an alternative to phenotypic plasticity

Meeting Abstract 55.1  Sunday, Jan. 5 13:30  Mosaic physiology from developmental stochasticity: an alternative to phenotypic plasticity WOODS, H. A.; Univ. of Montana art.woods@mso.umt.edu A key problem in organismal biology is to understand the origins of functional diversity. Modern biology proposes two general mechanisms. The first is developmental programs, by which single cells diversify into the organized […]

Larval lipid accumulation strategies when adults fail to synthesize lipids Carry over between life stages in holometabolous insects

Meeting Abstract 55.2  Sunday, Jan. 5 13:45  Larval lipid accumulation strategies when adults fail to synthesize lipids: Carry over between life stages in holometabolous insects VISSER, B.*; CASAS, J.; GIRON, D.; Institut de Recherche sur la Biologie de l’Insecte, Université de Tours, IRBI UMR CNRS 7261, Avenue Monge, 37200 Tours, France; Institut de Recherche sur la Biologie […]

Heterogeneity in Physiological Performance at the Northern Range Edge of a Tropical Frog Complex

Meeting Abstract 55.7  Sunday, Jan. 5 15:00  Heterogeneity in Physiological Performance at the Northern Range Edge of a Tropical Frog Complex STREICHER, J.W.*; ROELKE, C.E.; FUJITA, M.K.; Univ. of Arizona; Univ. of Texas, Arlington; Univ. of Texas, Arlington streicher@uta.edu The process of spatial sorting is thought to occur when differential dispersal capabilities assemble particular phenotypes at expanding […]

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