Geographic variation and temperature-induced phenotypic plasticity of cell size in the lizard Anolis carolinensis

Meeting Abstract 52.4  Jan. 6  Geographic variation and temperature-induced phenotypic plasticity of cell size in the lizard Anolis carolinensis GOODMAN, R.M.; Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville Phenotypic plasticity at the cellular level has been suggested to relate to plasticity of body size and geographic variation in body size associated with latitude and environmental temperature in ectotherms. The current […]


Meeting Abstract 52.2  Jan. 6  GENETIC VARIATION AND PHENOTYPIC PLASTICITY OF THE GORGONIAN Plexaura flexuosa IN PUERTO RICO PRADA, Carlos*; SCHIZAS, Nikolaos; YOSHIOKA, Paul; University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Caribbean octocorals are relatively abundant and visually dominant in low relief hard ground habitats with preference for high water motion areas. As other Anthozoans, octocorals display a […]

Effects of Voluntary Activity and Genetic Selection on Muscle Metabolic Capacities and Organ Masses in House Mice

Meeting Abstract 52.3  Jan. 6  Effects of Voluntary Activity and Genetic Selection on Muscle Metabolic Capacities and Organ Masses in House Mice KELLY, SA*; GOMES, FR; KOLB, EM; MALISCH, JL; GARLAND, T, JR.; Univ. of California, Riverside Studies of rodents have generally found that chronic voluntary exercise causes elevations in total daily energy expenditure (DEE) that […]

Re-evaluating parental investment strategies in albatross – a physiological perspective

Meeting Abstract 52.3  Saturday, Jan. 5  Re-evaluating parental investment strategies in albatross – a physiological perspective SPRAGUE, R.S.**; ZAUN, B.J.; BREUNER, C.W.; Univ. of Montana; Kauai NWR Complex; Univ. of Montana The pattern of foraging trips made by Procellariiform seabirds during chick rearing allows us to investigate the parental tradeoff between self-maintenance and investment in offspring. […]

Learning about novel stressors a role for acute corticosterone elevations in free-ranging lizards

Meeting Abstract 52.4  Saturday, Jan. 5  Learning about novel stressors: a role for acute corticosterone elevations in free-ranging lizards THAKER, M*; HEWS, DK; LIMA, SL; Indiana State Univ.; Indiana State Univ.; Indiana State Univ. Elevation in plasma corticosterone (CORT) during stressful events has been functionally linked to immediate changes in behaviors such as locomotion, foraging activity, […]

Corticosterone response to nest-directed disturbances in two migratory songbirds

Meeting Abstract 52.1  Saturday, Jan. 5  Corticosterone response to nest-directed disturbances in two migratory songbirds BUTLER, Luke K*; BISSON, Isabelle; HAYDEN, Timothy J; WIKELSKI, Martin; ROMERO, L. Michael; Tufts University; Princeton University; Army Endangered Species Research Program; Princeton University; Tufts University In an attempt to measure the susceptibility of an endangered songbird to chronic stress, we […]

Chronically elevated corticosterone inhibits mating and feeding in a Plethodontid salamander, Desmognathus ochrophaeus

Meeting Abstract 52.5  Saturday, Jan. 5  Chronically elevated corticosterone inhibits mating and feeding in a Plethodontid salamander, Desmognathus ochrophaeus RICCIARDELLA, L.F.*; WOODLEY, S.K.; Duquesne University; Duquesne University In western Pennsylvania, acidified streams are common. Studies show that acidification is associated with altered stream salamander assemblages. The mountain dusky salamander, Desmognathus ochrophaeus, is an abundant local species […]

An Investigation of Male Age, Provisioning Rate, and Physiological Costs in Florida Scrub-Jays

Meeting Abstract 52.2  Saturday, Jan. 5  An Investigation of Male Age, Provisioning Rate, and Physiological Costs in Florida Scrub-Jays WILCOXEN, T.E.*; SCHOECH, S.J.; BRIDGE, E.S.; BOUGHTON, R.K.; University of Memphis; University of Memphis; University of Memphis; Archbold Biological Station Life-history theory predicts that as animals age they should increase the energy expended towards the care of […]

Silk filaments facilitate larval dispersal through freshwater stream pools

Meeting Abstract 52.1  Monday, Jan. 5  Silk filaments facilitate larval dispersal through freshwater stream pools FINGERUT, J*; SCHAMEL, L; FAUGNO, A; MESTRINARO, M; HABDAS, P; Saint Joseph’s University; Saint Joseph’s University; Saint Joseph’s University; Saint Joseph’s University; Saint Joseph’s University For species that use ambient flow to facilitate dispersal, the heterogeneous nature of the lotic environment […]

Low landings lead to lofty living forces on newly settled invertebrate larvae in realistic flow environments

Meeting Abstract 52.2  Monday, Jan. 5  Low landings lead to lofty living: forces on newly settled invertebrate larvae in realistic flow environments KREFT, J.K.*; WALDROP, L.D.; KOEHL, M.A.R.; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley Many benthic marine animals disperse via microscopic planktonic larvae. Recruitment, which begins with settlement onto substrata, […]

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